
The Long Lasting War Series•Book One•The Weapon

The Long Lasting War Series•Book One•The Weapon

By: Michaela Lagas

The Weapon is a futuristic based work of fiction set in a dystopian society starting in the United States.

The Weapon is a novel told from a sixteen year old and a half girl's point of view named Twilight Summers. She is on the verge of giving up until a spark of hope arrives at her doorstep. Setting the course of The Long Lasting War Series.


Hello there fellow readers! I am so excited to share my novel with all of you. I have been writing The Long Lasting War Series since I was nine years old and that was over eleven years ago.

The Weapon has been written over the course of four times. Cheers to number five!

Though 2020 has NOT been the year, I am still determined to share my talents.

My dream and goal is to become a full time writer and to begin that journey, I am publishing my All Rights Reserved Series 'The Weapon' here on this app that I have always loved but could never get anything truly started because I was afraid to share my work.

Not anymore!

Let's Get Started♥️

(Chapters will be updated regularly until this novel is completed, but please read and if you see or think there are any mistakes go ahead and comment, I'll correct or notify that's how it's supposed to be)