
let's game

onii-chan let's play this game it's new!, it was released today on the Google Play store.

"I said to him in a very happy voice", he asked what type of game is it, i Then said its a 5 v 5 game made by the Dragon persona. the name of the game is Sunrise you should search it on the Play store and find out for your self onii Chan. I will later rose, but right now i have to finish this game of Aov.

ok I understand but tell me when your done. also onii-chan I'm going to take a shower, so you'll have to wait a bit if you need to go to the toilet.

ok ''Rose''. drops of water can be heard all over the 2 floor. a faint moan can be heard, rose was touching her self.

few minutes later. I should check on rose she's been in there for quite some time now. I walk up to the second floor an went closer towards the door..

I opened the door to rose sleeping in the bathtub.

she's been in there for a few minutes I need to do something, some how.