
Empires Order Information

Hey so this is a chapter dedicated to the information you need to know about Empires Order it will be updated the more that this world expands, which I'm hoping will be quite a bit. I'M WORKING ON CHAPTER 15s ISSUES I POSTED THE EDITED VERSION THOUGH!


So this is a leveling based novel similar to a video game, however instead of using your average EXP based leveling it will have a more realistic feel because it is based on the characters ability to learn from battle. If you are talented and pay attention in battle so you can use it in your next adventure you'll be able to level up a bit faster than the average person that takes a lot of time to learn anything.

A big part of this so far is the ability to use skills, if you choose not to use skills during your fights you cut down on a lot of the knowledge that you could be gaining in order to level up and do better next time.



Pek-MC's party member a human that he met in the Beastiary the guild that both of them belong to. Pek is a dual sword wielder who learned to use his skills in combat after meeting Rilec.

Dominic/Dominique- A bispecies character who is part hummingbird, they are a shield wielder also a member of the Beastiary and a new member of Rilecs party they created their character as genderfluid which in this world means that they take on physical characteristics of the gender they identify as at the time.

Sera-An immortal that takes the form of a very colorful cat or a beautiful woman, acts as a guide and trainer for Rilec on occasion.

Harrison- The 10th guildmaster of the Beastiary.

Emmy- The shopkeeper at Cogscript the shop that the main character, and his party primarily use to buy weapons, items, and armor. *currently in hiding*

Lina- A greeter that works at the Beastiary guiding new members. (Minimally mentioned)*Deceased*

Terrence- A teller that helps with contracts including partying, joining the guild, and job requests. (Mentioned by name rarely) *Deceased*

WORLD (so far)

Specidia- The city that houses the Beastiary and Cogscript. Currently run by the church after they attacked and killed the cities government and defeated most of the Beastiary.

Bopul- Bispecies friendly city that our MC and friends are journeying to.

Beastiary-The guild that the MC and his party all belong to so far.

Cogscript- The shop that the MC and his party frequent. *Burnt down*

Farms- Many farms dot the country side outside of the city of Specidia.

Eichenville- The first city our MC tries to get to but is refused entrance.

Forrest-Much of the country is covered in forest but has been cleared in areas for the farms, villages, and cities.


Whenever the MC accomplishes something that the system deems reward worthy it will be displayed with "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!" Followed by it's title, what the MC had to do to unlock it, and the reward for unlocking the achievement.


Skills are abilities that Cogs are able to learn more easily than the natural born citizens of the world. It's part of the reason why they are considered to be natural born adventurers. Skills can be learned through combat, unlocking achievements, and skill books.

Skill books hold some of the more powerful skills as those have to do with magic.


Most magic skills can not be learned without a skill book unless your class has a connection to an element then some small skills related to those elements might become available to you without a skill book. Skill books can not be read automatically, you have to have a teacher to be able to learn how to read them. A teacher can only be hired however after you've reached a level of 1500 prestige.


You earn prestige by completing jobs in this world, or can be rewarded to you by a city, or country for major contributions to the safety or welfare of it's citizens. This is a rare occurrence so most adventurers have to grind jobs to gain prestige. Another rare way to gain prestige is through the achievement system. Prestige is a currency that can affect a Cogs entire life with high enough Prestige Cogs are able to buy land, create their own guilds, find teachers of magic, get rare items and skills, and take on epic jobs. The higher a Cogs prestige the better their life can be.


Children of the Gods/Immortals a name given to those adventurers whose consciousness was born from that of an immortal and sent to the world of Empires Order. Cogs are considered a very useful tool to all nations of the world and wars are fought with them, the adventurers circuit drives most economies, and powerful Cogs are used as political pieces. The MC is a Cog.


Not a lot is known about the immortals so far, the only one we've met is Sera so the Cogs and the world knows that they are very real, and have accepted that. It is believed that the Immortals created the world of Empires Order and send their children to help the world prosper. In the MC's country the Cogs are born in temples more often than not and their first experience of the world of Empires Order is the interpretation of the Immortals by the church.

ENEMIES (so far)

Flying Beetles- A large flying beetle whose attack patterns are fairly simple to read, has a hard shell on it's back to protect it's wings and a horn on it's head to attack.

Spider Golems- A training tool used to help the MC level up whenever the Immortal Sera comes to train him.

Rats- Very large rodents that attack in groups often aiming for sneak attacks and weak spots.

Stone Wolf- Very large wolf with a howl that can knock down a grown men, large knife like claws, and razor sharp teeth.

Trolls- Large (Can reach up to 16 ft) semi intelligent creatures known to have a craving for human flesh and the ability to use rudimentary weapons (such as clubs), grey tan skin and a mouth full of k-9 teeth to rip flesh from bone.

Goblins- Small intelligent creatures that work in packs, uses small daggers aims at their enemies weak spots known to abuse their victims and terrorize them before killing them and eating them.

Next chapter