

"You wanted to see me?" I waltz into my fathers home office, lounging on the brown, leather couch to the right.

"Yes, Morgan", my father says, typing away on his computer. "I have a job for you", he stops typing and looks towards me.

"Oh, cool. What do I need to do?" I pull out my phone while still listening.

"Well, how do I put this", he pauses. "You need to get someone to fall in love with you... and then kill them". My eyes immediately leave my phone screen and meet my father's gaze, searching for any hint of humour, proving that this is a joke. However, much to my dismay, he is serious.

I chuckle, nervously. "You're joking". He shakes his head. "No. You're not serious", I stand, walking over to his desk.

"I'm sorry, Mor-", I hold a finger up to silence him, shaking my head as I stare at the desk.

"I'm not doing it", I take a step back, staring back at my father, as if daring him to argue with me.

"Mija", he starts.

I shake my head, backing up towards the door. "Nope". I stop as I reach the door, slowly opening it as I run down the hall. "Michael!" I yell frantically. "Mike!"

Michael is one of our many guards. He's my favourite of them all, acting as the older brother I've never had. "Morgan? What's the matter?" He walks over to me from the living room.

"Morgan!" My father walks over to the both of us. "Good morning, Michael", he briefly nods at Michael.

"Good morning", he nods back. "So, what's this all about?" He glances between my father and I.

"Morgan is refusing her newest task", my father nods down at me. I glare daggers at the side of his head as he turns back to Michael.

"Which is?"

"He's making me make someone fall in love with me! And- and then, I have to kill them" I exclaim, before my father has a chance to answer.

"Why are you mad? That won't be hard for you", Michael reasons.

"Dude", I whine. "You're supposed to be on my side".

"Mija", my father turns to me. "I'll give you a few hours to wake up properly and eat breakfast, and then we shall discuss this in my office".

"Fine", I grumble, walking off in the direction of the kitchen to make myself me breakfast.

"Miss Rivero, let me help you", one of our members of staff walks over to me. "I can cook for you".

"Kerry, how many times do I have to tell you? You don't need to call me that, call me Morgan", she smiles, sheepishly at me. "And honestly, I'll cook. You can go and take a rest".

"But it's my job to-", I cut her off.

"And I'm giving you the morning off, so go and enjoy yourself", I chuckle, motioning for her to leave. She smiles in gratitude as she scurries out of the room.

I start making my breakfast to take my mind off of the events that occurred earlier this morning. I begin to whip together the pancake mixture before cooking them and placing them on a plate; I add syrup and sit at the island, beginning to eat.

"What did you make?" My very annoying, younger brother shouts in my ear.

"Holy fudge cakes", I place a hand over my heart, trying to steady my breathing. "What the fuck did you do that for, Gabriel?" He groans, taking a seat next to me.

"Don't use my full name", my seventeen year old brother whines. I pat him on the head, as I continue to eat my pancakes. "So.. I heard about your new mission", he nudged his shoulder on mine.

I groan, rolling my eyes. "Don't remind me".

"It's just a guess but, I feel like you're not too happy about it", he raises an eyebrow.

"No shit, sherlock", I mumble.


"Can you go and annoy someone else?" I finish my pancakes. "Go and annoy Ellie". Ellie is our twelve year old sister. She shouldn't know much about our mafia however, she is a master eavesdropper. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew about my new commission before I even knew.

"I'm hungry", Ellie strides into the kitchen.

"Speak of the devil-", I start.

"And she shall appear", Gabe finishes.

She stands opposite us on the other side of the island, trying to glare at us. Key word, trying. Gabe and I try to stop ourselves from laughing at her face. "Well, I'm not the devil, but you", she looks at me. "Will be meeting him very soon".

"What do you mean?" I sit up straighter.

"Oh, did dad not tell you?"

"I swear to god, Ellie. Tell me or I'll tell dad that you know about... whatever you're talking about".

"Just go and ask him", she groans. "I need to go feed my pet squirrel that comes to my window every morning", she says as she walks out and up the stairs to her room.

"Did you know she has a pet squirrel?" Gabe mumbles next to me.

"No idea".

I force myself to get up off of my bed and get dressed. I walk over to my closet, pulling out a pair of black jeans and white crop top. After I shower and get changed, I trudge down to my fathers office, laying on the leather couch.

"Why do I have to do this?" I ask.

"As the new leader of the Rivero's mafia, we need your help to take down the other mafias", my father informs me.

"But we're already the most powerful mafia. I don't see why I have to do this", I sit up.

"The Mazzaro's are rapidly catching up. Which is why you need to get their new leader, Romeo, to fall in love with you. This will make him vulnerable, and easier for you to take them down".

I chuckle, nervously. Romeo Mazzaro, cold-hearted, sinister and, by far, the hottest mafia leader out there. He was the youngest mafia leader, at 24 however, he has been taken over by yours truly, me being only 22.

"Lucky for us, nobody knows that you are my daughter, as we have kept your identity a secret, so you do not need to go undercover. You start tomorrow, he will be in the gym downtown", he pauses. "And, don't act too.. you know, yourself".

"Excuse me? What do you mean don't act yourself. How else am I supposed to act?" I stand up.

"Just, act vulnerable, or something. Make him feel bad for you, get hurt, make him take care of you. Hell, move in with him.. just do something".

"Dad, this is Romeo Mazzaro we're talking about. The guys nickname is Lucifer. He doesn't care about people, how the fu- hell am I supposed to make him love me?" I take a deep breath.

"Take as long as you need however, you can not fall in love. You need to take them down, you can't risk your life, or our mafia, because of some feelings. Do you understand?"

"Yes, fine, okay. I get it, I understand. Can I go now?" I fold my arms, getting tired.

"Yes you may".

I lay in bed that night thinking about what could happen tomorrow. My thoughts get interrupted by a soft knock at my door. "Yeah?" I whisper, loud enough for them to hear me.

"Hey, honey", my mom walks into my room, closing the door quietly. She takes a seat next to me, on my bed.

My mom works a lot, so I don't see her as much. I mean, my dad does too but he usually works in his home study, and when he's at his office in the city, I'm usually with him. My mom doesn't like to get involved with the whole mafia thing, she owns her own fashion company so she's out of the country a lot.

I've grown to take over for my father and I'm pretty sure that Ellie will take over for my mom. And Gabe? I'm almost certain that he will become a professional soccer player. So, as you can see, we all pretty much have our lives planned out.

"Hey, mom", I sit up against the headboard.

"Your father told me about what you're doing tomorrow", I lean my head back. "I just want to say, good luck", she kisses me on the head before saying goodnight and going to her room. I lay back down, trying to come up with a plan to win Romeo over.

This is not going to be easy.

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