
Trailer Season-2

[A week after the blinding light pierced the sky]

Inside William's office inside the Soma familia.

Haruhime, Middle Lackey, Youngest Lackey, Lily and Emile could be seen sitting around the room with vacant looks in their eyes.

None of them said anything as they just quietly kept staring in the air.

Most of their eyes were swollen red due to crying.


Suddenly the door of the room opened up.

Haruhime turned her head and looked at the person who came in.

Looking at the familiar face, no change appeared on Haruhime's face as she turned her head away again.

Ignoring everyone's dull response, God Soma silently made his way towards the seat at which William used to sit.

But as God Soma moved, the sound of an extra pair of footsteps came from behind him.

Youngest Lackey who was dumbly staring at the ceiling turned his head down.


Suddenly Youngest Lackey fell backwards from the wooden chair he was sitting on.

Everyone noticed his abnormal action and lifted their heads.

Unknowingly their gaze fixed at the person who was standing behind God Soma.


Youngest Lackey who quickly got up and shuttered as he pointed at the person.


A giant hand smacked Youngest Lackey's head making him bite his tongue as a familiar voice rang out.

"What 'You' that's Elder BROTHER for you, Idiot",Eldest Lackey said with a smile on his face.

"Eldest",Middle Lackey shouted as he hugged Eldest Lackey with tears flowing down his eyes.

Lily had a shocked expression on her face as she looked at Eldest Lackey and said.

"B-But how"

Instead of replying to her, Eldest Lackey turned his gaze towards God Soma.

Unknowingly God Soma has sat down on William's chair and was looking at all of them with an indifferent look in his eyes.

Lily who was all too familiar with that look in God Soma's eyes shuddered.

Seeing that no one was saying anything and just staring at him, God Soma said in a calm voice.

"Divine wine....."

"Do you know why it is called divine wine?"

No response came as God Soma continued.

"In fact the one I usually make shouldn't even be called a divine wine..."

"A real divine wine is something which can bring the dead back to life, something which Gods in heaven drink to prolong their lives, something which can grant immortality to a mortal."

"And I am the one who creates that divine wine....."

"Releasing the seal on my powers, it was an easy job for me to bring him back to life."

Silence descended in the room when they heard what God Soma said.

"Isn't it prohibited for God's to use their divine powers?"

Emile asked in a small voice.

No one said anything but in their hearts they knew.

A God using his power will receive a severe punishment from the guild.

"It dosen't matter."

Suddenly a cold voice grabbed everyone's attention.

"Those who were responsible."

God Soma got up from William's chair.

"Those who stood by."

Grabbing the black coloured coat from the chair, God Soma placed it over his shoulder.

"And those who took advantage."

A bone chilling light appeared in God Soma's eyes.

"For this sadness that they have given me."

Every one got up from their sitting position and stared at God Soma.

"I will make all of them pay."

All of their hands tightened into fists.

"Orario shall pay."


Inside Loki familia's residence.

"So what'cha here for today Hermes",Loki said as she gestured towards Hermes to take a seat.

"You are as carefree as always I see.",Hermes said in a resigned tone as he sat down.

"So what's up with the sudden visit?", Loki asked with a smile on her face.

Suddenly a serious expression appeared on Hermes's face as he said.

"Ishtar is dead...."

"Hmm that's it? Why are you so worked up ove it?",Loki said in an annoyed tone.

When she saw Hermes's serious expression she thought that he would be telling a grave news or something.

Picking up the wine glass, Loki started drinking from it.

"You don't understand...."

Hermes took in a deep breadth as he continued.

"Ishtar's divine sould disappeared."


The wine glass in Loki's hand fell down as wine spilled all over the floor.


But Loki didn't care about that as she went forwards and grabbed Hermes by his collar.

"You.....do you know what that means?."

With a serious look in her eyes, Loki said.

Nodding his head Hermes said.

"Ishtar instead of returning to heaven...has mysteriously disappeared."















'Where am I?', William asked himself as he was unable to see anything.

'I can't move', He tried to move his body but nothing happened.

Suddenly a force appeared and harshly pulled him towards it

"I finally got you."

A malicious voice called out to William.

"Hehehe don't think I will let you get away after what you did", Ishtar said in a crazy tone as she pulled William's sould towards her.

"You think you can get away after dying? Wrong for what you have done I will make you suffer every second for ten thousand years!!!!!"

William didn't tried to resist as Ishtar caught his soul.

It's not that he didn't wanted to but he couldn't.

He cannot move his body and neither was he able to feel any mana.

'So this is how I end up?', William thought to himself as he remembered all of the good and bad memories from his two lives.

'Well...I suppose it wasn't so bad after all',As his thoughts reached this point, William's thinking process stopped as he fell into a deep slumber.

"I have got you now",On the other hand, Ishtar was holding onto William's complete white soul in her hand.

'Hm?',Suddenly Ishtar was attracted by a small black dot in William's chest area.

'What is this',Raising her eyebrow, Ishtar extended her hand towards the black dot.

Just as her hand was about to touch the black dot.

Something which has been silent all this time finally reacted.

*['Transmigrator's Authority'-:(?)]* is shaking.


Ishtar shouted as she hurriedly tried to pull her hand back.

Unfortunately for her....

*['Transmigrator's Authority'-:(?)]* is shaking.

Something didn't wanted to let it go.

"G-get away from me",Ishtar shouted as she felt the strong pull coming from the black spot.

"N-NOOO how dare you do this to me i-I AM A GOD A GO---"

Ishtar's screams disappeared as her soul was sucked inside the black dot.

As soon as Ishtar's soul was devoured.

[Hidden requirement has been met]

[Soul of a God has been acquired]

[Initialising Ascension]


[User has no body, Unable to ascend to Godhood]

[Utilising the excess power]

[New skills are being created]

[You have acquired the skill 'Divine Soul'-(SSS)]

[You have acquired the skill 'Authority Of Love'-(SS)]

['Authority Of Love'-(SS) is clashing with

'Cold blooded'-(S)]

[Due to the influence of 'Authority Of Love'-(SS), skill

'Cold blooded'-(S) has been forcefully deactivated]

Many changes were took place inside William's status.

But the biggest one was none of them.



















'. '-(Z)

*Divine Soul-(SSS)

*Authority Of Love-(SS)

*Sword Saint-(A)

*Basic archer-(G)

*Cold blooded-(S)[Deactivated]

*Blessing of the Divine Wine-(A)

*Basic elemental affinity-(I)

















A skill which was hidden all this time.




















'. Authority'-(Z)

*Divine Soul-(SSS)

*Authority Of Love-(SS)

*Sword Saint-(A)

*Basic archer-(G)

*Cold blooded-(S)[Deactivated]

*Blessing of the Divine Wine-(A)

*Basic elemental affinity-(I)


















Was finally reveling itself.




















'.Transmigrator's Authority'-(Z)

*Divine Soul-(SSS)

*Authority Of Love-(SS)

*Sword Saint-(A)

*Basic archer-(G)

*Cold blooded-(S)[Deactivated]

*Blessing of the Divine Wine-(A)

*Basic elemental affinity-(I)



















[Transmigrator's Authority'-(Z)]

-You who have broken past the bounds of your world shall not be stopped by anything.

Ability- Will give what the user needs the most.






















The colour of William's soul turned from white to gold.

Silently a pair of eyes formed on his soul.

William's eye lid opened up showing a pair of clear eyes.

Although his eyes appeared cold.....

They no longer held the indifference which thay once had before.













[Failed....Insufficient energy....converting lvl5 falna to energy]

[Falna consumed....energy level sufficient.....]

[Commencing world travel]













(Name of season 2- 'Journey towards Godhood.')

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