
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Movies
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27 Chs

Chapter 5: Speak with you, I must.

Connor was momentarily distracted when the new quest appeared. This momentary lapse in focus caused a bolt to hit him square in the chest. 'Sh*t', Connor had to maintain his focus as not to repeat the last deflection training. Connor quickly brought his mind back to the task at hand. The quest could wait until after. The rest of the training finish quickly as Connor was able to deflect all remaining blasts from the seeker mine.

Connor removed his helmet and deactivated the training saber. "Made good progress you all have. Made great progress some of you have. Hmm.", Yoda looked directly at Connor when he said the second part. "Yours to meditate or explore the rest of the day is. Behind young Connor stay", Yoda added as he dismissed the rest of the clan. 'Hopefully, this will be relatively painless', Connor inwardly hoped.

Grandmaster Yoda remained silent until the rest of the younglings had left. Only when the two of them were the only ones remaining in the room did he raise his arm towards the face of Connor eyes closed. "Surprising that is, no darkness there is", Yoda said aloud but it seemed like it was to himself. 'So that was the reason, my growth was unexpected, so Master Yoda suspected me of tapping into the dark side. It's a good thing I put a FP into light side and not dark side'. "Able to reconnect to the force rather easily you were. Impressive that is. On the right path if you stay, a great jedi you will become. Hrmmm.", Yoda encouraged Connor with these words. "Dismissed you are.", Yoda added. "Excuse me Master but if I may, I would like to ask you some questions", Connor interjected. "Ask for whatever knowledge you desire, you may", Yoda accepted.

"Yes Grandmaster, I was researching in the library about the founding of the Coruscant Jedi Temple and was hoping you could clarify some things", Connor said. "Much about this I know, as every jedi should." Yoda slipped in. Connor's reasoning for asking about this was not to gain knowledge but to bring to light one of the biggest factors in the fall of the Jedi. "Grandmaster, from what I have found the Temple was built shortly after the extinction of the Sith. What I was wondering is why was this spot particularly selected as the place to build the temple?", Connor asked. "Yes, curious about this you would be. Built here before the Jedi temple, a Sith temple was. A place of hatred and impure rituals, that was. The temple here to help cleanse the dark energy that was left by the Sith, the Jedi built.", Yoda recounted the history of the temple as naturally as breathing.

"Grand Master, does the Jedi Order have proof that the dark energy was ever cleansed?" Connor queried. For the first time in a long time Yoda had a perplexed look on his face. "Hrrmmm. No proof we have, darkness in the temple, the Jedi Order would surely sense.", Yoda Replied. "Would it be possible for dark energy to diminish one's connection to the force?', Connor continued this line of questioning. "Suggesting, what are you?", Yoda was becoming even more intrigued by this young man in front of him. "Grandmaster, I am suggesting that building the Jedi Temple on top of the ruins of a Sith Temple, had the opposite effect that was intended and we should immediately send a group of sentinels to the foundation of the Temple to actively cleanse the dark energy", Connor blurted this out. Once Yoda saw the determination in this young boy's face, he showed an emotion probably only a handful of people have seen on his face: shock.

"For your insight, I thank you. Convene with this matter on the council, I will", Yoda finished the conversation then left, seemingly in a hurry. Connor was relieved once he saw that he was able to convince Yoda of the threat their own temple faced. The dark energy that permeated this temple was a large reason for the fall of the Jedi Order. Mace Windu thought that the return of the Sith had caused the council's connection to the force to diminish, but Connor knew that the Sith would have had a much harder time returning if it hadn't been for the dark side of the force infesting the temple ground for centuries. Now with the council aware of this, the precognitive abilities of the Jedi Order should steadily return and be strengthened to the point where the Jedi Order should face less surprises in the upcoming years.

Now with that roadblock out of the way, Connor turned his attention to the quest that had appeared during training. The quest was simple and straightforward. All that was required of him was to be accepted as a padawan to a Jedi. Of course, not everyone was selected right after the initiate trials. Those who were not chosen went to serve as farmers with the hope that they would be accepted as someone's padawan. If they reached certain age and were still not selected then they would become part of the Jedi service corps, accomplishing various tasks for the Jedi order but never becoming a Jedi themselves.

Connor had three more years until he was to be selected as a padawan and his life would be changed forever. His master was important, Connor wanted someone who acted more as a guardian than a diplomat. This would give Connor more opportunities to gain experience. Connor had made it up in mind that he would have to impress the Order with his abilities as a Jedi rather than his embodiment of the Jedi Code. This would help him to be chosen by someone who needed a strong padawan rather than a diplomat who needed a calm and rational padawan.

The next three years Connor would have to be sure to stay vigilant in his meditating. He would need all the FP and SP he could get. He would be sure to stand out at the trials. And he knew just how to do it.