
Take good care of me...

As Bella and Amany traded barbs, a few feet away was Irina and Lily sitting around another table.

Irina had decided to have a preliminary talk, don't decide too much but clarify as much as you can.

Well, that's what she really tried, but Lily was wanting the exact opposite.

Simply leave nothing for later.

Of course, Irina recognized that Bella needed to be respected and taken seriously.

But she was still scared to death of her.

She had decided to talk to Lily alone first before sitting down next to Bella and talking about something.

Her mother was terrifying, but her daughter was even more so.

"Well... I apologize for the situation before, I really got carried away..."

Lily was really sorry, but that extreme situation made her lose her mind for a few moments.

Being confronted by Amany made her understand how wrong everything she had said was.

She felt embarrassed and truly complicated.

Irina is not to blame, the child is not even her daughter, and she is not the eldest of the family either.

Much is on her shoulders and the girl must handle everything herself.

Lily should have some kind of compassion, she is in a difficult situation too.

Irina, who had gone from villain to victim in an instant, just listened intently.

Amany's words were strong enough to control and bypass all that.

She felt a slight sense of pride and satisfaction.

"Ma'am... I should be the one to apologize... I wasn't clear with you and your family about what was going on, but I would like to change that from now on... Emil has actually been admitted to a clinic recently and I don't think he has any capacity to deal with a child at the moment, that's what I feared most, but there is no way to hold anyone accountable for someone who is in an extremely vulnerable situation. ."

Lily listened intently, but only to feel even more dissatisfied.

That doesn't mean much other than that Emil wouldn't shoulder the responsibility of being a father.

So who would?

"My family is very serious about marriage, you should know that... Bella made us give up a lot of traditions and all mainly because she has hopes of being romantically involved with you... Imagine how regretful it is to be sitting next to the girlfriend of the person you like, that's what we're doing with her right now."

Irina knew that Bella liked her, but she didn't know that she liked her so much that she was in love.

She was surprised and scared.

What was she supposed to do?

Emil was in no physical or mental condition to deal with fatherhood, he could barely handle himself.

But neither did she.

One other guy was too much, two was impossible.

"I don't know how I can satisfy your family..."

Lily sighed a little tiredly, this child doesn't know much about the world.

A child was still a child, even if your age says something different, you still need a lot to understand certain things.

"Irina, raising a child asks a lot of a mother... My husband and I will be very supportive of Bella, but we really wanted to include your family in the process... My grandson shouldn't be a burden, he is the beautiful treasure that will brighten our days... Bella has always handled everything herself, but we don't want it to continue that way with her expecting a child..."

Irina sighed, she understood perfectly what Lily meant by all that.

She felt even weirder hearing it and feeling a strange sense of obligation.

Irina was more and more impulsive. "Emil can't be responsible... But I will, I will take care of the baby as if it were my own... He won't have a mother and a father, but two mothers..."

Lily smiled in surprise, was Irina really willing?

This sounded surprisingly curious and interesting.

She thought faintly of Amany.

They two made a cute couple, but what if it was Irina and Bella? Would it have the same sweetness and kindness?

"Would you like to order something else..."

Irina nodded, she would accept anything that came within her reach.

She wouldn't be the type of person to abandon a child or a pregnant woman.

She offers unconditional support..

Well, the order that followed was, to say the least... Complicated.

Minutes passed and Irina finally returned to Lily.

Interestingly Amany and Bella were peacefully eating and even talking about motherhood.

Amany also had the desire to be a mother.

A common subject that arose amid the exchanges of insults.

Lily touched her daughter's shoulder and smiled, she looked fine.

It was really a relief to see that the two didn't do anything and didn't create any kind of scandal.

Irina unlike Lily didn't have a very good expression.

She had accepted Lily's request after much prodding.

It was really hard to accept such a thing.

Irina was as pale as paper.

Lily was really smiling and relaxed.

That didn't seem like a good sign.

Bella brimming with curiosity asked. "What did you talk about?"

Lily started to speak, but then rethought if she really was the one to explain that.

After all, Irina's girlfriend was there, she should hear what had been decided with Irina herself telling.

"Well... I would like Irina to break the news to you."

She's washed her hands of it, I'm not going to get involved in someone else's relationship any more than I already have.

Irina sighed, her voice was a bit hoarse and even sounded pitiful.

She had accepted something far beyond her own ability to handle. "Lily has proposed that Bella and I live in the same house for the entire pregnancy... Since I intend to take responsibility as the baby's mother..."

"What?" asked a Bella in a mix of confusion and surprise.

Mother? Like this?

As for Emil?

At the same time.

Amany looked at Irina in complete disbelief.

What the hell was going on?

Suddenly I'm your girlfriend and now you're going to be a mother too?

Is there anything else you've decided or hidden from me?

Amany had been irritated.

She was really pissed off and all she did was look down from her gaze and stand on the cup in front of her.

She pretended to be normal, but Bella realized that she had become irritated.

Bella smiled.

Well, she really looked cute angry.

She sipped her tea and looked towards her mother.

Lily looked very pleased she had made some headway.

She had no initial plan to make the two of them live together, but it suddenly seemed like a good idea and she decided to give it a try.

Irina couldn't just refuse, which was a bit unfortunate, but Lily used that to her advantage.

If there is any chance that his daughter will win over Irina, that chance must come only through intense interaction. Then live together.

Amany? Well, the girl is beautiful, but her daughter was still her highest priority.

They are adults and young, can deal with disagreements and find new love.

Well, it's not like Irina was obligated to anything else, she could just not get romantically involved with Bella, but that wasn't in the old woman's control.

Whatever had to be done, she did.

Noticing her daughter's watchful eye on her

Lily smiled and winked at Bella.

Strive and do your best, if you really want this girl you will need to work hard.

Honey, thank me later.

Irina sighed, the idea was to decide nothing, but there she was changing her life drastically overnight.

"When I get back from this trip we'll talk more about moving Bella into one of my homes... She and I have already exchanged contact so we won't have difficulty communicating... Anything you need, talk to me... I will be responsible for you from now on."

Bella smiled and looked softly at Amany.

"Thank you... Take good care of me..."

Next chapter