

Author: 简非白
Ongoing · 13.6K Views
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What is 大佬在我直播间撒糖


毕业一年后的同学聚会上,校花迟遇欢脱如鸡。 她和男同学聊的正嗨时,包厢门口突然出现一道人影。 “我是不是眼花了?那是……周教授么?” “我去,竟然是真的!活的!” “谁那么大面子请得动他?” 周砚之,海大金融系最年轻的教授,海市最具潜力投资公司的创始人。 大家惊讶的议论纷纷时,只有迟遇安静如鸡,恨不得钻到桌子底下。 众目睽睽,周砚之堂而皇之的走向迟遇,将她提溜起来,似笑非笑又一脸宠溺,那是谁都不曾见过的温柔,“遇遇,你不是说可以带家属么?嗯?” 众人:“??!”卧槽?! 直到周砚之离席去洗手间,他们瞬间将迟遇包围逼问,“说,你是怎么把大佬搞到手的?” 迟遇:“……呵呵”还不是因为我跑的不够快。

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“ I Am Become Death”

A man once quoted the words, “ Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds.” It was a well known phrase, the embodiment of guilt for deaths he had caused with his own ideas. Some would say he made the right choice to cause such destruction, others would say the lives lost were not worth what was learned. This is different. I am Narcissa, a girl born powerless. In this world, that might as well be a death sentence. In this world, power is inherited through genetics, magic power, that is. Power that allows people all kinds of possibilities. These powers are often specific, but with each power comes purpose. Those born without power, however, have no purpose. For the first fifteen years of my life I’ve grown up in a government-managed orphanage. They say I’m one of the lucky ones, because I can eat, I can drink, and I can learn. If anything that just shows how disgusting something like “luck” truly can be, cruel enough to spare me nothing when it matters, but merciful as to keep me alive afterwards… or perhaps that’s just cruel in itself. The children in my orphanage undergo yearly tests as to confirm whether or not they truly have a power. It’s necessary, as, oftentimes powers may take longer to develop, or the individual may not even realize they have a power at all. To see if they have a purpose in this world. I was the same not long ago. Until I realized my purpose was to destroy. The destruction of matter was once considered impossible, but now, a mere child can do it at will. All I wanted was power, but now I hate to think what may become of that power. I worry for the day I may be commanded to use said power against another person, regardless of innocence.

Cerecia · Fantasy
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