

Author: 渔樵闲耕
Ongoing · 12.1K Views
  • 114 Chs
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What is 我只想着长生

Read ‘我只想着长生’ Online for Free, written by the author 渔樵闲耕, This book is a 玄幻 Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: 由于自己脑海中莫名其妙地出现一座记忆之塔,杨杉见证了各式各样的死亡。所以,我莫得感情,只想长生。但俗事太多,阻我长生。“这位神仙姐姐,麻烦你把裙子稍微放一放,露的太多,影响仙容。”“这堆灵宝,莫名奇妙的飞来投靠我,家里都装不下了,有要的吗?...


由于自己脑海中莫名其妙地出现一座记忆之塔,杨杉见证了各式各样的死亡。 所以,我莫得感情,只想长生。 但俗事太多,阻我长生。 “这位神仙姐姐,麻烦你把裙子稍微放一放,露的太多,影响仙容。” “这堆灵宝,莫名奇妙的飞来投靠我,家里都装不下了,有要的吗?大减价!” “这只妖兽,请你放尊重点,离我远些。要是让我家马看见,你就死定了。” 杨杉无奈地拍了拍自己的脸,叹道:“莫非这长生路上,最大的障碍就是我这张朴实无华毫无特色的脸吗?”

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Mine: All I've got

Close your eyes." I heard a sturdy voice say. "Feel it within your breath. Find it with your heart. Listen to its rhythm and follow" the voice continued. I felt a strong hand move along my hands and up to my shoulders. "What can you see?" the voice asked clearly. "A man!" i said fearlessly. "How far away is he?" "A few meters away" "That's it!' the voice continued. "This is your calling" the voice began to echo and seemed to diminish. "Wake up! It's time to meet your father. Make sure to apply enough oil on your skin and do well to use the clothes on the table at the entrance" my grandmother said. "Ok, Nana" I sighed. I knew he was going to talk about marriage. Maybe another suitor had gone to him to seek for my hand in marriage. It was all a dream. Who was talking to me in my dream? The figure of the man I saw in my dream was blurred. I couldn't see his face. He looked upright from where he was. I liked his physique. But it was all a dream. Wait! Why is that my calling? I wish I could get back into my dream and ask. Why did grandma wake me up so early? Anyway, I have to prepare to meet my father. He sent his word to me the previous evening that he would want to meet me. After bathing, I applied enough oil on my skin and wrapped my breast and waist with the pieces of cloth. I set off to my father's house, which was a few meters away from where i lived. **** Romance may not be steamy. NB: All characters and storyline are fictions. NB: Novel Cover isn't mine. All credits related to the pic goes to it's owner.

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29 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :长生何求?
Volume 2 :长生何求?
Volume 3 :第九山


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