
Explanation About Divinity and Authority

This thing will matter the most in later part of the story.


It's the power the universe give to someone that is recognize as one. Have the potential to be one.

They can receive Divinity if an Elder God recognize the Title given to them at their Adulthood.

Like when Odin did to Loki and Thor when he brings them to Norway.

About Loki's clones. They can't use his Divinity but they can use skills he hones from nature and his body by 50%.


They are the keeper of the Omniverse. Each Authority control a system function of the Omniverse.

From Life, death, energy, darkness, light, evolution, gravity and etc.....

So it's like a council monitoring what must be done and can be done but they are working individually. They can't partner with other but they also must work with other.


It's like the will be no light without darkness.

Life and death.

There is 10 Rules for them. I won't be mentioning them. Now.

If One-Above-All is called creator.

In this story, The One-Above-All is creator of multiverse Or a Group of Universe that comes in close contact.

Each Multiverse is a like a solar system where the Living Tribunal is the Sun.

But in every thing there will be always an anomaly.

The Universe our Loki live in is.

This Universe travel to other Multiverse. Slowly devouring the laws of different Universes as it pass by.

This Universe is also what is called The Eden.

The universe where life ever exist first and as it travel. It gives chances of life to live in other universe with also gathering laws.

I'll post later after done checking up.

Good Day!! Vi!!!

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