1 {The Miracle Cave}

"It is a story of the miracle cave".

"Once upon a time in the remote place, one huge orangutan was lived in the old cave."

It was a summer season where Temperature was generally high because of Heat wavesh.

The orangutan saw a unknown person who were coming towards the cave,

A unknown person were try to protecting himself to that heat wave.

He had looked shade of the cave and he straightly went towards that.

But he didn't know about that where he going is the miracle cave".

The miracle about the cave was what you believe with compassion your dream become reality and you will get that.

When a unknown person reached the cave He was started sleeping because he felt tired and weak.

After the some hours of sleep he was awaken

And the believe which he was always think,

that he will one day became the king of the state.

In a few hours later one servant was came in the cave and called him,

they said the ruler of this state given the title of the king to you, it was the surprise experience for him.

"The unknown person asked to servant that why a title of the king was given to me without any reason,"

A servant said that in our village there is some ancient traditions which followed in every leap year, in this ancient tradition the ruler of a village welcoming new visitors and awarded him as 'The Title of the king'.

"In this leap year you was the only visitor who came in the village and that's the reason a title of the king was given to you."

Therefore the unknown person was accepted The Title of the king.

"After this incident happen he looked towards the Orangutan and he believe that orangutan should behave like humans, in a few minutes later the orangutan started behaving like a civilized human."

"A unknown person was started seeking about the reasons behind the Miracle cave."
