1 Ãûrørâ ãñd dãñïýâl

Aurora is 18 years old when she's in high school. aurora is such crazy girl she is kind hearted and she care,s every little happiness and enjoy little happiness when she,s 13 she,s a depressed girl she always mourn why i came in this world when aurora joined high school she met a boy name daniyal fall in love with aurora but aurora didn't understand why he loves me daniyal is sincare with aurora but aurora sometimes do crazy mischievous daniyal kill his attitude for aurora but aurora think i m not preety not good looking not got good grades then he,s fall in love with daniyal always said to aurora when i leave the world then you do care of me and thinking of me and then you remember my love and you you never forget daniyal said to his dad that i want to marry with aurora but daniyal dad has religious issues so he never accepted daniyal choice One day daniyal said to aurora leave your parents and let's go with me i promise i make you happy but aurora is kind hearted aurora never wanted to give her parents saddness aurora says that i wanted to see my parents always happy i can,t do this wait until the miracles happen aurora believes in miracles she,s said daniyal one a miracle happen and your accpet me...
