
Rebooting Every Series

Hey there, author here.

I obviously haven't been updating this, as I have been too busy, but I have decided to do something better.

I plan on making two different accounts. One for just reading, and one for just writing.

I haven't made the account for writing yet but I have on another platform, Wattpad. I haven't written anything on that account but I am planning another story.

I have had doubts about this account, and do admit that I am not very committed to it, so I will do the honor of "deleting" these stories, and rebooting them to another account,

FinnLeaf Rush.

I think I will also consider Wattpad as my main posting ground, and will consider which stories to add to Webnovel and stuff. I can post announcements everyone will see if they follow me on Wattpad, which I cannot do on here, Webnovel.

Of course, I think I will put Webnovel as my reading ground since I can't find any novels on there like the ones here.

Thank you for your time, and check out my new account FinnLeaf Rush. It will not have any stories posted for now since I need to consider which directions I want to pull each of my stories into.

This will be a reading account so I won't be posting anything on Fell_Boy anymore.

Ps. I just want to remind everyone that the reason I am doing this is because I realize that writing things without considering what you're actually going to do with the story is actually very detrimental to your concept, which is why I need to plan it out accordingly, and then write it out. Thanks for reading it so far.