
Don’t be so dry!


That cold shower while listening to sad songs hit the place.

Let's take a look at the mirror, the cliche from ugly to handsome in second life? check ✔️.

White hair, blue eyes, white ja- you get it, your average anime handsome Joe.

Though maybe cute or just good-looking and not handsome, still pretty much just a kid and got some of that baby fat.


My messages. Got that spooky ghost notification sound.

[ FutureCosplayer:..]

Oh, it's from Marin I will check it later. Still naked right, got to change.


Look at my body, all bones. I can't wait until can start working out, who knows maybe since it's an anime world might be able to train up some crazy physique, like from Baki…though that might be too much.

The chad physique it's though hands down what everyone should aim for haha..!

Alright all done, let's see what this ball of energy got for me.

[ FutureCosplayer: Hiiii Kyera]

[ Areyk: Hi]

[ FutureCosplayer: you finally answered!( Cat celebrating gif)]

[ I was in the shower]

[ Ohohoh!]


[ hello Kyera!!]


[where did you go!]

[What do u mean, was just playing some games]

[ We were still talking! u can't just leave like that]


[oh!?, that's it?!]

[you didn't say anything else so I just left]

[I was waiting for you to lead the conversation!]


[ TT you suck at communicating]

Good point.

[ speaking of communicating, remember that one time when you butchered that word]

[ shhh! don't talk about that]

[ haha]

[ you can laugh!?]

[… I know I don't laugh that much, but you don't have to be like that..!]

[much?!, I can't remember the last time you did]

[ today]

[ lies! I don't believe]

[ when we were exploring the school]

[ sure u did]

[ well anyways, what are you up to right now]

[ yes there you go! finally taking the initiative to speak]


[ I am just polishing my nails! how ab uuu]

[ idk, might play some games with Tadano or something]

[ oh can I play!]

[ Nah, you will bring us down]

[meanie, what's with you boys so serious ab your games!]

[ we must win at all costs, including you and my friendship as the cost]

[ *gasp*]

[ wowowow, you would reallyyy, so mean!]

[ yea]

[Why are you so dryy]


[ exactly! you need to be more expressive]

[ it's just texting, no biggie]

[ yes biggie!!]







[you're annoying]

[ (heart stabbed gif)]

*chuckle* it's fun teasing her like this.

[ your so cold Onii-Chan! ( loli saying that gif)]

[ (roll eyes gif)]

[ (FBI open up gif)]

[ (god nooooo gif)

[ ( your finished gif)]

[ what is this, we talking with gif now]

[ hehe]

[ I just noticed something!]


[Kyera you scheming Onii Chan!]


[ don't act dumb! you distracted me!]

[ how]

[ SHHH! Let me speak before you distract me again]


[ as I was saying before! You need to be more expressive! to do that use things like '!' or stretch a word! Don't be so dry! maybe drink water it will help!]

[ I will try]

[ knowing you, you definitely won't!]

[ ding ding, correct]

[ (pouting cat gif]

[ well it's not like you my girlfriend, so it's fine]

[ well yeah but it's good practice!]

[ sure sure, whatever you say]

[ say Kyera, want to play somethingggg]

[ wha]

[ let's play coin flip, in game pigeon]

[ sure]

[ BUT! Whoever wins can command the other person to do one thing]

[ alr]


[ I pick head]

[ what a gentleman you are, didn't even let the lady pick]

[ (proud gif)]

[ (deadpan gif]

[ it's okay, your just a kid 😊]

[ so r you!]

If only she knew….well actually she's isn't wrong.

[ yea yea, let's start]

[ (game sent)]

*Clink clink clink*


[ Best of three]

[nope nope!!! Should've said before we started!! Too late (:]

[ tch tch, what's your command, your majesty]

[ from now on you need to call me princess]

[… seriously? TT]

[yep!!! Completely serious]

[ Nah I'm good]

[ hey you can't go back at your words! you promised]

[when did I promise]

[shhhh! A man can't go back at his words]

[ as you said before, I am just a kid]

[ stop! You have to!]

[bye peace out ✌️]



[I will spam you!]

[ fine fine, looks like somebody got a princess dream]

But what young girl doesn't.

[ princess, there, done]

[ hehe, forever by the way]

[ that's not happening]

[ we will see!]

[ wow, so forceful!]

[ I'm the princess after all!]

[ oh oh!, and I made u use '!' Yayaya!]

[ congrats TT]

[ oh btw, you do realize, this type of nickname, only couples uses?]

[ shhhhh! It's fine!]

[ sure..!]

[you want to play something else with me now!]

[ nah am gud]

[Pleaseeee! Pretty plssss]

[what even is it!]


[..gtg byebye princess]



-short chapter my bad had some work to do, was gonna update twice today but failed….trust

- thats alll thank you for reading!!!!, have a good day or night!!!