
| Remembrancce |

It began with a piano.

"What are you playing?" A curious voice was heard from behind, he glance over his shoulder and look back to the music sheet in front of him. He never guess nor fathomed that she would make an appearance in the piano room, because she never did in years. A change of heart perhaps?

"The Wind's Sonnet." He breathes in, hesitantly.

She smiles, slowly making herself at place and settled beside him, eyes looking down on the black and white keys before her. Both are side by side, but seem so far from one another. He felt it, but never understood as to why. Their story began merrily just like in fairy tales, they live with each other like in fairy tales— and they loved each other..like in fairy tales.

Rays of the sunset seeps through the curtained windows that sways gently, an explosion of colours that decorates the sky in its hues made everything so beautous that she might as well make it worthwhile. And hence made her decision to see him in this room full of anamnesis and unplayed rhythms. She brought her fingers above the keys though not quite to press on them and ruin the song, she knew her actions made him flinch and it made her lips curl into a smile. "Were you scared just now? That I might ruin the song?"

He shake his head. "You could never ruin our song."

"You were upset when I joined in with you last time when you played Café 1930, and threatened to write over my notes."

His lips curve into a small smile. She remembers their first encounter.

"We do not know each other back then." He reasoned.

"And you asked to marry me the next day." She countered.

Another memory dawned before him, and it was one he value most. He parted lips to say something back, but did not continue. He can never win against her competitiveness, and he knew that he will gladly lose to her in any day.