
[HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood

After death, Adam found himself in a world where negative emotions spawned man-devouring monsters—a world governed by blood and power, where magic and horror intertwined in a complex struggle for supremacy. It was a world where evil and good clashed until a finale that promised to be apocalyptic.

MaliciousPrince · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs

Chapter 124 - Conspiracy In Progress (1)

In a Hogwarts room.

"Is everything ready, dear Robert?" Verucca Buckthorn-Snyde, Deputy Director of a supposed organization called R, asked the naked man in bed as she dressed in her underwear again.

She leaned over, displaying her nudity unabashedly while smiling with narrowed eyes forward. She could feel his greedy gaze, full of lust and hunger.

"Yes, everything is ready." Looking at the beautiful woman dressing in front of him, Robert Crouch, a member of the secondary line of the Crouch family and a Hogwarts Council member, licked his lips, remembering the previous night.

This woman had done more unconventional things in bed with him than his wife had in thirty-five years of marriage. Robert couldn't help but shiver at the pleasure he had experienced earlier.

Verucca, clad only in black lingerie, feeling the heated gaze upon her, smirked mischievously for a moment, but quickly returned to a sweet, gentle smile as she climbed onto the bed and sat on Robert's lap, facing him.

"You were so powerful last night, Robert," Verucca said, stroking Robert's chest with an obvious expression of admiration, biting her lip and looking sensually at him. Her nails gradually left marks on his chest, and unknowingly, a drop of blood trickled down his skin.

Seeing the drop of blood, Verucca's eyes narrowed and the smile on her lips widened.

It was a lie of hers, the man had arrived in mere five minutes, maybe less, she was not counting with so much boredom that she was feeling in that moment.

Robert did not care about this small injury and felt the pride in his chest could not be more contained at this time.

"But look what they did to you." Verucca spoke with veiled indignation in her voice. "That old Crouch did not even pass the patriarchal mantle to you even after his stupid son died."

With her words, Robert's originally smiling face grew dark.

"The noble and great House of Crouch reduced to a mere senator, not even becoming a Lord. What a great injustice." Verucca continued, making Robert's face darker and darker.

He gritted his teeth and remembered the look of contempt that Bartemius Crouch had given him when he asked to be his heir and future patriarch of the House of Crouch.

His words still echoing in his mind.

"Even if I die, be buried, and this mansion reduced to ashes, you will never be the patriarch of the House of Crouch, not you, a bastard of the secondary lineage who did not even inherit my house's innate technique. Get out and stay at Hogwarts as you always have, that's your only place where you can help my House, you filthy bastard." Bartemius's words still echoed in his mind over and over again, repeatedly, and each time they replayed, his expression became more fierce.

"That old bastard, that damn clock tower, and fuck Asterion Black." Robert almost growled when he thought of Bartemius. His hands holding Verucca's waist unconsciously tightened, but the woman showed no sign of pain, on the contrary, she smiled gently, like a virtuous wife.

Satisfied with his words, Verucca held Robert's face and looked at him with concern. "What is rightfully yours will be yours, dear Robert."

Kissing his lips gently, she spoke in a tempting tone. "Many share similar thoughts; the dissolution of the Ministry of Magic has caused much dissatisfaction for those who opposed change. Interests and profits were disrupted, causing significant damage to our beautiful country."

"And all for what? So that the Great Houses could remain in power, controlling this country as nothing more than puppets in the hands of the truly powerful. We must free our society from this tyranny hidden behind a false democracy." Verucca expressed everything she wanted to convey with each word, and each word made Robert's heart beat faster.

Though not very intelligent, he understood what Verucca meant by these words.

Coup d'état.

Even influenced by Verucca, Robert's neurons were still functioning correctly; the fear of death outweighed his desire for power in his mind.

"Albus Dumbledore and Asterion Black would kill us all if they found out; we cannot fight against the most powerful man in the world and one of the greatest geniuses ever to set foot in this country." Robert shook his head, denying this unreal proposal.

But Verucca's next words made his eyes widen.

"What if I told you we have a weapon capable of killing a Special Grade Wizard?" Verucca spoke enticingly, her voice like a demon tempting Robert to sin, and sin he did.

The insatiable desire for power, the longing to be the new patriarch of the House of Crouch, even the Muggle War Marshal, made Robert's mind a complete mix of conflicting emotions.

In the end, he surrendered to his own desires.

"What are we going to do?" Robert asked, looking at Verucca with an extremely excited look.

A smile bloomed on her lips, and although her eyes were kind, there was a profound sadism and madness hidden behind her gaze.

"Although the Clock Tower seems strong, right now it's like broken glass; the glue holding pieces together and preventing the vase from shattering completely are Albus Dumbledore and Asterion Black." Kissing his chest, Verucca looked at Robert with admiration and spoke as her hand moved down his flabby, fat abdomen, finally reaching his already hardened member. Though not nearly the largest she had ever slept with, it was decent; it served its purpose.

"We just need to remove them, and all of England will want to return to what it was before. Where you will be the Minister of Magic who will lead our society to heights never before seen." Moving her hand slowly up and down, she whispered her warm breath on his neck.

Robert's breathing quickened as he felt her movements, the image she described gradually painting itself in his mind, a smile appearing on his face.

He wanted this; he wanted to be Minister of Magic; he wanted to leave a legacy admired by all future generations.

Seeing the fifty-year-old man showing a happy smile like a small child, Verucca's lips curved into a smirk.

Men were so simple. That was the conclusion Verucca drew after manipulating countless men and sleeping with them. Just say what they wanted to hear and show a bit of charm, and they were like a pack of animals in heat, obeying her commands like mere domesticated dogs.


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New Novel: (I Am The Prince of Hell)

Next Chapter Second Volume: Chapter 125 - Conspiracy In Progress (2), Chapter 126 - Ophelia, Narcissa And Andromeda (1), Chapter 127 - Ophelia, Narcissa And Andromeda (2), Chapter 128 - The Four Representatives of Hogwarts (1), Chapter 129 - The Four Representatives of Hogwarts (2), Chapter 130 - The Four Hogwarts Representatives (3), Chapter 131 - The First Trial (1), Chapter 132 - The First Trial (2), Chapter 133 - King's Game (1), Chapter 134 - King's Game (2), Chapter 135 - King's Game (3), Chapter 136 - King's Game (4), Chapter 137 - King's Game (5), Chapter 138 - King's Game (6), 139 - King's Game (7), 140 - King's Game (8), 141 - King's Game (9), 142 - King's Game (10), 143 - King's Game (11).