4 Chapter 4: The battle at the border

After setting up camp which was just a bush that he cut of some of the branches at the ground level so he could squeeze under it for the night Aether grabbed a few sticks, a log, a bunch of rocks and one additional rock. He piled up the sticks on the log and made a circle out of all the rock except for one, which he used in combination with one of his throwing knifes to make sparks to ignite the fire.

After several failed attempts and one blunted knife the fire was ablaze, he retreated an apple from his bag and cooked it over the fire, after his small meal he fell to sleep in his bush tent and hours started to pass as Aether slept in front of the fire dreaming of his family.

He dreamed of waking up to the smell of his moms delicious breakfast and spending the entire day with Raven, they played board games and hide and go seek and after that they watched a bunch of cheesy 80's movies and cartoons that are mom had recorded on video tapes, the day seemed to last forever and the smile on Ravens face made his heart warm as they lay in the back yard trying to see shapes in the clouds. This day was perfect and Aether never wanted it to end.

The morning sun shone through the trees and a chilly breeze washed over Aether waking him from his deep sleep 'I wish Raven was here, she would make this hole trip fun' he crawled out from his bush tent and opened his back pack, he grabbed the last apple from his bag and ate it slowly as he studied his book and thought about which way to go next, he may have gotten his memories back but a lot of them were still foggy and unclear 'wish I could remember which way I came from' his thoughts were interrupted as a ear splitting scream echoed through the forest.

He grabbed his stuff and ran in the direction of which the scream came form, faster and faster he ran jumping over tree trunks and leaped over a small creek when he finally found the source of the scream, it was a girl and a boy both dressed in shorts and a orange T-shirt that had a bunch of words on it and something that he seemed to recognise instantly. it was a cyclops.

The girl was tall and muscular with long pink hair tired back into a low hanging pony tail, she was knocked out and had a gash on her head the boy was short and frail looking he was wearing a pair of big gauntlets on his hands and was swinging a big bronze two handed sword nearly his size at the cyclops, it was built like a bull and had what seemed to be bones braided in to his hair with a single red eye in its forehead "get... back... from... her!!" yelled the boy as he continued to swing.

Aether ran beside the boy and drew out three of his throwing knifes "need some help?" he asked him "yeah... but who are you?" he asked while not dareing to take his eyes of the monster as it tried to swing it club at Aether, but the boy deflected it saving his life "Aether, son of Hades, and your name is?" Aether threw one of His knifes at the monster landing it in his arm "Milo, son of Kratos and the girl is my friend Rose daughter of Nemesis" Milo swung his sword cutting of the monsters left hand it roared in pain and continued to attack as blood squirted out of the stump "well nice to meet you" Aether said as he threw his last knife at the cyclops cutting off one of its ears, it bellowed in pain as blood dripped down the side of its head and Milo took this chance to charge at the beast stabbing it in its chest, and within seconds he was born in a poof of yellow fowl smelling dust.
