
just the three of us: pt2-shower time.

Hardcore shower play.

George x Mia.

*Mias pov*

As I ran upstairs to go shower, I couldn't help but begin to feel a small tinge of regret forming inside me. Part of me just said I was going to shower to escape the two guys and what we'd all just done only moments ago, but I also knew one was needed badly. I was sweating everywhere and to add to that, I had cum dripping everywhere from me. I felt disgusting.

I made my way past George's room, then mine, then I found my way inside the bathroom. Clay's bedroom was downstairs so that was one less person to have to worry about when I went upstairs, but I still had George to deal with after everything now. I wasn't even sure if I regretted it yet. Or of the guys were downstairs talking about how much they both also wished it all never happened. I just wasn't sure and it scared the crap out of me.

But I just needed to shower to get my mind off of it all, that was all there was to it. I didn't have to bother taking my clothes off, since they were already taken off downstairs during everything that happened. Before I could even think about showering, I needed to pee first, that was for sure. As soon as I sat myself down on the toilet, the pain from down below settled in.

Of course I was going to be hurting, I had just had two guys absolutely rail me from both ends. It hurt the most to sit, which made sense, it was my first time doing anal. I laughed at myself once more for what I had just done only minutes ago as I finish up on the toilet.

Finally, it was time I hopped in the shower and began washing myself. I ended up going slower as I went over my sore parts, but it still managed to hurt as I did so. I sigh to myself, becoming angry. I wasn't sure if I was more angry at the two of them for making me this sore or more at myself for letting them do it in the first place.

But of course, being angry with eachother is how this mess happened in the first place. I then think about how the three of us will do while streaming now, especially with all of our fans thinking we had some weird relationship to begin with since we lived together. We would always just deny it or sometimes joke just to keep up the lore, but now we wouldn't be able to do that so easily, since now it was really happening.

It wasn't really a relationship though, was it? We just- fucked. That's all. Right? I wasn't sure what we would even call what we had anymore. We were all clearly still friends, but friends don't do what we all just did downstairs.

Out of irritation, I find myself leaning my face up against the wall and just letting the water run down my face, lazily washing away the soap I had lathered myself in. The room was filling with the smell of lavender and some other flowery smells from my shampoo and body wash by this point, clearing away the admittedly alluring smells from Clay and George.

The water was feeling nice, and I still wanted to relax a bit longer without having to deal with the two guys, so I quickly stepped out from the shower to grab my phone. I dry my hands and flip it on to find my music app.

I don't bother finding a specific song, I just click the shuffle button then turn on my Bluetooth and connect to my showers speaker. Instantly the music starts blaring through the speakers, filling the room. Now I could really relax.

I sigh and re-enter the shower, then I begin singing along to the music lightly, so nobody walking by would hear me. I hated to admit it, but I was in an amazing mood after everything, despite all my overthinking. It may have been wrong to do, but it was a great confidence booster for me. Two, very good looking guys, both wanting me. It was straight out of a movie, and I was all for it.

Awhile passed and the song I was listening to now ended, then another began playing. It was a song that I specifically put into my playlist simply labeled; sex. It wasn't sugar coated, it was straight to the point and told you exactly what it was used for. Now that it was playing, it was making me feel butterflies again. I seriously didn't know how I still had anything left in me after everything downstairs.

I laugh to myself again then begin swaying back and forth to the music by myself. My confidence and happiness was sky high right now and this song didn't help it lower whatsoever. I began wishing this song had been playing during the scene downstairs, then started picturing everything that had happened to me again.

I couldn't help what I started feeling next. As I imagined Clay and George both fucking me again, I felt myself regain the butterflies from earlier. It was so soon after everything happened that I knew I should have been perfectly tranquil with how I felt, but I still wanted them again. I wasn't sure I could go without it again.

I slowly stop dancing, then I begin feeling up myself, imagining my hands were theirs instead. It was pathetic, but I couldn't help myself. My eyes stay closed as I touch my body all over, until I finally reach my lower half. I struggle figuring out which guy I wanted to imagine first, but finally my mind settled on Clay.

I knew Clay would feel up my ass first, he had made it plenty clear that he was an ass man, so that's exactly where my hands go next. There was no reason I couldn't have just went downstairs and told them how I was feeling towards them, but I couldn't, I had too much pride. Besides, they were probably totally tuckered out unlike me.

As I squeeze ahold onto my ass the way Clay would so perfectly, I feel a ripple of shivers go through my body, instantly making my nipples become hard. Next was George's turn to show in my mind. His soft spot was my boobs, that much was obvious. I knew if George were here right now, that would be the first thing he'd go for, so thats what I pictured.

I moved my fingers up just under my boobs. George would be too nervous at first to even make a move, but that's what would excite me more, because when he finally would decide to do it, it would be a surprise and make me feel it more.

I slowly trailed my fingers up until they finally touched my nipples, then I began fingering them just like George would. I knew I shouldn't be feeling this good from just me touching myself, but it felt too good to care. I surprised myself when I let a moan escape my mouth loudly saying:

"George-." The moan was way too loud, but I didn't give a shit, I was feeling good and my shame was the last thing I felt. The pleasure inside me building was interrupted suddenly when I heard a sound, almost like someone clearing their throat, coming from inside the room in front of me, making me open my eyes.

I quickly throw open the shower curtain just enough to peak outside and see George standing near the door, just watching me with a completely red face. It takes me a second to react, but when I do, I yell:

"George! What the- why are you in here?" He steps back, holding his hands up like he was surrendering, then states defensively:

"I was just checking in on you- you've been in here- awhile-." He then giggles to himself and adds:

"Were you just- moaning- my name?" Shit. I wasn't sure what to say to him. Obviously he had heard it plain as day and there was no denying it anymore. I sigh, looking at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact, then answer:

"So what if I was?" The music over the speaker had just finished the song I was previously 'dancing' to, thankfully, but then of course, another that would be from the same sex playlist began playing instantly afterwards. Just my luck.

"It's not a big deal. I mean- considering what just happened." I find myself stuck on what to say now. I glance over at him again and notice he was only wearing a pair of boxers. He must see me studying him because he begins awkwardly crossing his arms over his body. He then moves his hands to cover his boxers.

But it was too late, I had already noticed the hardness showing through them. I giggle then tilt my head to the side at George, who now was looking away from me. I knew I was feeling something, and so was George, and we were both here together already, so I didn't see any harm in going for it now.

"Is that the real reason you came looking for me George? Just because I was taking awhile?" He snaps his eyes back at mine then answers shyly:

"Well- I mean yeah. Plus, I was waiting on Clay to get done downstairs- and-." He stops mid sentence, unable to say another word. The confidence I was feeling from earlier was beginning to creep out again, so I decided to take advantage of having it right now. I slowly began opening the shower curtain, standing there completely naked and wet in front of a now wide eyed George. I stood there as if me being naked before him was absolutely nothing and George's face instantly goes slack jawed, unable to glance away like anyone else would.

"You can be honest George. I really want you too." His hand previously covering his dick was now shakily yet hastily moving to remove his boxers the instant I finished speaking. He removed them and just stood there as hard as i expected to see from him, watching in amazement as my body dripped with water, like it was a beautiful waterfall.

My wet hair was hanging over my shoulders, letting water flow down occasionally then drip off of my nipples, which George now eyed desperately. Knowing damn well he liked my boobs, I looked down at them and began playing with my nipples again.

I knew it would take George awhile to gain the courage to come over to me so I thought I might as well warm myself up in the meantime to lure him into me. The music still played, making the moment feel even more heated than it would have if it weren't on.

I eyed George, watching as his dick grew harder and larger by the seconds he watched me back. His chest rose then fell rhythmically as he tried to catch his breath. I stop myself from speaking, to tell him to come join me over in the shower, when he begins taking steps closer himself without my influence of words at all.

"I've never- done this before." I knew instantly he meant shower stuff and I stifle a chuckle at his innocence. I grab him by the hand and bring him into the shower with me. The shower I happened to choose in the house was larger than most average showers. It fit the two of us easily, but part of me wanted it smaller so we would be forced to squeeze close together.

I take him close anyway, my chest now touching his, and say:

"It's okay- I'll show you." George didn't really seem to be paying attention to what I had just said, because now he was just staring down at my boobs pressed against his now wet chest. I was absolutely sure that the feeling of them against him, so wet like they were right now, was driving George crazy. I knew damn well it was even driving me insane to not make a move yet. Surprising me, George reads my minds and moves his hand up then takes ahold of one of my boobs.

He begins squeezing my boobs, playing with them like they were a prize he had just won. He then leans down and begins licking the water off of them, his tongue flicking up and down curiously. As he does this, his tongue trails across my nipples and I let out a muffled moan from not only the pleasure rolling through me but also just from the way George looked so utterly enamored in the action. He must like this reaction from me because he starts sucking my nipples the instant the noise leaves my throat.

"They taste so good-." He stops himself once he realizes what he's said and immediately looks embarrassed that he spoke those words. I narrow my eyes at him then plant a wet kiss on his mouth. He kisses me back, then I pull away and say:

"It's okay. I liked how you tasted too George."

"Yeah?" Its all he says seductively and I simply nod in reply, trying not to fold just from his tone alone. His face quickly goes from nervous to almost confident in a second, then he states:

"Taste me again then." With one single movement, George was pushing me down to my knees, eye length to stare at his dick. I look at it, watching as water poured from it onto the tile in the shower. I continue watching longer, amazed at how big he was, then see his dick twitch up and down. I look up at George, amused at the movement then he says:

"It wants you." I look up into his eyes, biting my lip at how confident he was being, then stick my tongue out, just underneath George's cock. I flick my tongue up and down at his tip, making George pull his hand up against the showers wall, steadying himself.

I think I hear another unknown noise just after, but ignore it as George does too, knowing it was probably just the music then continue lathering my tongue over George's dick. He definitely doesn't seem to notice anything either as he suddenly takes a hand to my head and grab a cluster of my wet hair.

"Can I fuck your mouth?" I look up into George's eyes, feeling nervous now and much too in need of exactly that from him. Just by looking into his eyes, I could tell how badly he wanted to do it. Shy, innocent George, that I've known my whole life, wanted to fuck my face and make me gag from his cock. There was no way I could ever say no even if I wanted to. I'm shaking a yes at George so fast I knew I looked desperate. But from the brief smirk on his wet lips, I could tell he liked that.

He only looks into my desperate eyes for anktuer sevknd before he was then taking his hand leaning against the wall then grabbing another fistful of hair from my head. Once he gets a good enough grip on me, he looks me in the eyes again and says:

"Tell me if it's too much." I barely get a nod in, he takes my head and inches it forward, onto his dick, then George starts fucking my mouth. I'm so caught off guard, I begin to gag helplessly. All this does is fuel George to go more. After a few seconds, I begin to get used to the feeling and ease up on the amount I had been gagging. Instead I focused on his too good taste.

But apparently no gagging meant to George that he wasn't going fast enough, so as soon as I stop, he speeds up again, and I start gagging again. My eyes roll back instantly. I'm unsure if it was tears or water from the shower going, but my eyes begin to get even more watery than before now as my mind shuts off and I let George use me all too willingly.

My nails now begin to scratch into George's outer thigh now, making him moan from the pain. He must also take this as a sign to ease up because he does. He pulls out of my mouth for a split second, and I only then realize how much spit had been spilling from my mouth.

George looks down onto my eyes again and smooths a thumb just under my eye to catch the involuntary tears first, then he moved over my lips, clearing away all of the spit lovingly. He looks concerned for me until I say:

"I want more." George whispers something under his breath as he stares up at the ceiling, clearly enjoying himself too much, then, without warning, he looks back at me and thrusts down into my throat.

I no longer felt the pain of him ramming into my throat, all that came was pleasure from each stroke he took. Evertime he slid back into my throat, a moan escaped me. It was then that I couldn't hold back from what I wanted anymore. Without thinking, I was taking my hand from George's side and finding my way down to my pussy.

Not wanting to wait, I moved my fingers to my clit and began fingering it to the pace of George fucking my mouth. The moaning that came straight after was almost louder than the music playing. I moaned onto George's dick like I didn't care if Clay would hear it or not. Because honestly, I really didn't care.

George must have cared though, because he let up and stared down at me playing with my clit. At first, he only watched me as I played with myself, like he was entranced in the certain way I did it to myself. Almost like he was learning from me, and I almost find myself smiling up at him but a moan happens first, loving the way he was watching me play with myself more. Then straight after the look in his eyes told me he was actually just jealous instead. It only confirmed it with what he said:

"I want to make you cum myself, not you doing it from your own fingers." George hastily pulled me up in one swift motion, then pulled my fingers from my pussy. The determination in his eyes was enough to startle me. I didn't move as George pushed me up against the shower wall, staring into my eyes ravenously.

With one hand, George was pushing my body against the wall, making me unable to move an inch, then with the other, he was trailing his fingers down to my pussy. He looks me in the eyes as he begins fingering me, just as I had been doing before. At first it was slow paced, then out of nowhere, he began speeding up as he rubbed my clit, copying just how I'd done it not moments ago. And fuck was he a fast learner.

There was nothing I could do about it. George had me pinned as he rubbed on my sensitive spot. My breathing slowly became moans as he continued on me. Throughout this time, George maintained eye contact, watching my facial expressions eagerly, only making me want to show him even more how much I really was loving his fingers on me. And only making me need way more from him. 

I knew I could have came at any second then, but George notices my change in reactions and stops. With one smooth movement he was inserting a few fingers into my pussy. I was used to fingering myself, so I knew it wasn't exactly anything to be giddy over doing it yourself. But George had long slender fingers that could reach even the deepest parts of me, driving me crazy instantly.

As he inserts them, he moans along with me. George begins moving around his fingers inside me slowly at first, clearly getting hos first feel of me inside this way and loving every inch of it. The feeling of someone else's fingers inside you feel remarkably better than when it's done yourself, but George's specifically were something special. The way his wanderingly curious fingers moved inside me was a sensation I never knew I needed in my life.

When he finally decided to speed up and slide inside then out again rather than just feeling my walls, my whole body begins to shake from his fast and hard movements. He began fucking my pussy with his fingers like he did with his cock just earlier today, causing me to bounce up and down on his now soaking wet fingers.

The wet sounds my pussy begins to make from George's fingers fucking me becomes so lewd then, the sound alone is enough to turn me on more. He must also notice this sound because he starts moving faster, making the sloshing sound from my pussy become louder and twice as messy. I knew this was probably the first time he'd ever fingered someone, so I was impressed beyond all belief. I never wanted it to stop.

George had curved his fingers upright now, hitting directly onto my good spot. It was evident that if he didn't stop now, I knew I would be cumming all over his fingers. It felt different this time than how I normally felt when cumming. I instantly knew what was happening to me.

"Don't- don't stop!" George heard this and did exactly as I asked, only he sped up even more. The sounds from my pussy became so loud within seconds, then without fully realizing, I was squirting all over George's fingers. George must have surprised himself, because he was now leaning back, looking at what was happening below.

"Shit- did you just-." Still feeling the effect from squirting, I nod as best as I can, just honestly wanting him to do it to me again. George continues looking at his fingers, still sitting inside my pussy, then replies:

"That's so fucking sexy-." George clearly was getting a big ego about it, so I wasn't about to tell him how unbelievably hard it was to have it happen, especially when this was his first time fingering someone like this, or at all. I simply smirk at him, still feeling good and wanting ten times more.

George finally decides to take his fingers out of me, and out flows some more liquids. He sees this happen then looks up into my eyes and says:

"I'm going to fuck you now." I don't say anything from my still present shock, and he doesn't move, so I do for him. I took my hand then reached down for his dick, which felt so hard at this point I wondered just how long he had been aching from it. I ditched that thought and continued grabbing him and moving him closer.

I took his dick and aimed it at my pussy below. George watched impatiently as I lowered it and began moving just his tip around my clit. I look up only to see him looking into my eyes instead with a look of total disbelief like he was still in shock he had me at all. We make eye contact and he goes in for a kiss.

The water spills between the two of us as we kiss, making a mess of everthing. Still kissing him, I reach and turn off the water, getting annoyed by it finally. We stay there kissing as I keep ahold on his cock up against my hole below. It was pathetic how wet his dick was getting from just pushing against my pussy, no longer from the shower water.

George finally breaks away from the kiss and stares me straight in the eyes for a moment before he suddenly pushes his dick forward into my pussy, seeing every little reaction leak out from me. He doesn't move too much at first, he simply watches my face as my mouth flies open and I moan loudly from his dick.

He quickly pecks me on the lips before lifting up a leg, angling me to the side, then he begins slamming into my pussy. Each thrust was followed by a wet slapping sound from George's leg against mine. I almost forgot the music was playing until George began unintentionally thrusting to the beat to the song currently playing. It was just too much to handle.

The angle George had moved me to gave him a perfect view of him fucking my pussy, and that's exactly what he did. As he watched as his dick destroyed me, he took a thumb and started rubbing my clit again. It wasn't fair how quickly just from a single touch, he could make me cum.

I held myself back as best I could but it must be obvious how close I was because George says:

"That's okay- cum on my dick again." He gives me permission but I keep it inside and instead say:

"I want you to cum in me George." George's eyes roll back and he's instantly shaking his head no as he stares at the ceiling, still feeling tempted by my offer. Before he can chicken out, I quickly reassure him by saying:

"It'll be fine- I'm safe." It's all George needs to hear, he looks back down at me and starts thrusting into me again. He then begins to speed up more, then he slows and spits out:

"Holy- shit-." Just as the very breathy and barely identifiable words leave his mouth, George's pounds his cock into me then cums deep inside my pussy just like I'd asked. Still fingering my clit, I feel George's cum pool inside me, filling me until I felt like bursting.

George is still pumping into me when it then begins leaking out, and finally I'm cumming onto his dick. George sees this and his eyes squeeze shut instantly then he adds:

"Fuck- you're squeezing me so hard-." George then opened his eyes again and quickly pulled out of me, before he risks getting hard again from the tightness surrounding his dick. He watches as his cum spills out of me slowly then he drops my leg from up in the air and leans back against the wall, tired out again.

The music is still playing as I lean along with him, then we look at eachother, still breathing hard. I'm the first to speak:

"Great." George simply gives me a confused looks so I add:

"Now I'm dirty again." We both laugh then I stop and say:

"No like actually though. I'm gonna shower again." George smiles and says:

"I'll join you then." I nudge him with my elbow then turn the water back on and we shower once more together, like it was totally normal at this point. Like we weren't just two normal childhood best friends who just fucked eachothers brains out at all.

Next chapter