

Author: 明日雄心
Ongoing · 7.6K Views
  • 69 Chs
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What is 我能穿越武侠仙侠游戏

Read ‘我能穿越武侠仙侠游戏’ Online for Free, written by the author 明日雄心, This book is a 游戏 Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: 一觉醒来,成了低武世界里的学渣,地球还面临外星文明入侵,没有天赋没有秘籍没有宝物……幸好,我还可以穿越武侠仙侠游戏。冒险岛归来,一招新手蜗牛投掷术,从此学渣变学霸。金庸群侠传归来,修炼《九阴真经》,年少成名跃升先天高手,震撼天下。解锁仙剑、...


一觉醒来,成了低武世界里的学渣,地球还面临外星文明入侵,没有天赋没有秘籍没有宝物…… 幸好,我还可以穿越武侠仙侠游戏。 冒险岛归来,一招新手蜗牛投掷术,从此学渣变学霸。 金庸群侠传归来,修炼《九阴真经》,年少成名跃升先天高手,震撼天下。 解锁仙剑、古剑双剑秘辛,御剑乘风回,除魔天地间,回天之力开辟修仙时代。 诛仙、梦幻西游…… 这是一个外星文明即将入侵,人类危机重重的时代,且看学渣周拯,如何在众多经典游戏里升级归来,为人类生存而战,为守护地球而战!

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Realism (Reality Facts)

Hi, let's go on an adventure and travel into the oh-so wonders of sarcasm, irony, happiness, sadness and all of the emotions altogether mixed up and put into this e-novel as we uncover, learn and go through all the problems and issues (as many as possible and more or whatever) that are happening all around the world, etc. WARNING: Some of the topics contain sensitive information that will be discussed in here and will be for mature audiences, specifically for anyone who is 15 and above/ has a very high level of maturity. So, if you're reading this and you are at OR above the level of maturity, I trust that you will read this with an open and mature mind which should help you read it with ease. However, just saying, if you're at the age of 0-14 years old OR you're not at the level of maturity yet then, I beg you, PLEASE read this with your parents, guardians, older brother/sister, etc. Please read this with someone you trust and can rely on the fact that they'll help guide you through this and help you ignore anything that disturbs you while you're reading it. The best solution, “PAUSE”. If you don't feel comfortable, you feel scared, stressed, anxious or worse, STOP READING IT. If you cannot handle reading this, then DON'T READ IT because I am scared that it might OR will affect you. I don't want you forcing yourself to read it. If you can't read it, don't read it. If you can read it, then read on and keep going. So, pls read with responsibility and maturity and also, always do what's right always. Please, I BEG YOU!!!!!!! I will put pointers here and there on certain chapters to indicate sensitive information that will be discussed here. So, with that, are you all ready? Good, let's go.

Moth_Hashira · Teen
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1 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :主世界卷一
Volume 2 :冒险岛世界(低武)卷
Volume 3 :金庸群侠传(中武)卷


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General Audiencesmature rating