

Author: 咆哮的苹果
Ongoing · 42K Views
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What is 属性至尊


吴昊一觉醒来,发现重新回到了高中时代,不过这个高中时代却与以前的有了截然不同,高中生的学识水准就已经远超前世的研究生。以他前世的研究生水准,似乎前途一片灰暗。 偶然的机会,吴昊发现他竟然能够吸收一些物品中的不知名气流来获得经验值,通过经验值可以增加身体属性、学习武道技能,走出一条非同寻常的至尊之路。

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Zuxorg a world of pure chaos, every creature fighting and devouring one another to become a being of higher power. Many gods watch over these creatures, wagering bets on who shall claim the throne. Going as far as blessing these creatures to aid them with their powers. For whoever takes the throne that appears every 5 hundred years, shall ascend and join the ranks of the Gods. ------------------------------------ Main Character will be a Kobold, throughout the entire novel as I wish for him to stay that way. He shall evolve into much higher life forms but mainly becoming a unique type of Kobold. These Kobolds are the Dog kind, not the lizard. In this novel Lizard Kobolds and Rat Kobolds do exist though. Mc was never a human, as he was born a kobold. Mc will be "Evil" as he is a monster. He is selfish and will do anything to improve himself and his tribe. --------------------------------- Got inspiration from "Epic of Caterpillar" and the orc novel "Green Skins" Cover art is not mine. ------------------------------ I have wrote some other books before, for some reason I have never really got past the "7 chapter mark." I do indeed wish to break this "Curse" which I will do, I promise. I am writing on my phone so sorry for grammar like problems, as autocorrect screws me sometimes. I do indeed wish to become a writer someday, if you see faults and what I can do to fix said problems then please tell me. I want to improve my craft so I appreciate all the support and criticism I may get. Thanks!

OdinEatsBooty · Fantasy
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8 Chs
Table of Contents
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Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :不一样的高中生涯
Volume 2 :第二卷 化劲之路
Volume 3 :第二卷 化劲之路
Volume 4 :第三卷 一宗之主
Volume 5 :第四卷 镇守一方


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