
Chapter 13 : Houses of Mahsám


Bali was trying his best to get out from the grips of the creepers but he couldn't do anything except scream like crazy .

Dharendra laughed hysterically , And while taunting Bali he said ,

"Well , Prince, you can't free yourself by just shouting , Try to do something different ."

listening taunts from the old Adipuru , Bali's in a rage cussed the old Adipuru in his mind ,

'I'm trying..... you old fool ,how can you expect a six year old kid to break out from this type of creeper .'

"You can do it , Bali , Sugreev , "

Standing on the sidelines , Prakriti , Keshav and Shakshi cheered both the brothers.

'Okay if I can't do it by force .... I have to just chew it."

The creepers wrapped around his body like that , that Bali was not even able to move his limbs , So he opened his mouth and tried to eat out those creepers ,but...


Everyone was shocked to see Bali's ridiculous strategy , Dharendra again in a taunting manner going to exasperate Bali but then he saw that Bali is actually doing that ,

"hahahaha ,  What are you doing prince Bali , You can't eat it .... huh?! ... he's ... really doing it ..... Hahahaha that's ridiculous"

*Ohkkkh* *CRUNCH*

Bali was successful in taking some of the creepers in his mouth that were around his neck  , But when he bit it ...

'Huh ?! What the ... Its hard like a stone , I can't even bite it ... aaahhhh"

"Well looks like... the big brother can't make it , let's look at the little one ..... oh.... oho"

When Dharendra looked at Sugreev's side . His mouth opened in amazement .

"This one looks promising ."Dharendra said in a serious tone.

Sugreev was also wrapped in the creepers and he was also trying to free himself but around his palm the creepers was searing , It seemed that ,In a very low quantity but some heat was inflaming from his palm , But the heat was so low that it was not be able to ignite the creepers , Only the smoke came out from the creepers around his palms.

"Hahaha ... I'm satisfied ."

Dharendra moved his hand in the direction of the ground and with this Bali and Sugreev was landed on the ground , The creepers let go of both of them and it was absorbed in Dharendra's arms.


Tired and exhausted Bali threw out the chewed creepers while coughing ,On the other hand Sugreev was also trying to catch up his Breath while fascinatingly looking at his palms.

Tikshana ran toward the princes ,


"Are you okay ,Prince ?"

Keshav also while approaching Bali giggled and said ,

"He seems fine to me ."

Bali after coughing out quite a while stood up and looked at Dharendra angrily ,

"What was the big idea? What are you trying to prove, old monkey?"

All the others looked at Bali in a shock the other kid Adipuru's who was on the other side was also stared at Bali with a disdainful look on there face , There was silence for a while than Bali realised ,

'Oh ! ... It slipped through my tongue... The word monkey for Vanar's is forbidden ...I forgot.'

Dharendra looked at Bali with a serious expression but in just a moment he laughed out loudly ,

"Hahahaha ... It was a first . that someone called me a monkey instead of Vanar or Adipuru."

Bali realised that it was very rude of him , While scratching back of his neck with a nervous look on his face he said ,

"Ah ! Sorry , I just.... ."

Interrupting Bali midway Dharendra walked to Sugreev who was still staring at his palms in confusion ,

"Well , It does not matter , But the prize has been earned by your little brother ."

Bali gazes follow Dharendra along the way and with a confused look on his face he asked loudly ,

"What ... Prize?!"

spreading both hands and raising his eyebrows while smiling Dharendra said ,

"Who  I am ... did you not want to know ."

With an uninterested look on his face and Turing his gazes other way Bali said ,

"I am not interested anymore .....I guess."

Sugreev looked at Dharendra and standing up in a joyful manner he said ,

"No! Brother I want to know."

Dharendra approached Sugreev and placing his hand on Sugreev's shoulders he laughed and looked at Bali ,


"Hehe look ... How joyous your brother is ."

Bali stared bitterly at Dharendra .

Seeing Bali's bitter face , Dharendr started talking ,

"Ahem ..... Well I'm The master and head of this grandiose place where thousand upon thousand finest warriors of Kishkindha had been born anew , And this place is Mahsam school."

Heading back to where Prakriti and the others were standing in a sarcastic tone he said ,

"So , you are the headmaster ..... Didn't you have any shame bullying kids on their first time in school."

Dharendra chucked then laughed loudly again ,

"Huh?! ... hahaha ... You are quite funny , prince Bali ... But I'm not exactly bullying you, I was just checking what kind of future kishkindha will see because of you two." Dharendra stopped for a while then turned ," Well now that introduction's are over , shall I give you a tour around..."

As Dharendra was going to say any further he was interrupted by a lady with brown furr , who came from the direction of the building , The lady was wearing green colored Antariya and a black shirt like wear with silver patterns on it , While shouting at Dharendra she said ,

"Sir Dharendra ,You know that we are short on staff like always , There's only five teachers present today , You should immediately head to the class , Your lecture is about to start ."

Dharendra while moving hastily pointed his fingers to the lady who just appeared ,

"Aha , Well looks like ,Teacher Prayasyati will give you the tour , well then bye ."

While looking at Prayasyati with a scornful expression , Bali walked in the direction on his own ,

 "Why should we need anyone to give us a tour , seeing that we already have former and current students with us."

With serious look on her face and in a serious tone Prayasyati said ,

"Well, This place has its own rules. So , it will be better if I give a tour , So please follow me."

Stopping Bali Prakriti and Keshav said ,

"She is right , There are places even we are also not permitted to enter right now ."

Bali looked at Prayasyati while sharpening his gazes and then he sigh and nodded his head ,

Prayasyati started to walk in the direction of the building .

After a while they all reached to the building ,Some kid Adipuru roaming in the building could be seen , While pointing out at this building Prayasyati said ,

"This is the first part of this land and also the first part of Mahsam school , It is called the House of Titiksha ... As you must be already aware of the fact that the education in kishkindha takes place in 12 years , And here in House of Titiksha ,Students study for their first 4 years , Just like your friends here they are now in their second year of House of Titiksa .... Prayasyati with her same serious expression moved her hand and said ."Than shall we move forward ."

Looking inside of the building Bali asked Prayasyati with a curious face ,

"Aren't you going to tell us what the students study here ?"

"Well for that you have to take admission , Because it might be dangerous , if... revealed to someone from outside. "Prayasyati said while ignoring Bali and walking ahead.

"what?! ...But..."Bali was going to ask again but Prayasyati stopped walking and while pointing her finger to Prakriti and other she said ,

"Even your friends didn't tell you anything yet, right !! ... Because that's the rules and regulations here ... now shall we move forward."

'Sigh .... This lady is very serious , What rules huh , Well let's go '

They all started to walk again behind Prayasyati ,

They walked past the building and after walking for sometime they reached another building that was made out of pure white stones .

"This is the second part of the Mahsam school , The house of Tavas ,And the next 4 years after the house of Titiksha , the students study here , unfortunately the students are outside from the school ."Prayasyati explained then she said."Shall we move forward."

Sighing deeply in a sarcastic tone Bali said ,

"Okay , Okay ... let's just walk and walk ."

Everybody giggled and again started to walk .

  After awhile they reached to a building that was rather different from the others.This building had twenty one giant pillars which was supporting the roof , This building had only just the ground floor not like the other which had more than two stories ,The building was seemed quite older than the others and it seemed it was left empty for years , The vines of plants reached to its roof from all around .

"This is the last and final of Mahsam school , The house of Shakti ,And the next 4 years after the house of Tavas the students study here , And here too .... The students are outside just like always."

Looking at that bizzare and ancient building Bali thought ,

'House of Shakti .... I know the strange superpowers are called Shakti but , Looks like it's here they do something to give Shakti ... or I could be wrong"

Than suddenly surprised by what Prayasyati just said , Bali's asked ,

"Wait a minute .. You said , like always?"

Prayasyati looked at Bali for a while then started talking.

"Yeah , Well after passing from the house of Tavas , Students get missions outside the kingdom ...oops ... I broke the rules again."

Prayasyati's eyes widened and she slapped his hand on her forehead with a nervous look on her face as she stared at the others .

Tikshana came forward and patted Prayasyati's back and while comforting her she said .

"It's okay , It's okay , I knew you were trying hard to look tough in front of new possible students."

When everybody realised that Prayasyati was acting tough to look strict in front of them They all laughed .


In the Castle of Vriksha , A tall window attached with glass , The light from this window was falling on one side of the room making only half the room visible ,On the side where the light was not reaching , There was dark , In this darkness on a chair , Vigr was sitting , In a serious tone he asked Minister Maatanga who was standing near the chair,

"Tell me ,That Vriksha left the kingdom "

Making an nervous expression Maatanga replied ,

"Yes he left , but Sir , There's a change in plans , The princes are not in the castle ."

Vigr turned his head at Maatanga ,

"What?! ... What do you mean?"

In monotonous voice Maatanga replied ,

"Sir ,they are not here , They went to the Mahsám school ,All of a sudden"

Standing from the chair in  hurry Vigr with an angry expression ,

"ARHHHH ... The human prince gave as a chance by distracting Vriksha and upon that it seemed the luck was on our side when the queen was summoned to heaven , ... Hahaha how foolish of Vriksha to take four ministers with him hahahaha ."

With an faltering voice Maatanga asked ,

"So , Sir , Are you saying we should attack Mahsam ?"

Vigr turned to left and walked to a hanger where Some uttariya was hanging on it ,


"If the princes stayed in the castle then we don't have to do anything , The soldiers would had easily done the job , But now they are in Mahsem , Even though the teachers of that school are not in per with minister but they are powerful , we both have to get involve in this , Now that Vriksha's guard down and this is the perfect opportunity , This type of chance will never come again,Vigr picked one Uttariya and wear while wrapping it around him he asked ,"  How many soldiers did you say have 'Shakti' in them  on our side? "

Maatanga replied quickly .

"Four sir!"

Hearing the answer ,Vigr laughed and wearing the uttariya completely he walked to the other side of the room where the light was falling , His half burnt face came to the fore in this light and with an ferocious grin on his face while still waking he said ,

"Hahahaha ..... This will be interesting , Get ready to attack now!!"

< Chapter 13  >Ends

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