1 One

Four. Strength, cunning, lethal.

Three. Sight, eyes, future.

Two. Peace, fun, balance.

One. Speed, coward, hidden.











The first thing she saw was a blaring light. She immediately closed her eyes. She felt a soft floor beneath her. Ground. She peeked one look at it. Soil. She opened her eyes fully and stared. The ground around her was cracked. It was like she plummeted from the sky like a meteor. She looked up. The sky was a dark blue hue but only in the clearing she was in. She breathed deeply and smelled the comforting smells of pine and cinnamon. When she looked at her surroundings trees followed her sight. The clearing she was in was tightly woven with the trunks and branches of trees. They refused to let her see past; into the beyond. A small prick caught her attention. She looked at her right arm which now held a small dart of some sort. She moved to a sitting position. Four figure hovered above her. They each wore different colors. One was clad in white, two was yellow, three was purple, and four was red. She didn't know who these people were but one thing was clear as day. The dart was a sedative. She couldn't do anything else but okay the bluff game. And so she smiled and yanked out the dart. A split second later the one in white had both of her arms pinned behind her back. The red one stepped toward her. The yellow one covered his eyes while the purple one comforted him. The red one growled and her attention was immediately snapped toward him.

He frowned, "You're making me do work."

Before she could respond he stepped back, smirked and punched her right in the forehead.

"Tsk, Noneborn."

(If you are here thank you for reading but I may not continue this novel it depends if I obtain the motivation or if people actually would want to read a second chapter anyways thank you for reading and please leave a review (at least I think people can leave reviews?) if you want me to continue this novel!)
