

Heyyy guysss haha

So, I haven't updated in a while, as you can tell. I sort of abandoned this story completely. But since then, I've been back on a few times, reread bits of this story, and decided that I continue. Might. 

If I do continue, I'll have to rewrite. Not completely, the story won't change all that much, but I'll try make it better. It's currently pretty clunky in my opinion. Some things were blanked out because I wanted to reveal them later in the story, but that didn't go over so well most of the time, and in a lot of those instances it was unnecessary. There are issues with the consistency of Y/N's personality, general story flow, and a bunch of other things, too.

But yeah. I won't make things overly wordy or too complicated, since this is just a fanfiction, and you should be able to just pick off after where you left off, so it should be fine. But the rewrite might take a while. I've never been good at redoing things.

That's if you guys want it, though. Do you want me to continue? If so, can you tell me who you want specifically for love interests? I'm gonna try include as many as possible.

Alllsooo, if you like Bts please read my friend 's stories!! She's a cool girl ~v~

But yeah. Please read my friend's stories, and tell me what you want from this story (it continuing, what you think about rewriting, love interests, etc.).
