

Author: 椰子絮
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What is 上古神兽穿成了豪门小可怜


传闻京城霍家大少,薄情冷酷,喜欢他的女人不计其数,偏偏无人能入他的眼,但凡往他身上扑的女人,下场都不会太好。   传闻霍家大少心中有个白月光小仙女,霍大少七岁那年,小仙女将他从绑匪手中救出来,小仙女的生命却永远终结在那天,从此,霍少爷心中,白月光是她,朱砂痣也是她!   直到某天,众人看到一位长相过分精致妖孽的少女强势将霍少爷壁咚,“听闻你喜欢小仙女?不是仙女行不行?”   她是神兽!!!   众人已经开始预想此人下半生病床度日的画面,却听见霍少爷温柔应声:“嗯?”   “喜欢我行不行?”对方语气相当霸道。   众人吸气,少女,好胆识!   霍少爷眸光缱绻温柔,语气纵容:“好。”

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** Author is taking a break for this novel because I’m experiencing a severe burn out. Pupa will focus only for one novel now, please check out ‘She Becomes A Hot Sensation After A Scandalous Affair.’ I’m sorry for this announcement, and thank you for reading. ** [Mature Content.] In desperate search for her missing sister, Celine finds herself trapped between a hot werewolf and a cold vampire. What's an ordinary woman supposed to do? - Celine Seymour, 25, uproots her entire life and heads to the small town of Helen’s Creek after her sister, Monica, vanishes there. But Celine never expected that her sister Monica would be involved in two mythical factions that aren’t even supposed to exist—werewolves and vampires. To Celine’s dismay, she gets accidentally marked by Jaime Calhoun, the hotblooded young Alpha of Blood Moon Pack who seems instinctively attracted to her, but repulsed by her human nature. To make things worse, Monica is now a hostage in the hands of icy Lord Zhenya, a Vampire Noble who is convinced that Celine is the bride he has been waiting for a millennium… - “I have been waiting for you for a thousand years, Celine. Be my bride, and I will show you what that wolf bastard did to us a thousand years ago.” —Zhenya. - “I don’t give a damn about your history with him. You are my true mate, and I will defy fate so I can make you mine, Celine.” —Calhoun. As both sides lay claim over her and tensions rise, will Celine pick the hot wolf or the cold vampire? - Official Commissioned Cover - Contact me: Instagram: @foreverpupa

ForeverPupa · Fantasy
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32 Chs
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