

"I will leave first then.."

Becca is the first one to break the silence but, she only makes the awkwardness in the room worst.

"Oh erm.. okay. You must be busy right now. Thanks for the hard work!" Dr succubus nodded as she smiled at Becca.

"Then.. see you later.." with an innocent yet still cold face... Becca left. Which leaves the two of us here in awkward silence.

"So... Your injuries? " Dr. succubus asked after a few seconds of silence.

I just turned around quietly and show my bareback towards her while covering my chest with my t-shirt and uniform.

I don't know which part of my body has the fake bruises so I just turned around naturally.

" Hmm... The bruises on your back look bad, but it's nothing that serious so, you don't need to go to the hospital if you want."

I just hum in response.

"Are there any places that you find it still hurting?"

I was about to show my palm when the ball speaks out of nowhere.

[Upper tights]

!!!! The fuck did you put there for!!!???

[I need to put the fake injuries somewhere hidden so that the doctor will not get suspicious after seeing a wound appears suddenly like a magic.]

.... I turned around to face her slowly before saying, "My...tights I think?"

There is a paused and Dr succubus stares at my face a few seconds before she smiled. " Alright, lift your skirt then.."

... Good thing I wear shorts inside. I lift up the skirt obediently with one hand and spread my legs so the doctor can see the bruises better.

Dr. Succubus then kneels on one knee. Maybe because of her eyesight.. her face is a little too close to between my legs.

Personal Space dammit!!


Shut up!!

"It seems that the injuries on your tights are also not serious.." She looks up and smiles at me. " I will just give you the ointment so you can wipe it on your injuries. Oh.. and also painkillers if the pain is too much."

I was about to thank the doctor when the door is opened by someone.

It's the pale looking Che Vincent. I don't really care. But, when I see the girl beside him who look at us with wide eyes.

"AwaWaWa... AVA!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!???"

"Huh!!??" Caroline?

30 minutes ago

"Syeezz... That Ava... How can she just went to school without me!!! " Today is the second day of school and I don't wanna be late. I went to her house only for the neighbor told me that she already goes to school!!!

"And now I'm almost late!!!! " I can't run because my leg is still hurt from yesterday.

"I can't believe how unlucky I am!!! Huh... " When I reached the school .. most of the students must have already gone for their classes.

I was changing my shoes to the indoor one at the shoe lockers when two girls are talking beside me. I don't really care but because they don't control their volumes... I can hear what they are saying clearly.

" That tall first-year girl really fall from the stairs in front of prince Che!!?? " A girl with ponytail and bangs that just above her eyebrows talked.

"Yeah!!! And you know what's crazy... She even pretended to faint in front of Prince Che !! But.. because he ignored her.. she woke up!! " Another girl with bob hair replied with a frown.

"Oh my gosh!!! That's so shameful!! And she's only a first-year too!!!!"

When I heard those two girls talking... I can't help but wonder who was the girl that was so bold to do that on the first day. "Not my responsibility though... " I shrugged. When I was about to leave.. those girls talk suddenly caught my attention.

" And you know what's even crazier!!!! She is so tall for a girl even though she is the first year!! She is almost as tall as Prince Che!! And she even wears really thick glasses!! Her hair is so plain.. it looks like she knows nothing about fashion!!! " Said the bob hair girl.

Huh!!? Tall girl? Thick glasses?? Black and plain-looking hair??? I suddenly thought of Ava. Are they talking about her? I took a peek at their face.

" What!!! That's so gross!! Girls like her don't even deserve to breathe the same air as Prince Che!!!" Wait!! Isn't she the tall girl that passed out at the school gate yesterday after she got mugged by the gangster!!??

"OH YEAH!!! I think she is also the same girl who passed out in front of that miss Rebecca. The bob hair girl makes a disgusted face when she said, miss Rebecca. " Served that first-year girl right... Trying to seduce The Queen's fiance... I saw with my own eyes when that control freak queen drags her somewhere ... Must be to teach her right!!!"


I was so shocked when I heard their words that I accidentally closed the shoe lockers with too much force. When I turned to look at them... They seem to stare at me with an annoyed face.

" Excuse me!!? " Do you have any problem with us!?? '' the ponytail girl asked with a scowl while the bob hair girl just glares at me.

"Err... N..no... I was... I was just..." Oh my gosh!!! What should I do... What excuse should I say??? Should I run?? Should I flatter them!!! " Erh... I, I...." I look left and right to see who can help me but give up when I see no one looks like they care. Some even stare just to watch the fun.

"I... I'm sorry!!!!! " Without thinking too much... I run as fast as I could to the less crowded place. I run and run until I arrived at a place that seems to be the school garden. There's a really beautiful fountain in the middle too.

I sit at the side of the fountain to rest.

"Owie...." Taking off my left shoe, I rub at my swollen ankle. "Uwww... It's getting worst..." I can't help but cried a little.

" Sob.. sob... Why am I so unlucky... High school is supposed to be a new life for me... Why is it so hard...aww..." Where's Ava... Is she also avoiding me and wanted to be with the popular group and don't want to hang out with me anymore...

I can't hold the tears anymore and start sobbing. I didn't even realize someone is actually watching.

" Are you okay? " A voice suddenly comes from behind me.

"H..huh!!?? " When I turn around... I saw a man with silver hair staring at me. His face looks really unfriendly... Uuu... Is he here to bully me too...?

'' I... I..... Uuu... Nothing... Just ... *Sniff* some dust ... In my mouth!! "

.... I look at him.

.... And he looks at me.

Ah ah... The tears... Uwww... I wipe the tears with my sleeve but it's useless. " Nothing bad happened!!! Goodbye!!!" I stand up and tried to run again.. but the pain in my ankle is getting worst.

"Kyahhh!!" I was about to fall when a hand caught me.

"Huh?" Ahh!!! It's the man again!!! I panicked when I find that his face is too close to me.

" You don't seem to be okay... " He looks at me without changing his expression. Still cold.. but, I seem to see some gentleness and worries in his eyes.

"I'll help bring you to the infirmary" After he said that... He helps me to put on my shoes again.

He was about to lift me but, I refused. " It's fine... I can still walk." It will be too shameful if he really did lift me!!!! I'm not a child, Huh!!!

He just nodded and walk beside me slowly matching my beat. It was a quiet walk despite the commotion around us. We don't talk with each other. It's really awkward.

I take a peek at his face only for him to catch me. Ahhh!!! So embarrassing!!! From the garden to the school hallway... We walked side by side in awkwardness. At least to me.. huuuu!!

I stopped walking when we reached the stairs. I've been holding the pain all the time we were walking.. but when I see the stairs... I feel like my ankle is throbbing painfully.

" Can you climb the stairs?"

Huh? I looked at the boy's face. Puzzled. I tried to climb it slowly when suddenly I feel light.

"Wha.. what!!! Why did you lift me!!!? " I feel hot in my face when I was suddenly carried by him.

" You are too slow.." that is his response.

"But...but..." I don't know how to retort... So, I just buried my face in my palm to hide my red face.

My head is so close to his chest so, I can hear his heartbeat. His heartbeats are fast ... I wonder if it's because of my weight!! Uahhhh!!! I shake my head just from the thought!!! No no no!!! I'm not heavy!! I'm sure!! I can't help but pout.

I take a peek around me to see that we are already in a hallway.. he is still carrying me."Aren't you tired" I suddenly blurted my thoughts out loud.

"You not heavy" he replied shortly.

Wah wah wah wah!!! What's with him!!! Again... I buried my face in my palm not daring to look at his face. He carries me until he stops in front of the infirmary.

"Ahh!! You can put me down over here..." I don't want to be seen by the nurse like this... I thought. It's embarrassing enough to be seen by students like this. Being carried like a child... ah!! So embarrassing!! I bite my lips from the thought.

He doesn't object and put me down obediently.

"T..thanks" I bow down my head a few times.

"Mhhmm.." he hum. After that, he opened the door. I was about to go in but bump onto his back when he stopped abruptly.

"Huh.. why did you stop??" I took a peek inside. Wa wa waa... The doctor and Ava...

"AwaWaWa... AVA!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!???"




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