
The beginning of everything

Millie Bobby Brown ... how can I start explaining Millie Bobby Brown? She is a very popular 17 year old girl so to speak, she is famous for all the things she has done in her past and does in her present, but she hates being popular, she hates being noticed, hates being talked about behind her, she is popular in a bad way and is not proud of it, but what can she do? all parties, drunkenness, kisses and sex are like an escape valve from her life that she herself calls a real hell ... she seems to be tough but she has a reason for showing that she is ...

Finn Wolfhard, the 17 year old boy who is the captain of the school's football time, considered the best in school ... he is really popular, all the girls drool over him, but millie no, he knows very well who she is for because of rumors, gossip and everything that talks about her, but he never cared why, what difference does it make if a girl doesn't like him? he likes to feel the best at school ... but only at school he feels that way at home everything is different ...

but ... if you want to understand how this love story started keep reading ...


I woke up with my alarm going off and a strong headache soon hit me, I sat on the bed and tried to remember last night and honestly, I don't know why I still try if I never remember

with difficulty I get out of bed and go to the bathroom, I am surprised that my father did not come to irritate me trying to wake me up and keep talking loudly about how useless or irresponsible I am to get home early, drunk or drugged

to be honest, i don't even care anymore ... i think i got used to it and accepted that i am like this and probably i will never change

I brush my teeth and hear a knock on my door

M- enter

my sister Sadie went into the bathroom and was afraid of my appearance

M- good morning redhead

S- good morning? you left last night without even telling me where you were going, you came back at dawn without me even seeing, it makes me fucking worried and when you wake up you say good morning as if it were normal?

M- sorry ok, I don't need a scolding like seven in the morning and you know I'm like Sadie, you should be used to

she takes a deep breath

S- you look awful

M- I know I say smiling from the corner

S- you're going to take a shower, aren't you?

M- Actually, I wasn't going

S- you stink of vodka, if our father feels ...- I interrupted her

M- I'm going to get scolded, I know redhead, but calm down ok? I'm going to shower, please bring me some decent clothes?

she shook her head angrily and left, and then came back in jeans and a black blouse that I loved, she had a symbol that represented the "Harry Potter" death relics, along with panties, a boot and a half

M- you really know me redhead thanks

she gave a small smile and handed me the clothes

S- go fast there, will I make the pancake you want?

M- ah ... yes

she nodded and left the bathroom closing the door

I went to the bath

the headache started to pass little by little, but I would still have to take the medicine with a horrible headache taste

my mother gave me the medicine when i was little, when i started having my panic or anxiety attacks i got a headache, after taking the medicine, i put my head on her legs and she kept telling me stories of her love and my father, while he ran his hand through my hair, and everything - for a few hours - passed, absolutely everything passed, I feel protected in the presence of my mother ... pity that all this happened, but not in the same way as the attacks panic or anxiety attacks, all went through in a sad and horrible way

my mother died of cancer when I was 13, and when that happened my father forgot so fast ... 1 year later, when I was 14, my father started having an affair with Lori Sink, who has a daughter named Sadie, at the time I still didn't believe that my mother had died, because the panic and anxiety attacks were worse and my father didn't seem to care at all, so every time I took that medicine I remembered her and how she felt protected and still happens ... after a while they got married and I had to start living with Sadie and Lori in the same house, at first it was very difficult, but today Sadie and I are like blood sisters, but I can't like Lori, as much as she has tried all these years to do me good, I can't look at her without thinking that she stole my mother's ... and my father's ... well ... he calls me useless since he started having this relationship with Lori and I got used to it

and to forget the problems of my life and my crises, I go to parties and do things that work like escape valves ... but they are also my biggest enemies, I have a "bitch reputation" at school because of them and not I'm not even proud of it but I can't do anything, but I hate ... I hate the way those idiots at school treat me, they don't even know who I am and call me a bitch

These thoughts made my headache come back and a little stronger

I tried to stop thinking because if I thought more it would cause a panic or anxiety crisis and that is not what I want, because it is for me, it is not cool to be shaking, with breathlessness, almost crying and feeling like I am dying ... no it is very cool

I finish my shower and put on my clothes I go in front of my shelf and get my medicine

swallow and drink a glass of water that Sadie probably left there

I close my eyes trying not to think about my mother or how bad this medicine tastes I go down to the kitchen and see my dad, Lori and Sadie having breakfast

I imagine that if they were just they would be a perfect family, typical of the ads but unfortunately I exist

L- good morning Millie- says Lori with a lovely smile

M- good morning- I say half dry

Sadie points to a cup of coffee that she had to prepare for me along with a chocolate pancake

I smile and sit next to her, whispering to her "Thank you Sadie"

R (Millie's dad) - what a miracle you wake up alone, I thought you wouldn't wake up alone because you're always so drunk and you never wake up alone

Lori whispers something to my dad

M- I was also surprised that I didn't wake up Robert- I say biting a piece of the pancake

R- I got tired of waking up EVERY morning a daughter who goes out every night to drink, you know how to manage by yourself

M- as I remember Robert, I NEVER asked you to wake up every morning, you did it because you wanted to and I really think it's irrelevant whether you wake me up every morning or not, because like you just said

R- look how you talk to me Millie Bobby Brown, I'm your dad

M- another thing that I find irrelevant Robert

L- will we stop please? let's have our breakfast and then you guys talk

M- I'm leaving- I say getting up

S- Millie you only took 3 bites

M- Sadie I can't stand being here anymore, if you want to come with me you can come and I take the pancake- I blink at her

she gets up and takes her pancake

we grab our backpacks and go out

M- I'm sorry that you have to hear us fighting almost all morning

S- okay Mills I understand

she takes my hand

M- sent well on the pancake, it's delicious

S- what a pancake video does not do

we laugh

we talked the whole way about random things

Sadie despite being the nerdy girl she loves to go to parties with me, but not all because some are heavier than the others, she is redhead like her mother, she has several sardines on her face and blue eyes, she is doing very well in class , and she helps me sometimes, just like I'm 17 and likes the second best football player in school, Caleb McLaughlin who besides being the second best player is Finn Wolfhard's best friend, in this case, the first best player , an asshole I would say, but Caleb is kind of cool

when we arrived at school, Noah came to us

N- hola, buenos dias

M- hellou Noah

S- Good morning Noah

Noah schnapp is my best friend, he has known me since my mother died, he comforted me a little and he always tried to make me better, he knows everything and a little more about my life, he always has to get me out of this "bad way" "or" dark side "but I can't get out, he goes out with Jack Dylan Grazer, a really cool boy of our age, he's a little retarded but he's really cool

N- how are you?

S- I'm fine

M- I woke up with a lot of headache today and thought a lot of shit

N- it really is to be, yesterday you went to Maddie's party and drank a lot

M- how do you know?

N- the whole school knows Millie, they posted videos of you drinking and kissing Jacob and other boys

M- these idiots don't get tired at all, who spread this shit?

N- it was Jacob himself, and you did one more bad thing

M- oh what?

N- you accepted a pill that was probably some drug from Jacob

M- ah ... the problem is that it's Jacob's, it's much stronger

S- Millie do you use drugs?

M- I used it once, but nothing to worry about

N- what shit

M- I'm going after Jacob, this shit deserves a punch to stop doing shit

I went to an alley that was next to the school, Jacob was always there, he sells drugs, of all kinds even if it is prohibited at school, he is a complete son of a bitch

I saw him leaning against the wall

S- Millie we better get back

M- Jacob you shit, we need to talk

J- You are always being polite, right Brown?

M- you shit, I don't need to be polite to you

J- What do you want, princess? kiss me again or more?

he approached

M- don't even think about touching me Jacob, I want to know why you published the video? do you want attention?

J- the video of you doing shit and taking my drugs? will be expelled from school if the principal watches the video

M- I was drunk, you son of a bitch, I didn't even know what I was doing, and who can be expelled and you, remember that banned drugs and other substances?

J- you wouldn't do that, you're going to get addicted, and who are you going to ask for drugs to?

M- I only used it once and you know it, if you don't delete the video, I swear to God, Jacob- I get closer to your ear and whisper- I end your fucking life

he laughs and holds my arm tightly

N- drop her Jacob

J- ah the fag decided to defend his best friend

it made me even more hateful of his face, I kicked hard in the middle of his legs, which made him fall to the floor, probably in pain

M- I can stand being called a prostitute and anything, but I can't stand anyone offending my friends, call Noah a fag again and you're going to get a lot more than a kick in the bag, Jacob ... and remember- if ... delete the video or you will go to jail

I take a deep breath and leave with my friends going straight to the living room


~ Author's notes ~

Oie, welcome to Fillie's fic '' Exhaust Valve '', I really hope you like the fic and her next chapters, anything you want in the fic you can ask, please vote and comment throughout the chapters, very thanks <3

and this fanfic is in Portuguese, sorry for any translation error! it is available here on Webnovel and Wattpad (in Portuguese)

Instagram: Marihbrownwolfhard

Thanks for reading this far, until the next chapter <3