

Born with the ability to manipulate Aura, Ash sets on a journey with his Pokemon companions to discover his potential and to set his mark in the Book Of PokemonMasters. With his ace Charizard and starter Riolu, he travels the Kanto region in search for the perfect team to participate in the pokemon league. Will he be able achieve his aim to become the best? Join Ash and his team as he takes the world by storm.

No_Name_Me · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Charmander!


"Huh? Can you please repeat what you just said prof?" Delia questions with a shocked look. She and Prof. Oak were currently in his lab.

It's been about a month since Charmander hatched from his egg, and she and Prof. Oak were discussing about him.

"I said, Charmander is abnormal." Oak explains while rubbing his temples with a sigh. "But how is that possible? Why and what caused it?" Delia questions with a frown trying to thinwk of an answer. Over the course of the month, Charmander and Ash have grown practically inseparable, neither one willing to leave the side of the other.

The only times Ash and Charmander were separated were when Ash went to school, other than that, no external force were able to separate the two from each other. It felt almost as if the two were destined to be together, something like soul mates. The two of them would eat together, laugh together, sleep together, those two were practically one being.

Now Delia was in a rather difficult predicament, she was wondering how she'll break the news about Charmander's abnormality to Ash. It would break her baby's heart.

"But I'll add this, this abnormality of Charmander might prove to be benifiting or disastrous based on how he grows up." Oak adds with a calculated look. "Evolution? Do you mean Charmander has a problem that'll affect his evolution? Is that what you're implying Prof? I really can't catch up right now." Delia questions with a quizzical look. She was a breeder. Yes, but she wasn't a Pokemon Professor. She didn't have the knowledge of Pokemon like Oak does. The only thing she could do right now was wait for Oak's explanation.

"No, Charmander doesn't have any such evolutionary problem. I believe" Oak clarifies, though he wasn't sure himself. Whatever problem Charmander had, it could or could not affect Charmander's evolution, only time can tell.

"Prof. you're confusing me right now. Can you explain this to me in simple terms?" Delia asks while sighing. Professor Oak was never good at touching the real important point, but to be honest, no professor was.

"As you know, Charmander's parents are not from the same species." Oak explains to which Delia hums in understanding. "Whenever two different species breed, the offspring takes the form of the parent's whose genes are dominant." Oak looks at Delia to see if she was following. Seeing that she was nodding at what he was saying, Oak continues, "The submissive genes of the other parent develop inside the Pokemon's internal structure as Egg Moves."

"Yes Prof" Delia paused for a second before saying "Wait! Are you telling me that Charmander's genetic functions are different from his kind?". She while finally starting to get the grasp on what Oak wanted to say.

"Exactly. I don't know what caused it but Charmander seems to inherit both his Father's and Mother's genes equally making him a perfect hybrid." Oak says while excitedly standing up from his seat.

"Charmander is a medical miracle. A being more special than shinies. The first of his kind." Oak dreamily exclaims. Delia completely ignoring her boss' "Prof. Fits", decided to add a question.

"Hmm... but as Charmanders normally evolves into Charmeleon or beyond, their dragonic nature slwoly grows. Not so much that they will be labelled a Dragon-type but still, their dragonic energy grows exponentially as compared to their Charmander stage." Delia analyses carefully and continues, "So if we take their normal Nature in consideration. Charmander might become a Full Dragon-type by the time it becomes a Charizard. Contratictory to their normal typing, that is Fire-Flying."

"You're catching up well Delia. I came to that analysis myself, but considering that Charmander isn't a normal specimen like his kind. It's a tough call, we won't know anything about him until the time comes. We can come up with many theories but the ultimate result can only be known when Charmander evolves." Oak sighs in defeat and relief for now.

"You're right. But that brings me the question, what about Ash?" Delia asks with a frown. Ash won't be willing to give up Charmander for some experiment, knowing her son, no, he would never.

"No worries, we won't separate Charmander from Ash. Charmander belongs to him anyway" Oak shruggs "Taking him away will be labelled as pokemon theft" He jokes reassuring Delia.

"What do you mean by 'Charmander belongs to Ash anyway'?" Delia questions with a confused look.

"I said what I meant Delia. From the moment when Charizard and Dragonite gave Charmander's egg to Ash, Charmander got his owner. Even if we were to take Charmander away from Ash. I don't know what Charizard and Dragonite would do. So, it's best if we keep Ash and Charmander's relation going as it is." Oak clarifies with a tone in his voice that left no room for doubt.

Of course, it made sense, Dragonite did hand over Charmander's egg to Ash. The two of them were pretty shocked when that happened and wondered what made Dragonite hand the egg over to him. It's already been a month since that day but they still haven't found out the reason why that happened, maybe it's another one of the many pokemon nature that humans can simply never understand.

"You realise another thing Delia?" Oak questions Delia while looking at her directly.

"What more Prof?" Was Delia's smart reply.

"Charmander is a dragon. The most delicate creatures in their early stages. What I mean to say is, Charmander's dragonic half will take much more time to mature and also it will be more vulnerable to injuries in this stage." Oak explains with a serious look.

"This is where you come in. I want you to take proper care of Charmander till he is matured enough. I am giving you this responsibility because you are used to handling dragon-types. I trust that you won't make any mistake while raising Charmander. He will be probably matured enough once he is two years old. I want you to take care of him until that time. Can I trust you with this responsibility?" He asks with a sense of authority.

"Of course Prof. you can count on me. And when Ash is old enough to be a trainer, you want him to start with Charmander as his starter right?" Delia questions while giving him a a knowing smile, Oak can be very easy to read at times.

Oak simply smiles as a response.

Meanwhile at the same time, in the opposite side of the town. 5 year old Ash Ketchum and his partner Charmander were having a conversation while their eyes were glued to the telivision.

'Ladies and gentleman! I welcome you all to the Indigo League! Countless of trainers fought their way through the various gym located around the reagion and now... all of them are here to demonstrate their strength. May we all give a round of applause to these wondrous trainers who all worked hard to reach this stadium!' A male voice came from the television.

"You see Charmander? After some years, the two of us will be standing there!" Ash exclaims while pointing at the crowd of trainers that was visible in the Television. "After I get my license at the age of ten, the two of us with our Pokemon team will take this world with storm." Ash says with a determined look which was mirrored by Charmander.

"Char!" Charmander replied with his baby voice.

Ash paused as if he just realized something, "Charmander? I have a question" he said with his hand on his chin.

"Char?" Charmander tilted his head

"You see, when I become 10, will you be willing to come with me to my journey?" Ash questions while looking at Charmander with a hopeful look to which Charmander gave an enthusiastic nod in return with twinkling eyes.

Ash visibly brightened up at this "ALRIGHT! LET'S TRAIN TO BECOME THE STRONGEST!" He cheered and hugged Charmander tighly.

"Char char Char!" Chamander happily cheered and returned his hug.

This moment would seem like a typical childish behavior to anyone else but only the two of them knew how special it was as it ignited a new and stronger flame of determination in both of their hearts.

