

This is info about my story, The Blood Queen! You can also read it on Wattpad! Updates every Friday. I theoretically have everything planned out, with major turning points written, and the smaller stuff is week by week. I have no idea how long it's going to take, but strap in and enjoy the ride with me! Here's some info about the world:

Everyone gets around in "old" cars like 1940-50 type of cars in the city, horses are used in the country and rural towns

Tablets are more futuristic. They are generally used for maps and communications and look like a modern iPad. It's a rare commodity, so messenger birds are still used in many places.

There are 5 races: Humans (self explanatory), Elves (like LOTR or DND not Santa), Gensai (Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Fire Nation doesn't attack in here lol.) Tiefling (smexy demon-looking things. Xana is a Tiefling. They are generally hated and only allowed by some countries), Orcs (Shrek. Also generally hated and only allowed by some countries) more info on each can be found on many places on the internet, but dnd beyond is a good place!

This is about the story but I have absolutely no idea how long it will be. I am writing it as I go, and if you give me ideas, I will follow through with them if I like them!

Map is coming soon, just have to draw it properly instead of on my biology notes lol

If you have more questions, I might make another one of these, or reveal them in the story!