

Author: 渐进淡出
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What is 农女福妃名动天下

Read ‘农女福妃名动天下’ Online for Free, written by the author 渐进淡出, This book is a 言情 Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: 一朝穿越温暖成了十里八乡有名的瘟神、短命鬼 ,一家人被她拖累得去住草棚,许多人等着看这一大家子熬不过这个冬天,不是饿死就是冻死! 可是等着等着,人家买屋买田买地又买铺..... 这泼天的富贵是怎么回事?—— ...


一朝穿越温暖成了十里八乡有名的瘟神、短命鬼 ,一家人被她拖累得去住草棚,许多人等着看这一大家子熬不过这个冬天,不是饿死就是冻死! 可是等着等着,人家买屋买田买地又买铺..... 这泼天的富贵是怎么回事? —— 京城的人都知道瑾王娶了一个只会种田的农女,还如珠如宝的宠着,大家等着看这个农女王妃闹笑话,丢尽瑾王的脸子! 可是,有一天大家发现那传说中名动天下的某某和某某某,居然是瑾王家的小王妃!说好的只会种田的小农女呢? (且看小小农女如何名动四海,富甲天下!)

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Everyone has their own reasons, be it past events, personality or simply company. But most at some point divulge themselves into video gaming, be it for entertainment or more competitive reasons. In this year and age there are many genres of gaming, one specific genre though still holds on tight to the ledge it was pushed to trying to pull itself back up. MMORPGs were once the top of everybody's list, adventure, combat, storytelling and endless grind in one single game. It was a different life for most, as if a parallel world to our own. You could be a knight indulging yourself in combat, a mage expertly crafting spells of mass destruction or creation. A ranger exploring the land and hunting down prey, an assassin completing contracts and hording the spoils. A troll scamming children out of their hard earned 10 gold and making more hardcore players rage quit for the day. Or something else. Kyle was a simple player, he always picked the strangest classes or jobs and his characters almost looked the same. He played for the combat, he played for the grind and he played for his guild but above all he played for the story. Kyle is a roleplayer, one who enjoys the simple parts of this virtual life. Whether his guild was starting a war or ending one he'd always have his dramatic entrance or exit, his declaration of annihilation or demand of surrender. After all that? He divulged himself in the game's story, the interaction with NPCS (Non Player Characters) and their advanced AI. He went through many questlines, many tales of heroics and many more adventurers of legend but one thing always remained true with his character. Kyle absolutely loved to the play the villain. But when game turns reality, what will he and his guild of twisted personalities do?

darkflux · Games
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