
A Dream

-The fifth day of training-


[Let's go, keep going!]

Asynth said as I was running up the mountain.

I was running up the mountain from the lowest level to the top where Asami's manor was.

"Why do I have to run this much?!"

[Tsk, stop whining like a little bitch. We need to train your body for future situations.]

"Future situations, right..."

Aww man, I'm tired. I was thinking of watching some anime today.

[If you want to continue watching, then hurry up and keep running.]

"I know that!"

Looks like ever since my weakness was discovered, they've given me harsher training.

But that's not going to help with my weakness, is it?!

I gave up; I was halfway up the mountain which took me two hours to achieve.

I rested near the edge of the road. I didn't worry about falling since well I have wings.


"Heh heh heh."

[-Sigh- We need to fix this problem of yours.]

"It's not my fault is it?!"

[Whatever. Get up, let's go, I've heard from Aiden about your stats. They aren't even at D-rank.]

I sighed. That's true. I'm too weak.

I can barely catch up with Aiden in a race who was only using a small portion of his power.


[I'm giving you 30 minutes.]

"How do you expect me to finish this course in 30 minutes!!!"

This is stupid...

30 minutes later...



"Stop sighing!"

[I can't believe you only climbed a mile in 30 minutes.]

From the surface to the top of the mountain is 15 miles. It takes about 10 minutes or fewer if you get up there by car.

But on foot...

"GRrrrrraaaaAAAAH!!!! I can't do this anymore."

I flopped myself on the ground. I am exhausted.


Why was Asynth laughing?


This kind of laugh, he's planning something.

"What are you laughing at?"

[Heh heh, Neo, how do you feel about your perverted nature?]

"Well, of course! I hate it, it's holding my true potential back."

[Well then, what if I told you you can use it to your advantage?]


"What do you mean?"

[You need to accept it.]

"Accept it?!"

What the hell? This isn't what you guys were talking about yesterday!

They've been complaining about my pervert nature and how it's holding me back.

"But you already know what it's doing to me. I'm always getting distracted!"

[Hehehe. You aren't supposed to reject this nature.]

"So what? I'm supposed to accept it?"


"I don't really want to, people will see me as a pervert and I'll be-"

[Don't lie to me, Neo. What you see is also what I see.]

"Huh? What is that supposed to mean?"

[Your favorite anime genre... is harem, isn't it?]



"Umm... N-no it isn't!"

[Neo, I can see everything through your eyes when I want to. I even know what anime you watched last night.]

"Y-you can see trough my eyes?"

[Of course.]

"Oh yeah? Then what am I staring at right now."

I looked over at the ocean.

[The ocean.]


Maybe that was too obvious.

I looked up at the sky this time.

"What about now?"

[The sky.]

"How many fingers am I holding up."

I stuck my middle finger up.

[Just accept it already.]


I'd start running up the mountain once more, I think I gained a little energy again.

[Well then, how about this?]

"What do you want?"

I said with an irritated tone.

[How about having your own harem?]

I'd freeze.

M-m-my own harem?

[You can have all the girls you want.]

W-what are these words? There, coming from the mouth of a... who knows how old this dragon is. These aren't some words of wisdom. What the hell?

"What did you just say?"

[Your own harem.]

Harem... harem...

I'd slap myself, what am I thinking? Is this a test? Cause if it is, then I've passed it.

"You can't trick me!!!"

The word harem echoed through my head.


[If you climb this mountain, you might just get your own harem.]

"I already told you, you can't trick me. I will not accept this nature!"

While I was trying to reject it, my legs began moving on their own.

Next thing you know, I was already dashing up the road.

[You may say no, but your body will say otherwise.]

No! Legs, what are you doing?!

I was getting faster and faster.

Oh no. My legs have been enchanted by the words of this old dragon!

No, it's this nature of mine. It's taking over my body!

Then my arms began swinging.

Next thing you know, I was jogging up the mountain at a quick pace.

Is it even me anymore?!

[You see, my original possessor could do anything if I mention the words harem.]


[As you reincarnated as a daemon, the perverted nature from his spirit was passed down to you.]

"What? Why?"

[So his spirit could finally be free... -sniff-]

"What are you trying to do? Make me sad?! I don't care if his spirit is free, why the fuck did he leave me the most useless factor from him?!?!"

After a few minutes, I finally arrived in front of the gate.

My legs hurt...

I fell face-first on the floor.


This pain... it hurts.

[Man, that took forever. At least you finally got up here.]

"Well then, where's my harem?"

My voice accidentally slips.

[Oh, so you really wanted that harem eh?]

"Wait what?!"

I didn't want to say that? It just suddenly slipped out of my mouth.

[Well, getting a harem takes hard work. First you-]


I could hear Asynth giggling at me.

"That took you forever. You finally got up here."

I looked up and Aiden was standing in front of me.


[Aiden, mind helping me?]

"Huh? What do you want me to help you with?"

"No... Asynth."

I was too tired to scream anymore.


Asynth began whispering at a level that only people with high perception can hear.

Whatever he said next, I couldn't hear. I don't have good perception, so I can't hear tiny little whispers.

"Are you sure?"


Sure about what?

"Hmm, should I tell the others?"

[I'm not stopping you but I already believe they know.]

"Tell who?"

Aiden looks at me and smiles.

"Harem building, huh?"

Aiden snickered.

A vein bulged on my forehead.

"Are you kidding me?"


Then I turned my head towards Aiden.

"Don't listen to a word he says!!!"

I said as I pointed at him, then my hand motioned as if I wanted something.

[It's alright Neo. You can release those hidden feelings of yours.]

"No... I can't."

Aiden crouches down and puts his hand on my head.

"It's alright Neo. I will always be by your side. I will even help you achieve this goal of yours."

Tears went down Aiden's cheek.

"Why are you crying?!"

He'd wipe them away.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice. You've been suppressing those feelings ever since the day you were born."

[You know the more you wait, the more it will get in your way?]

Damn it.

My entire life, I've always had some wishes.

One, to get my first kiss.

Two, to lose my virginity.

And three!

I shot right up and stuck my hand in the air.


My true feelings, I can't suppress them anymore!

This is my true nature, the nature I've been hiding for so long!

Aiden looked at me with impressed eyes.

"I will support you all the way!"

I looked down at Aiden and grabbed onto his arms.

"Will you help me achieve this dream?"

Aiden grabbed onto my shoulder.

"Oh course I will. It may be stupid and all, but I will support it with all I've got."


My dream...

Is to have a harem.

That was my dream ever since I was born. I've never told this to anyone because I would've been branded as a pervert.

It's true, I've always wanted a harem for so long. But I've suppressed these feelings cause I wanted to live a normal life.

Well, now that I've told my true feelings, the pervert rejecting me is no more!

The image of many girls flew past my mind.

Blood leaked out from my nose.

I think that's enough of that.

I'd wipe the blood away.

[Anyway, now that we have that out of the way. It's time to resume training.]

"Wait what? I didn't even get a rest yet."

Aiden grabbed onto my shoulder. A menacing aura oozed out from his back.

I'd start shuttering.

Wait a minute. He was so nice a second ago.

"Now that you look alive again. Drop and give me a hundred."

Oh, no... he's gone into sensei mode again.


"Y-y-y-yes senpai!"

Well, it looks like I will still need this harsh training.

Next chapter