
[Dear Lord, What am I?]


'...This...This can't be happening...'

I've been repeating this for weeks. About...three weeks ago, I woke up. This confused me at first cause I KNOW I died upon that roof. Then came the confusion of noticing I am about two and a half feet tall...and blue...

What am I supposed to believe right now? Is everything I knew of my life actually false? I don't know what I'm supposed to think...what even is Human if I'm BLUE!? How is blue skin even naturally possible? Silver? To be this blue from birth requires the body to naturally produce SILVER! Which isn't possible!

Unless I'm no longer human...but even then, organic flesh can't produce silver, expecially in these concentrations!

Then there is the fact I may no longer be HUMAN!? With time, I may be able to come to terms with the idea of rebirth...but for there to be other sentient humanoid species like this...I would have to be an alien!?

I can't be some unknown sub-species of Human, so am I even on Earth anymore? Is there truely sentient life on other planets besides Earth? I'll focus on that another time...but for now, my body.

For now, lets say this is rebirth...That means I've been reborn as something. What I am? No idea, not at all. But the conditions this species has evolved from will give some insight, this much I know.

The current conditions...cold, very cold. This species has adapted in below freezing tempertures for who knows how long...the who, I have no idea. Right now, this primative tribe I was reborn into seems to have built their 'village' into a deep underground system of ice caves...literally. I've only moved through a couple areas but everything is clearly made of solid ice.

If these caves are natural...I'm not sure, but either way they are beautiful. While the ground seems somewhat rough and snow-packed, the walls are abnormally smooth and clear. I want to say they have high concentrations of sliver aswell, but I'm not entirely sure.

This tribe I'm now part of also has some architectual know-how. While crude and primative, they do have their own structures made to suit their needs. There are small watch towers and bridges built in a cavern nearby, constructed using various bones and some abnormal adhesive material. I want to say it is sap but I'm not sure...its also how this material was used in their structures that confuses me.

They use it to make platforms and other flat surfaces. When used right, this stuff is pretty damn solid despite the countless holes in it. Then there are these little huts made from hides and other materials. These huts look like fur igloos, supported by several rib bones of some large animal.

The clothing commonly consists of simple fur loincloths, but higher ranking members of the tribe wear more protective equipment. I've even seen some wearing a metal chest-piece...HOW!?

This species don't have the means to craft such items, leading me to believe that other, more advanced races exist outside these caves. If this is the case, then this species likes to raid those outside the caves, if all these items scattered around are anything to go by.

Another abnormal thing about these blue creature...it takes about one month...ONE...to reach adult-hood. I'm literally a week away from reaching physical maturity, which is insane!

I died at ninety-one years of age, woke to concience thought a week after my rebirth, had my life's beliefs torn to shreds, started growing facial hair at three weeks old, and I am now part of a primative underground village of blue midgets...with pointy ears and sharpened teeth.

What I want to know is how do I survive? I am a damned midget in some possibly feudal world which is most likely ruled by a race of people who arn't midgets! What advantage do I have!?! None! I've got nothing!

I have only one goal...learn and adapt to what I learn. What I must do to ensure my survival is to become physically stronger than the average blue midget. With that strength, I'll rise through this tribe's ranking system and gain influence. With that influence, I can further secure this system of caves and ensure this tribes continued survival and growth. Using this growth, I can have strength in numbers.

Numbers...organized and trained numbers of blue midgets...midgets will be what secures my continued existence.

Dear Lord, what have I become...

Yaaaay...more words...

Cealecreators' thoughts