

So Min's POV

He nodded and walked off." I guess that's a yes..." I say as I stare at him. I continue to stare at him for some reason." That was sweet so you said your single" she says." Hmmmmm yeah...." I say as I continue to stare." Wanna date" she asked."yeah...sure...I guess" I say as I start to focus." Wow fuck you never mind" she says as she walked away." Shit you fucked up not by being mean that's funny" Min laughs." Shut up I need to talk to him" I say looking at my schedule." Why" Min asked."because I feel he doesn't forgive me and he might be a suck up" I lied." Oh um I have her other friends schedule she said she has 3rd ,6th, and 8th hour together" Min says looking at the persons schedule." We'll shit tell me what they are" I said annoyed." 3rd P.E." He read." Nope" I say looking at my schedule." 6th Advanced Social studies" he read. I shook my head no."8th hour cooking class" he said. I look in shock. I got him. I run to my class leaving him." Ok I just gotta make it to 8th hour" I say as a bunch of girls stare." The fuck you staring at" I asked annoyed. The all got more attached." We'll shit take a picture it lasts long" I say as I began to walk. They began to take pictures." OK FUCK OFF" I snapped. They stopped and moved into their classes.i finished every class and time was fading into 8th hour. I walk to cooking and I saw him looking at his phone. Holy. Fucking. Shit.... he looked at me and got scared. He moved next to a quiet girl." Come sit by me" girls started saying." Ok fine just one" I said as they all raised there hands even Parks partner. He looked disappointed." You" I point at him. I walk over to him and rested my arm on his shoulder." Why me" he wrote." Cause I gotta talk to you...personally" I said intimidating him." Why me tho go mess with those girls...they'd want you to do that personally" he wrote." Wow your nasty" I say as I grabbed him journal and looked through it. It was filled with drawn pictures not so clean pictures for most. He snatched the journal back. He got super red." It's on if your naughty I can be too" I tease him. I elbowed the girl he was sitting by and she moved. I stared at him as he look notes. Soon dozing off I got a glimpse of him looking at me. He slipped a paper under my head. I woke up to the bell ringing and him gone. Hmmm what's this. I look at the paper with a number on it and So Jeon's name on it." Holy shit bro you pissed her off but she still gave you it... you should tell her nice hand writing" Min said out of nowhere." Fuck this can't be right he had to have wrote I've been sitting next to him" I say as I look at my notes." Shit you finally being good" Min says as he picks up my notes." I think he wrote it" I say." .... wanna go drink" Min changes the subject." Only if your paying" I say as I get up and get my bag on."lets go" Min said excitedly. We walked out to Mins car and a lot of students standing around. So Yae quickly pulled up. He got out and all eyes were on him." Fucking hell stay in the car" I say as I run over to him and rushed him back in the car."YAH" So yelled putting me in a head lock." Let me go now" I say as I try to get lose. Everyone watches in confusion." He's fine it's brotherly love" Min says. Another car pulls up and a short girl walks out." YUUUU" she yells tuning up to Park and hugs him. He hugs her back."  Oh my god I see what you mean by your sisters adorable" So Jeon says trying to pinch her cheeks." Nooooo my face I will get acne" she said." Yae get off me"I said as he let go and I ran over to him." Hey thanks for the notes I'll try not to sleep tomorrow" I say as I ruffle his hair. He started blushing like crazy." Ok bye" So Jeon said." Your just mad I ignored you" I said annoyed." Park come with us" I say grabbing his wrist." Wait he has to go home" the little kid said." Don't worry I'll watch him" I ensured. She let go and ran to the car. Min, Park,and me head to Min's car." Wait can I go I don't go out a lot" Jeon said. Park nodded so we let her come.we all got in the at and we drove off." Wait where are we going" he wrote." Drinking cause we can and we want to" I said." But I'm underage" he wrote." Well you can eat" I said annoyed.