
Chapter 3: Change of Fate 2 :

The driver of the car open the car door and stepped out of the car, going to the front to check the young lass that he almost hit, while

people were starting to gather and gossip.

Edward, his young master who travel with his aunt to attend the Baron's daughter's birthday ball open the car door and stepped out of the car......

seeing his driver stood stiffly just watching the unconscious young lass on the ground, he stepped up and crouch down beside the girl, lifting her bony hand to check her pulse....

He then lifted the unconscious lass in his arms without hesitating a bit and carried her into the car. the driver hurriedly open the passenger car door as he look at his young masted with awed expression......

Margarita, Edward's aunt move in the front seat to give space for his nephew and the young girl in his arms....

As he look at the young lass face, Edward felt a warm feeling in his chest that he never felt before since his mom and dad died on a car accident.....

Margarita : what happened to her??? is she okay???

Edward : we don't know yet... but she's burning with fever... Edward answered before he instructed the driver to drive the car back to their house....

The driver maneuvered the car turning it around to go back to where they came from.....

As they approach the grand carrebean style mansion the driver named Marco drive the car directly at the front door of the house.....

He hurriedly stepped out of the car and opened the passengers door for his young master.....

The butler and the steward along with the house maids came out of the house to greet them.....

Seeing the dirty unconscious lady in their Master's arms they look at each other in amazement, for they never seen their young master showed any emotion, affection nor pity to anyone before.....

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