

"The exact official count of the glowing meteorites have yet confirmed but it has definitely surpassed 1 million worldwide. Many tests has been run by private sectors and government agencies and no official update has been provided."

A week has flew by and there was a steady daily increase of media coverage worldwide of the discovered glowing meteorites.

Conspiracy theorists all jumped into the bandwagon and believes that the Day of Reckoning has arrived. Many were on the streets holding their homemade signs and banners asking the public to repent.

Another faction believes that it is a diversion created by the government to create fear to manipulate the society. Their signs had many different allegations of the government which they claim is trying to brainwash the public to be mindless zombies that obey.

Eli has been examining his meteorites daily and was aware that there were more cracks in the meteorite as the week progresses. He just thought that the rock is weakening due to the nature of the meteorites being constantly warm and glowing.

He had tried many experiments, which includes putting them in the freezer for 24hrs as well as keeping it submerged in both hot and cold water. There was no reaction nor changes in its temperature and luminosity of its glow.


Just as he was about to drift off to sleep that night, Eli realised that the entire room was slowly illuminated with blue hue. Then it became blindingly bright.

He quickly got up and saw that it came from the meteorites and the brightness increased as the fragments of the meteorites fall into smaller pieces.

A blue flame emerged from each meteorite and started zapping around the room in numerous directions. It made you think the whole room was an inside of a pinball machine at the arcade with the multiple balls shot at once. The entire scene was so chaotic.

Eli never felt so terrified. He was still half asleep and was in a daze.

All the three flame began to slow down and started hovering towards Eli. As it came closer, he can see that the blue flames actually bear resemblance to will-o'-wisps. He slapped his face few times to make himself more alert to the possibility of the flames being hostile.

Eli tried to touch one of it with his index finger and got a zap that felt like thousands of volt running through his whole body. That made him fall down to his knees and he immediately regretted his action.

He looked at his index finger and saw that it left some weird marking. He could not make out what it is and brushed it off.

He needs to find a solution to his current predicament. Should he open the window and let it fly out? Will that endanger the public? Maybe find something to keep it enclosed before it damages anything that he could not afford? Nothing around nearby seems suitable to catch these 'things'.


By morning, Eli could not get a single wink of sleep at all. He did manage to observe the wisps. He decided to call them wisps as he got tired trying to figure out what classification that 'THING' belongs to.

The wisps looks so ethereal yet solid to hold. The flames are not hot or burning to touch, more like a chilly fog. Its two eyes are as black as night that reminds me of an owl and its tiny mouth that strikingly resembling a cat.

Eli noticed that each of the wisp have its different temperament.

The one he named Glum always seem so irritable and sulky. He named Bolt to the one that zapped his finger and the other Solace as it seems to be more approachable and strangely makes him feel tranquil.

Eli called in sick for both work. There is no way he is leaving the wisps home alone.

He has been checking the social media frequently to see if there were any news on the hatched meteorites. Maybe others were being careful not to alert relevant authorities that might cause mass panic.

Then a thought just striked him - these are some sort of extraterrestrial alien beings!

Uninvited with unknown motives!

Somehow Eli perceives them to an exotic pet. Exotic pets eat exotic food.

What do they eat anyways he wondered.

He went to the fridge and tried to offer variety food and drinks to the wisps but they showed lack of interest. Instead the silverwares were devoured on.

Eli grabbed his metal ruler from the desk drawer and waved it towards the wisps and that was gone too. Great! They acquired a taste for metal, he thought to himself.

Loss for words, he turned the television on and coincidentally a emergency news broadcast came on.

"We have been informed by reliable sources that that the glowing meteorites that were found last week had hatched into something that looks similar to a will o' wisps. The public has been advised not to panic and to not do anything reckless. Please contact the number on the screen as soon as possible for further details."

Eli quickly keyed in the number into his mobile phone and called the number.

He explained as truthfully as he could to the questions that was asked by the person on the other line and after over talking on the phone for over 30mins, he was told to go this afternoon to the given address along with the wisps.

He felt a sense of relief and anxious at the same time after hanging up the phone.

He then remembered the weird marking on his index finger and tried to study it a bit closer. It looked as if the marking has been etched into his skin and could not be removed. When rubbing his fingers together, he accidentally snaps his index finger together with his thumb.

It made Bolt dashed quickly towards him as if he was awaiting for further instructions.

Solace and Glum to join Bolt not long after.

Hmmm... This is definitely interesting.. Maybe i should find out more about them before heading out this afternoon, Eli thought to himself.

Next chapter