
[On Hold] Star Wars: One with the Force

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... One man had a story some would call tragic, while others envied him for being called a Hero. He was someone who always had a knack for strategy and tactics, being first a Jedi, then being corrupted into a Sith Master, due to a couple of complications and 300 years of torture, it all came to an end with both opposite aspects coming together with him being One with the Force, but he couldn't just let go, so he took a decision in his last moments that would forever change his life and history. Please share with me a lot of constructive criticism, I would be very happy to improve my writing style and story with your feedback. I have a very demanding job on weekdays, this novel is currently on hold since I'm studying the lore and creating the big picture, as soon as I have a better understanding, I'll publish more chapters. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of the Star Wars universe.

Ablon · Movies
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Chapter 2 – Do all toys fly?

Two years went by quickly, in the meantime Drake was growing up, his parents started to notice something odd.

He started to speak earlier than normal, now he could almost use complete sentences to get what he wanted, he could run inside the house (first time was about a year ago when Lilith was playing with his dark hair and turned around to get scissor to get a lock of his hair when she turned around and saw him running through the door).

After Kish scolding Lilith, she turned to Drake and immediately went on mommy fever of happiness for her son going around running, looking for her husband and friends to tell the good news.

"I knew my son would have great motor skills, he takes after his mother!" she laughed and proclaimed.

The only couple that lived nearby that she went to gloat smiled, with Laura saying teasingly with a tinge of scolding:

"I always thought that he took more after his dad, after all, Drake spends most of his time toying with the wrenches that Ossun forgets in the house after he maintains your bike".

Kish puffed her chest and said defiantly:

"Do you want to have a go?!".

Raysin, already accustomed to the rivalry between the two, left the two alone because he knew best not to involve himself.

Laura, always the diplomatic said:

"You can try, but we both know that you can't afford to hurt that little hand of yours, did you forget that you have a race tomorrow?"

Laura, about to respond, saw Lilith in a dune nearby in a battle stance practicing throwing punches and kicks, and said:

"Is it really necessary to train her? You're on Tatooine, nothing happens here, they won't find you…".

Laura momentarily hardens her body before relaxing saying:

"We both know, in different ways, how hard can the world be, we're just preparing Lili in case the worst happens".

In the exchange, Drakes comes running at them smiling before saying:

"mummy… I just learned sumethin new!"

Kish picks her son up and asks:

"It's 'something' not 'sumethin' and what did you learn, sweetheart?".

Drake looks annoyed for a second before saying:

"I learned (pause) something new!" saying proudly as he saw that got the word right before continuing "my toys can fly!".

A little pause between the woman and the twi'lek before Kish said:

"Dear, we don't have toys that fly, it's not possible for them to fly"

"Yes, they can, mum, see?" and he put pointed his hand to the house when a wrench from Ossun came flying before stopping in front of him levitating in the air.

The women exchanged glances, Kish put Drake down while Laura took the wrench and said:

"Drake, first, this is not a toy, and second and most importantly, how did you do this?"

Smiling proudly of himself, he says:

"I just felt that I could do it! I keep (pause) seeing this and a lot of more stuff in my dreams"

"What do you see, Drake?" Asked Laura with a concerned expression

"I don't know" said the boy with his red and blue eyes looking anxiously at Laura seeing her serious expression "Did I do sumethin wrong?"

Laura's expression relaxes and says:

"Of course you didn't, sweetheart! tell you what, I'll take you to the market tomorrow to get you a nice lunch, what do you think?"

Drake smiled again before screaming happily and running back to the house "Yeayyyyy!"

Laura turned to Kish and said:

"We need to talk"

Kish nodded and said:

"Not right now, what about Lili keeping him company for the night and we talk then?"

Laura smiled:

"The little imp always liked to be near Drake, Ok, we'll talk later."