
•A Legendary King Will Rise•

Blackjak2812 · Fantasy
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[The Fallen Legacy]

Aerion Targaryen was the youngest son of King Aerys and Queen Rhaella Targaryen,the young prince was only a small boy's when they received news in dorne that their entire family has been murdered.It was called Roberts Rebellion,Roberts war.

In Dorne there where silent whispers that,the last living child of prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell was still alive after witnessing their murders,aegon at the time was a threw months old nothing but a small babe had his head crushed,while the dornish princess was raped and murdered with her son's blood still on their hands.

It was only a few moons after the tragic events of the sacking of kinglanding,that an unknown ship sailing to Sunspear was carrying the last living reminder of the fallen prince and princess,when both Prince Doran and Oberyn Martell broke from their shock that embraced their last living memory of the sister, the only words Rheanys kept on repeating was "I never got to say goodbye."
