
Yumekai Yue (One)

--I want to be a hero.

--Even though I am quirkless, I still want to be a hero.

Little tiny letters are written on the orderly pile of notebooks

Fighting Tips.




I grin after the school uniform looks proper on me, walking out.

The person who didn't say anything a while ago finally squeezes out when I have put on my shoes: "Stay out of trouble...'


I answer him in my mind indifferently as I kick my shoes and go out.

My name is Yumekai Yue. Age 14 this year. I take a deep breath outside.

To be honest, I am not a good person. I am harsh, or you can put any other negative word on me like lazy—

After all, I don't have a good disposition.

...Understand? I am not a good person.

I repeat this in my mind twice. When I arrive at the train station, I rub my nose and touch the silver color ring on my neck, leaning on a pillar to wait for the train.

At my right side, a little girl is flapping her wings and her mother stretches her arms around the girl to pull her back. A man standing before me coughs, and wisps of smoke are coming out from his throat. I squint and look down at my phone, leaving that strange and usual scene alone.

--This is an era full of super powers.

The noisy station almost suffocates me. I have to put on my earphones with wild metal music on play, humming for just a few times. I sigh and change the music.


As I am changing the music, someone calls whoever by my ears. I frown and I'm

going to walk away when someone catches my hand. I look back: a blond boy and the black thunder pattern on his hair is obvious.

--I know this boy. He is Kaminari Denki.

I take off one earphone, looking at him without any other further action. Kaminari sees this and smiles frivolously: 'What—Yumekai, please don't just zone out to music. How cold you are.'

"...I am cold to Deku as well." I say impatiently. He pauses with this strange name to me and asks: "Who is Deku?"

"...I don't have to tell you." I pull my schoolbag straps and take a deep breath. The words from the man in the morning are still ringing in my ears. Finally, I say: "...Morning, Kaminari."


The female MC in this story is called Yumekai Yue. 15 years old.

On the other hand, Kaminari Denki is her classmate. Yumekai Yue transferred to his school at Grade 8, but she didn't have a good reputation. There are rumors saying that she used to be a Villain.

--Hmm, this is not wrong actually.

Yumekai Yue thinks of this and caresses her bang, again putting on her earphone. Kaminari Denki shrugs and follows Yumekai Yue onto the train. More people take early trains and it is a bit crowded. Yumekai Yue stands in the corner and Kaminari Denki stands by her. He also puts on his earphones since she is not going to speak anymore.

Yumekai Yue yawns and looks down at her flashing phone. She in the end puts it away. She can play phone on the train, but she would like to recall the dream from last night. It is—another person's dream anyway.

Yumekai Yue thinks this and crosses her arms, yawning again. Sleepy as she is, she thinks of a reason to explain why she yawns: the bastard guardian who lives with her has spread this to her. She frowns with a little anger and looks at the boy who is looking at his phone, sighing.

...Kaminari Denki, is a frivolous person. To be honest, he is so attached to others. He never stops approaching the girls he sees. Any normal person would have avoided Yue, but he didn't. Coincidentally, Yue was on the same train station as he was, so that is how their interaction came.

"...But very frivolous in fact." Yue murmurs. She sighs and touches the ring on her neck again and tuts, unhappily looking at the crowd. The noises rush into her ears, so Yue takes a deep breath and turns the volume up.

The next moment, Kaminari Denki takes off one of her earphones and Yue pauses and jumps a little further from him. She almost bumps into others which has caused her to frown and to say to Kaminari Denki with her eyes '?'. Kaminari Denki scratches his hair and reminds her kindly: "It is too loud. It will damage your ears."

"..." Yue frowns and grabs her earphone back, putting it on. Kaminari Denki embarrassed smiles and sighs. He looks at the lights in the train quietly.

Yue turns down the volume a little and closes her eyes. She again scratches her neck and the ring moves as well—

She again sees that person in the dream last night.

As Yue is thinking, Kaminari Denki pokes her shoulder again. Yue sighs and takes off her earphones looking at him: "What's wrong?"

"The next stop is our school." Kaminari Denki points and says. Yue pauses and says honestly: 'Thanks."

"You're welcome." Kaminari nods happily and Yue takes a deep breath when she looks at the fading scenes outside the window—

[I want to be a hero.] The boy in her dream wishes.

Me too. I want to be, a hero. Yue wishes.

Finally, they arrive at school. Yue sits on her seat, looking at the teacher blabing and she massages her head uncomfortably and begins to drift away.

"Yumekai, Yumekai?" Kaminari Denki who sits before her curves his mouth and knocks her desk. Yue pauses and turns to Kaminari slowly: "...What happened?"

"Your high school application form." Kaminari Denki explains. Yue nods and takes one sheet, giving the rest back. She looks at her application form and immediately writes down U.A. High School.

--A place where the symbol of peace in this era came from.

As she thinks this, she shows a rare smile on her face. The class is making noises, and everyone is talking about which schools are on their list. She is the only quiet one mostly because she dislikes talking to others. Even if there is someone who tries to talk to her, she will say coldly: "Don't you know how to solve it by yourself?"

That's the end.

...She takes back her smile and looks at her application indifferently and begins to wonder if she will be accepted—

She has grade A for every single subject which has passed the requirement. Her Quirk...

...It should be fine.

She believes it.

If not, she will have to beg that lazy man to get her in. Although she is not willing to do this, she guesses that the man is not willing to help her either. Yue feels awkward and takes a deep breath, going to sleep on her desk right away.

"You wrote U.A. High School too!"


Yue frowns and looks at this smiling Kaminari Denki. Her temper has been grinded to none by his non-stop bothering. She opens her mouth a few times and at the end she says despondently: "...Yeah."

"Me too." Kaminari Denki smiles and takes out his form to show Yue: "What fate it is! Yue!"

...You are now calling me Yue.

Yue notices it and answers: 'Yes. Fate."

What a superficial fate!

Yue thinks it.

--U.A. High School is the most difficult school to get in, at least for the students here. However, though this Kaminari Denki in front of her doesn't have a good grade, his Quirk is strong enough to support him to pass the Quirk test—


After turning in her form, Yue looks around the class. The teacher has made everyone except Yue show their Quirk with their hands raised high in the air.

The teacher smiles and asks students to take back their Quirks and begin to read their application. When the teacher reads Yue's application, he pauses for a while and asks: "Yumekai, you also wrote down U.A. High School...Did you write it down by mistake?"

"Mr. Teacher, it is all because of your prejudice against me that my guardian has to report this school so often." Yue rolls her eye balls hatefully: "I didn't make any mistake here. If you are not happy with my form, you can call my guardian here and talk to him—or if you are willing, I can also call the headmaster of U.A. High School to come..."

"I apologize. It is my fault." The teacher scratches his hair and looks at Yue's form confused. Then, he puts it away and reads other' forms.


Yue rests her chin on one hand and pulls out her phone to search for the latest news of All Might.



Yue squints and puts on her earphones to watch the short video in the news. A boy is held by a person with a mud-like Quirk and a green haired boy came up to try to save him by throwing his backpack at the Villain.


Midoriya, Izuku.


Yue looks at the boy with mild eyes, resting on her desk. At the moment when she sees the face of the boy held by the Villain, she gnashes and slaps the desk, and stands up immediately.

Bakugo Katsuki!

Yue glares her eyes big with anger but soon replaced by admiration—

A muscular man smashed once and broke up the mud and changed the weather.

...So cool, All Might. All Might is so cool—

Yue smiles and scratches the ring on her neck again. She opens the text page on her phone and thinks for a while. Then she sends a text to a person named Deku—

[Are you okay? I saw the news. Deku is very brave.]

[I am okay.]

She sighs when she sees this short reply. She looks around and everyone else is chatting. She is like a square peg in a round hole.

For real, she is a Villain.

More accurately, she was a Villain.

Six years ago, she killed both of her parents and joined a Villain group. She was instigated to kill many civilians and became infamous. Five years ago, which is one year after she killed her parents, she was slowly attracted to how All Might saved others. Thus, she has decided to be good and wishes to be a hero as well.

[I want to be a hero like you!]

...Of course, after she said that to All Might, she was caught by him and sent to a jail-like juvenile prison.

However, when it was Grade 7 for her, she was freed.

At the time, All Might asked: [Do you want to be a hero?]

Yue said: [Yes!]

She went through all kinds of examinations and talked to the headmaster of U.A. High School for a day. The headmaster of U.A. High School—a cute little animal—somehow admitted her and said: "Then, I will find you a guardian in name but a guarder in fact...and this."

As he spoke, he took out a neck ring and let her move to where she lives now.


The place where she lives now.

Yue pulls her schoolbag straps and touches her neck. She looks at the door and finally she opens the door and walks in.

"I am back."

She whispers. She sighs at the empty room and he as expected hasn't come back yet. It is not the worst. When she first arrived here, there was nothing in this house—

but a bed, and it was for her.

How shocked she was! Soon after she discovered that there wasn't even a single cabinet, she arranged the house here and there to be like a normal residential house—

and there is also a cabinet of cat food and some little dried fish which is obviously not done by her.

Yue looks at the cat food and the dried fish. She sighs and gets up to call.



"Do you come back for dinner?"



She nods and ties on an apron. As she is making the dinner, she is thinking how cold this man is.

--if she wasn't a Villain, she could have been a good housewife.

"If I wasn't a Villain, I could have been a good housewife." Yue says this to the man and she looks at the clock. It is a little late. The man came back from work at 10 p.m.

"But you were a Villain." Refuted the man with messy black hair in black. Yue doesn't go on speaking, so he looks up to ask: "Are you—"

"Yes, tomorrow, will you—hmmm, go to talk to my teacher? He is an idiot." Yue says seriously, and she explains.

"...*Tut*, why do I have to take care of a trouble like you—" The man complains, and Yue immediately says: "You said that I was a Villain."


The man is speechless, and Yue catches this chance to go on: "So thanks, Aizawa Shotakun. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will use my Quirk tomorrow—"

"to break his head."


The man has an eye tic and says immediately: "...You shall be sent back."

"But you didn't send me back because I have potential...don't I?"

Yue smiles happily and yawns. Then she turns around: "Hurry up. I am going to sleep soon, and I have to wash the dishes as well."

"...What trouble you are," the man pauses and looks at Yue. "Go to sleep. I will do the dishes."

This unexpected gentleness pauses Yue and she nods at the man, returning to her room.


Then, she closes her eyes.

--That person says to me.

[You can be a hero.]

...No, not to me.

This is a memory of another person. This is Izuku's memory.

The sobbing from the girl rises with sleep talk in the room.

... "I also, want to be a hero."

The man standing outside her room is silent for a long time. He murmurs: "Potential...right?"

Can I believe her?

The man begins to ponder. Then, he walks into his...

sleeping bag.

Next chapter