
[MHA]: Obito The Only Uchiha

Obito closed his eyes for the last time, Rin was waiting for him in the Pure Land. Or that is how it was supposed to be. Because he was nowhere close to the Pure Land, nor did he seem death for the matter. And why was he so small?!

Jaehaerys83 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

First Night

Obito was ready. He wore a black cape like the ones root used to have, his ninja robes with his weapons and a mask. 

Wearing a mask make Obito a bit uncomfortable, however Obito acknowledged that to protect his identity it was necessary. He would have liked to Henge into another face, but he was not sure if he could maintain it all night. There also was the change that he would be hit, and the Henge would then fall in mid-battle. It was smarter to wear a mask.

Obito choose a common Oni mask that saw in a costume shop in Musutafu.

«This is the moment of truth Obito» With a moment Obito vanished and started running around the trees of the forest, in direction to the city.

Obito was a shadow jumping roofs silently. He had chosen to patrol the worst and poorest parts of the city. Not only because they were the most vulnerable, but also because it was usually not patroled by heroes. 

Lighttime heroes will not get advertising for patrolling this places, so no one goes there. The majority of Lighttime heroes want fame and money, they would not go out of their way if there is not a camera close by.

Despite Underground heroes being better, the majority also does not want to patrol these streets. Few people care what happens here while they are safe in their homes. Obito wanted to change that.

Enchanting his hearing with chakra. It didn't take long to hear a commotion. Using the Shunshin Jutsu, Obito appeared above the alley. A muscular man with spiky red hair was threatening an old man with a knife, he observed memorizing all the details with his sharingan.

«Time to shine» thought Obito.

With a jump, Obito fall from the roofs and kicked the man on the head. 'Tut' echoed in the alley. Obit landed neatly on the side. The man groaned, indicating that he was still conscious.

—What? You! Who are...—The man was about to say before he looked into Obitos eyes.

«Bad move» thought Obito «Never look an Uchiha into the eyes» 

He put the men in a Genjutsu, making him think that a group of demons were dragging him to the underworld. He would experience torture until he fainted from pain, of course it was all an illusion.

The men's eyes unfocused, and his body went slack against the ground. Turning around, Obito observed the cowering old man for any injuries. He was no medic but knew enough to safe a live.

 —Alert the authorities—commanded Obito after he saw that the man was uninjured. He was not as intimidating as he was before. What with not reaching the five foots of height and the young voice he had. Fortunately, he was commanding enough for that man, as he took out his phone and called the police.

When the old man looked up from his phone, Obito had already vanished into the shadows as silently as he had come in.