

Author: 谨慎优雅
Ongoing · 6.1K Views
  • 63 Chs
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What is 卿本佳人奈何荒唐


穿成一个闲散的郡主,最大的目标是想赚点小钱云游江湖,可是小时候神秘的门派找上自己,又被卷入到后宫前朝的权势争斗里,思思又能否独善其身? 母亲的身份,父亲死亡的真相,居然还惹了一个腹黑的四皇子?! 李元澈:“小长安,你又顽皮.” 元思思:“四殿下可真是个变态!” 本书又名<论逃出皇室的一百种办法>

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The Seduction System

Jay is a new college student, 19 years old, travel to Australia to visit his step mom Liz's twin sis, aunt Bec in his gap year, died in air plane crash. He went to the hell. A demon succubus Lilith took his soul and discovered all his evil thoughts, which is why he is in hell. She gave him some power and reverse his life back to 1 year ago. He needs to use the magic to save those unhappy wives, and let them find their happiness after their unhappy marriage life, in order to extend his life. If he didn't obey, he would be dead at the exact day 1 year after. =================== R18, Forbidden Desires, Villain, Corrupted Souls, Weak to Strong, Adultery, Cheating, MILFs, ... Extremely attention to detail, especially on some actions. *** Status: Applying for Contract *** Every chapter will be free before that! This novel is based around Netori, NOT Netorare. Jay will NOT get cheated on. Unhappy ladies he needed to save: Liz - His step mom. Bec - His Aunty. Step mom's twin sister living overseas in Australia Anna - The airplane crush survivor Lisa - His boss Zoe - His client Julia - His new neighbor Emma - His stepdad's new wife (new stepmom?) Sarah - His teacher Mia - His therapist Sue Gibson - politician And more... Moreover, at the end, he needs to find the final boss - Lilith! To free their souls. ================= Please leave your review and comments, vote for it, and add it to your collection. Your support is very important to me! Let me know if you enjoy reading my book, so I can provide more and better chapters for you!

OliverSmith_ · Fantasy
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Yakinkan Aku Jodohmu

Nadia, saat ini bekerja paruh waktu sebagai salah satu karyawan di Anugerah Komputer di Kota Yogyakarta. Namun, selain itu dia juga sambil menjalankan kuliah S1nya di sebuah Unversitas. Waktu yang 24 jam sehari, terkadang terasa sempit bagi Nadia. Waktunya untuk bekerja 8 jam sehari di Anugerah Komputer, ditambah dengan waktu kuliahnya. Tak jarang, Nadia bahkan terkadang hanya mampu tidur 2 jam dalam 24 jam karena banyaknya tugas yang harus dia kerjakan. Di tempatnya bekerja, Nadia bersama kedua rekan satu shiftnya bernama Kak Rara dan Mesya. Keduanya, sama-sama orang asli Yogyakarta. Berbeda dengan Nadia, yang berasal dari luar Yogyakarta. Nadia, memilki perjuangan hidup yang berbeda dari keduanya. Karena dia juga harus jauh dari orang tua dan hidup indekos. Rara, dia dipanggil oleh semua rekan kerjanya dengan sebutan Kak Rara. Selain karena dia yang sudah bekerja di sana jauh lebih lama, namun juga karena usianya yang jauh di atas rekan kerja lainnya. Kak Rara, seorang janda dengan satu anak usia sekitar 5 tahun. Namun penampilan mereka berbeda, karena Nadia mengenakan kerudung sementara Kak Rara dan Mesya tidak mengenakan kerudung. Di suatu ketika, datanglah Huda. Dia merupakan salah satu pelanggan setia di Anugerah Komputer. Huda, membuka usaha servis laptop dan komputer di sebuah ruko kecil. Dia cerdas, berwawasan luas dan juga periang. Meskipun dia meliliki kekurangan yaitu disabilitas, dimana lengan sebelah kirinya tak bisa tumbuh normal seperti orang kebanyakan namun hal tersebut membuatnya minder sama sekali, bahkan dia begitu percaya diri. Huda sudah mengenal Kak Rara dengan sangat baik, karena sudah beberapa tahun terakhir ini Huda cukup sering ke Anugerah Komputer untuk membeli berbagai perlengkapan dan spare part komputer di sana. Kak Rara pun terlihat sudah semakin nyaman saat ngobrol dengan Huda. Sementara itu, Huda juga selalu terlihat nyaman jika ngobrol dengan Kak Rara. Keduanya bisa sejam bahkan dua jam kalau sudah ngobrol entah apa saja yang mereka bicarakan dan terlihat begitu asik. Kak Rara pun diam-diam ada rasa dengan Huda, namun ternyata berbeda dengan yang dipikirkan oleh Huda. Huda menganggap Kak Rara sebatas seperti kakaknya sendiri saja. Namun hal itu tidak membuat Kak Rara menjauh, kedunya tetap dekat. Hingga pada akhirnya Huda menyadari kehadiran Nadia. Huda yang melihat Nadia sebagai wanita yang polos dan unik, justru ada perasaan tertarik. Namun Huda justru berniat mendekati Nadia melalui Kak Rara, yang tentu saja membuat Kak Rara tidak menyukainya. Namun di depan Nadia, Kak Rara tetap bersikap biasa saja. Selama berbulan-bulan, terjadi perang dingin antara Kak Rara dan Nadia yang mulai menyadari bahwa Huda sepertinya ada rasa dengannya. Namun Nadia sendiri tidak yakin, karena setiap Huda datang ke toko, dia selalu ngobrol begitu asik dengan Kak Rara. Dalam hati kecilnya, Nadia ternyata juga mengagumi Mas Huda. Hingga tibalah saatnya Mas Huda benar-benar menembak Nadia. Nadia yang baru pertama kali ditembak oleh seorang pria semasa hidupnya, bingung bagaimana menanggapinya. Hingga pada akhirnya Nadia memberi jawaban kepada Mas Huda, kalau dia akan mencoba menerima Mas Huda. Nadia dan Mas Huda pun mulai dekat. Sejak saat itu, frekuensi obrolan dengan Kak Rara menjadi sedikit berkurang. Suatu ketika, Mas Huda mengantarkan Nadia untuk pulang ke rumahnya di Solo. Dan itu, merupakan kali pertama seorang Nadia diantar pulang oleh seorang pria. Setelah Mas Huda kembali pulang, Pak Samsul dan Bu Wati bertanya kepada putrinya. Nadia pun jujur kepada kedua orang tuanya kalau Mas Huda itu kekasihnya. Pak Huda menasehati putrinya untuk memikirkannya benar-benar. Beliau takut kalau sampai Nadia benar-benar serius dengan Mas Huda, nanti cucu-cucunya juga akan mengalami disabilitas seperti Mas Huda. Sementara itu Nadia yang sudah terlanjur jatuh hati dengan Mas Huda, tidak lagi mempedulikan masalah fisik.

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WANGDAO-Pueri Lucis Ac Tenebris

In a realm where angels and demons dwell, A nephilim named Araquiel, torn between both, fell. Born of Lametva's darkness and Anael's light, His powers of Chaos and creation were a fearsome sight. Araquiel's fate was changed by a hero he'd idealize. Through a holographic window, he beheld a grand battle, Lyra, a commander of the interstellar union, making her courageous stand. Against a monstrous spider, devourer of planets and stars, Lyra's bravery shimmered like the brightest of quasars. Her words of wisdom echoed, piercing through the night: "Believe in yourself and all that you are, Know there's a force within you that can take you far. Greater than any obstacle that may lie ahead, Embrace your inner strength, let it guide you instead." With newfound determination, Araquiel's path was clear, To join the Interstellar Union, to conquer his fear. Inspired by Lyra's valor, he'd make a difference, he knew, Defending different galaxy from threats, both old and new. Araquiel's heart now set on a purpose grand and true, To protect the cosmos, a noble cause to pursue. His powers of Chaos and creation, once a curse, now a boon, Ready to shine brightly alongside the stars. Embark on an exhilarating space fantasy odyssey that delves deep into the themes of acceptance, and the eternal battle between light and darkness. Araquiel enthralling journey as a nephilim—born from the celestial union of an angel and a demon—offers an unparalleled perspective on these timeless themes, ensuring a captivating and thrilling literary experience for readers. Navigating the complexities of his dual heritage, Araquiel tale is one of self-discovery, as he grapples with his angelic and demonic origins. The story weaves together the threads of his internal struggles, while simultaneously exploring the broader cosmic landscape, providing an unforgettable reading adventure. ______________________ This is my first story and I will try my best to make it interesting to read. If there's some error, you can say it, I will correct them.

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A Sedução da Coroa

[Alerta: conteúdo maduro r18+/forte] Ele é a sua salvação. Ela, a sua decádida. No entanto, ele se recusa a deixá-la ir... Minéia, a Princesa mais jovem de Ebódia, foi amaldiçoada ao nascer para permanecer imaculada e trazer desgraça àqueles ao seu redor. Esta profecia paira sobre ela como uma nuvem escura, crescendo a cada ano que não se realiza. Ela existe em murmúrios silenciosos como uma figura lamentável - frágil, submissa, indesejada. Por trás dessa máscara há uma fêmea forte e destemida digna de ser rainha. E esta aspirante a rainha tem seus olhos postos em quebrar sua maldição, mesmo que isso signifique enganar o vampiro mais astuto que já nasceu. Nikolai, embora recluso e enigmático, é reverenciado pelo Reino de Valcrez como um sábio e poderoso governante. Desconhecido para seus leais súditos, sua imagem de perfeição é uma teia de mentiras que, se expostas, podem enviar o seu reino e tudo o que eles prezam desmoronando a seus pés. Quando esses dois encontram seus caminhos cruzados em uma aliança de casamento, começa o jogo da Sedução da Coroa. Mas quem é o caçador e quem é a presa? ******** Excerto: "Por que você está se despindo na minha frente?" ela perguntou com uma carranca, fazendo pouco para esconder a irritação em sua voz. Seu objetivo era capturar apenas o coração dele, não todo o seu corpo! "Não posso tomar um banho com minha esposa?" ele respondeu com um tom frio. "Pedi especificamente uma banheira grande para garantir que nós dois caibamos nela juntos." Ela suspirou, não desviando o olhar dele enquanto recuperava sua compostura. Vendo-o sorrir maliciosamente, ela se esforçou para se sentir confortável enquanto ele falava. "Isso é mais parecido. Você mesma disse que ninguém a forçou a se casar comigo. Em vez disso, você se ofereceu e se voluntariou para isso, então eu espero que você esteja confiante o suficiente para compartilhar um banho com seu marido", Nikolai afirmou com confiança. "Afinal, faremos mais do que isso em breve." Descarado... Impedindo-se de revirar os olhos, ela conseguiu dar-lhe um sorriso enquanto dizia, "Não me culpe se você morrer então." **** Nota: Capa do Livro Comissionada pertencente ao Autor. Por favor, não a use!

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