
Ganbare Ganbare

(Oetsu POV)

What a sight this is. I can only imagine the amount of death this causes. But I am surprised that this purple building ... the Hero's Association is still standing. I make my way there and see someone standing at the edge of the roof looking at the spaceship.

"That's big! Are they aliens?", the man says.

"I think so.", I say and he turns his head to look at me.

"... Who are you? A hero?"

"Something like that. My name is Oh-Etsu, what about you?", I hold out my hand to shake his.

"I'm Saitama."

"So Saitama ... should we pay the ship a visit? Who knows ... maybe we'll find someone who's strong up there."

"Yeah ... maybe."


Both me and Saitama jump into the air. I am astounded at the momentum he can produce by that small amount of movement. What a monster, haha. I can hardly wait to get some exercise with someone who can kill me.

... ok who am I kidding. Not kill but still use my body to paint the floor red.

As we are in the air, a shell is fired towards us. Saitama dodges it, like it's nothing but I am not that fast. I can however unsheath my Zanpakuto. Using my fastest speed I slash ... but I don't make it in time and the shell hits me frontally. 

My body splatters on the shell and I lose consciousness for a moment. When I wake up ... it can't have been more than 30 seconds, I am still in front of that shell and being dragged along. 

My body is slowly rebuilding itself and I can feel the increased durability I just got. Adaptability for the win. 

After another second, my body is back in prime condition. I am nacked though ... not for long. I focus and use parts of my biomass to turn into cloth and cover myself with it. It is a skill I gained due to the Whitelight virus. Very convenient indeed. 

Then I make my way towards the spaceship again. As I use Shunpo in quick succession, I can tell that my desire to be there faster is manifesting and I grow faster very quickly. What a broken character I have become. My speed increases more and more until I am finally back on the ship. 

Saitama has long entered the ship and is probably making his way around to find the leader of the pirate crew. That's good, I also want to find the captain of the ship. So I approach the spaceship and use my Zanpakuto to slice as fast as I can. It slices through like a hot knife through butter. That's due to the metals that my Zanpakuto is made out of. 

I make my way inside and then walk around. I also want to have a good fight. The aliens that try to block my path are quickly dealt with. None are strong enough to pose any threat to me. I follow the tremours and soon find Saitama systematically destroying any door or room he finds. 

"Oi Saitama."

"Ah ... Testu."

"Oetsu but Testu is fine hahahaha ... although it sounds a bit like testis ... So are you looking for the leader?"

"Yeah. But I can't find him. He must be hiding somewhere.", Saitama says with his expressionless face.


"Hehehehehehe ... Well done making it this far, intruders! But this is the end. You see, there is no way you can defeat me, Groribas! My Acid Breath will melt you away!", a green alien says as he jumps towards us with his mouth open. 

"Saitama, may I have this one, please? I want to see his acid breath.", I say to Saitama who looks bored. 

"He ... sure."

"Thank you.", I say and wait for the attack of Groribas. 

The attack comes. Groribas opens his mouth and spews a stream of corrosive acid on us. Saitama dodges but I stand still and take the attack. No use wasting a chance like this to increase my resistance to acid.

As soon as the acid lands on me, I feel pain like none other. It hurts very much and I almost lose consciousness again. But I manage not to scream and will myself to grow more power. Again the Hogyoku answers me and wields my power to adapt to it in a few seconds. 

"Ahahahahaha, did you think you could survive Groribas' acid breath like that? What a fool. Now the only one who is left is you, you bald-", Groribas tries to say but is cut off when a hand pierces his heart. 

"What an annoying alien that was. Who is he to talk about your baldness? We all have things we're not proud of, right Saitama?", I say as I walk towards him still covered in acid. It slowly vanishes though and clothes once again appear on me. 

"... Y-yeah..."

"Well then, let's go. I'm sure we can find more where that guy came from.", I say and we make our way deeper into the ship.


Together we destroy the walls all around us. It is kind of fun to do that. Just let loose and destroy stuff. I don't know what this power is doing to my mind but I feel much better now that I am using it. The tattoo on my back is warm and I can feel the excitement that the Hogyoku feels as well. 

"Isn't it about time the boss showed up? Well, if he's alive ...", Saitama says. 

"I think he is stronger than everyone else and will not come to meet us like this. We must find him ourselves. Probably in a throne room or something stupid like that.", I say.

"You think so?"



(3rd Person POV)

In the throne room, we can see that Lord Boros is waiting and wondering what the tremors are all about. He stands up and begins to walk towards the control room of the ship. 

"Th-This can't be happening! Even Groribas, our best warrior, defeated?! And that after he sprayed all of his acid on that native too!! What manner of creatures are they? And how did they get aboard? Damn it!!", Geryuganshoop the second in command says in the control room, as he watches Saitama and Oetsu destroy everything.

"Melzargard was supposed to be guarding the ship! Now he and I are the only elite fighters left! I bet he is just mucking about ... I need him now! Curse the bastard!", Geryuganshoop says as the door to the control room opens and Lord Boros enters.

"Geryuganshoop, what is the problem?"

"Lord Boros! I-I'm terribly sorry. I've allowed two of the natives to infiltrate the ship. In the mere four minutes since coming aboard, they have damaged 48% of the ship. It seems that they are the only two though, but one of them managed to withstand the acid of Groribas and then kill him instantly. 

They also managed to instantly kill every warrior sent to intercept them."

"Do not panic. As long as the power sphere is safe, the ship will not go down. The damage so far is limited to the crew's living quarters.", Boros says.

"Geryuganshoop, you Gro ... no he's dead. You and Melzargard, my top Lieutenants, will go eliminate this intruder."

"Y-yes sir. Let me get Melzargard back here. He and I together will wipe out these two intruders without fail!", Geryuganshoop says. 



"This one's locked too ...", Saitama says. 

"Well, it does make sense. I guess we aren't as welcome here anymore. But that is rude though. Here we are visiting them and they don't even come and greet us."

"Hey, open up! You've got two visitors!", Saitama says and pulls the door out of its hinges.

"Oops ... I broke it."

"Eh bad quality. Not your fault."

"Right! I don't have to pay for this then."

"Of course not! I feel like they should pay us for not greeting us ... food might be a good idea.", Oetsu says.

"Oh? Yes, a good idea."


"Attention intruders! Stop your destructive acts and leave this instant. Attention intruders. Leave immediately. Otherwise, we will unleash all our forces against you!", Geryuganshoop's voice is heard in Saitama's and Oetsu's head. 

"That's weird. I hear a voice right inside my head.", Saitama says.

"Telepathy I guess.", Oetsu tells him.

"Take one more step ... and you're both dead!", the voice says again.

"Even if we wanted to get out, we can't. We've lost our way!", Saitama says out loud.

"Really? You'll leave? All right, I will guide you both. Take a right, then go up the stairs there.", Geryuganshoop says. 

"A right?", Saitama says. 

"Right eh?"

"Exactly, right.", Geryuganshoop says.

"I guess we'll go left!", Saitama says with a scary face. 

"Haha, what a sly one you are Saitama. I agree let's go left instead.", Oetsu says. 

"No, wait! Not that way! W-W-Wait ... Hang on! You can't ...! All right, that was my fault! I'll come to you. Please stay right there. Ahhh! Noooo!", Geryuganshoop screams the last part as Saitama and Oetsu reach the control room and break the door. 

"Now this place looks like a control room or something.", Saitama says. 

"Yeah, and look. That should be the voice inside our heads.", Oetsu says and points at Geryuganshoop 

"An octopus?"

"But he has rainbow colours ... cool!"

"You two dare go around busting up our ship?!", Geryuganshoop says in a menachin voice. He uses his telekinesis to fire thousands of small pebbles at both of them. The force of the pebbles is so strong that it does ... absolutely nothing to Saitama ... but punctures holes through Oetsu. 

Blood splashes all around him but he just lets it happen. Oetsu is here to grow more powerful and if he has to go through physical pain, then that's what he'll do. No pain, no gain. And it is nothing compared to what he felt when he fused with the EHW.

"Hey! The debris is all flying at me!", Saitama says.

"Now Geryuganshoop, the supreme telekinetic power in the universe, will grind you into blood sausage."

"... I didn't know that you had blood sausage where you come from.", Oetsu remarked. He had healed already since Geryuganshoop had stopped his assault for a moment to say the cool line. 

"Telekinetic power ... like a psychic?", Saitama asks. 

"You leave me no choice. Super Telekinetic Gravitational Wave! Die, Earthling!", Geryuganshoop said and unleashed a powerful telekinetic wave that increased the gravity of anything around him. 

"My unparalleled telekinetic powers allow me to manipulate even the forces of gravity! Have you any idea what a black hole is, you ape? Inside one, the gravitational effects are so strong even light itself cannot escape!"

Once again, Saitama just looks at Geryuganshoop and wonders what he's supposed to feel. Oetsu on the other hand ... well let's just say that he might be used to high amounts of gravity, but not on the level of a black hole yet. 

Oetsu's body is crushed and everything about him splashes to the ground. It looks like a big puddle of blood and innards. Geryuganshoop stops his attack though, since he sees that it doesn't do anything to Saitama. He once again makes the pebbles float and uses his telekinesis to have them rotate around him.

"Take this! Telekinetic Shower of Rubble!"


"What a waste of psychic powers. I mean all you're doing is tossing pebbles around. Anyone can do that.", Saitama says and throws a rock back at him with enough force to split his head in two.

"How ... could ...I ... Geryuganshoop ... be ..."

Saitama looks back and sees Oetsu who is getting himself back together. His eyes widened a bit as he had never seen something like that. He can also tell ... that Oetsu has gotten a bit stronger since they met the first time. 

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah ... one second and I'm all ready to go."

"Oi, can I ask you ... where your boss is?", Saitama asks two of the aliens that survived.



Inside the throne room, Lord Boros is waiting for the two intruders to arrive. And then ... he can sense them coming. 

"So they've come.", he says and watches as the giant door is smashed to bits. 

'This planet's finest warriors ... I can sense no limit to the bald one's energy and the other one ... I can also sense no limits. Although the first one is far stronger ... the second one ... is weird.'

"You the boss of these invaders?", Saitama asks.

"Subarashi! Before we fight, let us exchange names.", Boros says, "I lead the pirate band known as Dark Matter, and I am the Dominator of the Universe. I am Boros."

"I am a hero for fu --- I mean, a professional hero. My name's Saitama."

"And I'm the Divine General of the East. The number one Zanpakuto creator! Oh-Etsu Nimaiya."

"Saitama ... Oetsu ..."

"Look I don't know what the Denominator of the Universe wants with Earth ... but you sure trashed City A.", Saitama said.

"What do I want with Earth?"

Boros begins to walk down the stars from his throne. 

"There exists a prophecy. Once, I travelled the universe, ravaging everything in sight. But I was too strong. Eventually, there were none left who could face me. I came to know the torment of utter, all-encompassing boredom.

Then one day, a seer told me ... On a faraway planet, a being exists who is my match, one who could rekindle my passion for battle. That was nearly twenty years ago. Have you any idea the distance I have travelled to get here? My men thought the prophecy was a ruse, made up to lure me away ... But now I am certain. 

Come you two. One after the other. Give stimulation to my existence.", Boros said and stood right in front of Saitama and Oetsu. 

Next chapter