
He was her first

Have you ever realized that your first mood is the representation of your day!? It is mostly true in many ways. Well, can you believe if anyone says, 'Sleeping early is your remedy to most of your of problems', can you? Well try it for yourself to experience the results. After enough hours of sleep our body becomes refreshing so do our minds. Having a clear mind and a blank mind are two different types. Clear mind helps you in finding a solution, whereas blank mind keeps you stagnated, not helping you in progressing.

Harini, she was tossing badly that night in her bed not knowing what was wrong suddenly. She didn't feel any good about this. It was weird that she strongly felt something bad is waiting for at her door step. She was supposed to meet up Nelson the next day. When she first asked Nelson out, he was quite first and said yes after a brief consideration. But it is not unusual of him to do so.

Nelson is someone who is very considerate and wary of everything he did. He never says or does without analyzing or weighing the situations. He is always calculative and tries his best keep up with his words.

Harini on the other hand is exactly opposite to that of Nelson's character.

The next day Harini had other plans apart from meeting Nelson. She and her friend Elby had decided to meet in Forum Mall for lunch. Elby had come from US on vacation to India after some many years. And it was already 10 years since they met last.

Harini and Elby had been classmates during their high school. And immediately after their 10th standard board exams, Elby had to migrate to US with her family since her mother was already working there for quiet good few years. Which is completely a good choice for a better living. And yet the little friends din't fail to stay in contact. Thanks to skype back then for helping many such long distance relationships keeping in place and peace since the cost of international calls were too huge.

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