
Preface: What is cultivation?

Why, hello there! My name is Phoenix. You can call me Bird! Thanks for reading my humble novel!

Everyone who already read a few Wuxia, Xianxia or Xuanhuan novels can probably skip this preface. This is genre fiction. Even though I write in a future-like cyberpunk setting you probably will manage to understand most things.

For everyone else, welcome to the world of Chinese (inspired) fantasy. It is somehow very awkward for me to explain this genre but I'll give it a shot! Simply put it is Kung-Fu Fantasy:

Martial artists develop supernatural skills through qigong-inspired meditation. These skills are used to defeat bullies, bandits, demons, dragons, and other mythical beasts.

So, they cultivate to become stronger? Yes and no. The ultimate goal is to understand the Dao (the way) and reach immortality and/or godhood. The path to the peak of humanity is riddled with hurdles though, for example, with rivals or the lack of resources. To overcome those, the protagonist(s) gets stronger (duh). How the protagonist(s) develop varies from book to book. It could be through martial arts skills, enhancing the inner and outer strength, Daoist or Buddhist magics, spirit animals, or elemental spirits… Even gaming-inspired leveling systems exist. For this story, I will explain early on, how exactly it functions. Details and mysteries won't be revealed from the beginning, of course, but you guys should have a clear understanding of how it works without reading any other novels in this genre.

What is the Dao? Essentially it's everything, the universe, life and death, reincarnation for some. But it can be very small scale as well, it's the way you behave, it's how you interact with people, it is how you fit into the world. It is literally EVERYTHING. No wonder there is a whole religion about it. I like this quote about cultivation and the Dao by the main character of the famous novel "I Shall Seal The Heavens" written by Er Gen:

"However, there is one thing that will never change, as far as I can tell. And that is… that I don't know what the Dao is. There are too many answers to the question. All I know… is that what I am pursuing is freedom and independence. To be free and unconstrained. That is my truth, and that is my Dao! In cultivating truth, what we cultivate… is the heart."

As the story progresses we will find out what the Dao means for our main character on her tedious journey.

I hope I didn't lose ya'll with all this complicated nonsense! 'Cause I have to give a little more context to the story:

The genres Wuxia, Xianxia, and Xuanhuan are not interchangeable. To be honest it is really difficult to put my own story in strictly one of those categories. But I tend to think it's the latter of the three. Why does it matter? The most important thing is it does not play out in a fictional or real version of China. (Or does it? hehe.) But I very much borrow names, organization, and other terms of other novels that established a vague net of relationships. You will probably encounter some unfamiliar and some familiar names. But don't panic! I will explain their role when necessary. Trust me.

If you are confused at any point then just leave me a comment and I try to straighten it out. There is nothing more to add except to wish you a fun experience reading this novel!

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Phoenix - The Writing Birb

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