
Chapter 37 | Season 4

(Ashborn's POV)

Cynthia's speech as well as some Student council members' speech finished rather quickly. Apparently, Tessia became the student council's president. I was sure this was an initiative from the council to lessen the discrimination problem in school.

Right now I, Arthur and Elijah are going to their dorms. Xyrus Academy provided a place to stay for the students and guaranteed their safety. With Lance himself patrolling around campus one time a day. I think Kaspian has hands in this matter.

"Truly-high class facility!" Praised Elijah on our way to dorms.

"Yes, this isn't what I expected. But overall it is good." Added Arthur and two of them looked at me then.

"Not bad." I simply shrugged.

I wasn't a student in this academy, so for me, it didn't really matter.

"I can't wait for our first lessons, what about you Arthur? Are you sure about becoming a scholar mage?" Aske Elijah and Arthur simply nodded.

"I said already. I wanted to learn more about magic itself. I'm already confident enough in my fighting abilities not to be taught by some teacher of this school." Reminded Arthur.

He was right, there wouldn't be anyone in this school aside from me and Arthur who could defeat S-Class mana beast one on one. Besides, even if the opponent is strong, Arthur can use his trump card. He can get out from time and space's influence, literally freezing the world for himself.

"Well, you might enter your dorms. We are standing here for a minute already." I told them and they went inside to inspect their dorms.

"I knew you would search for me." I said in the air. Soon from the corner of the building, Cynthia walked towards me.

"Mr. Ashborn. this might be rude of me, but can I take some of your time?" I didn't have any reason to refuse her so to her question I replied with

"I'm also not against discussing a few things."

"Then please, let's proceed to my office. It would be... dangerous to discuss it here." She motioned me to follow her.

Making our way towards her office while avoiding getting noticed wasn't hard. Especially during the time when most students are at the dorms.

"Please take a seat." I did as she said and sat opposite of her.

"So what exactly do you want to discuss?" I asked immediately after sitting down.

"Please! I beg you to accept my request to become a teacher at least for a few students." She lowered her head and started looking down.

"I expected this... but let me ask you now. What do I get in return?" She looked up at me with a serious face intending to make me accept.

"This continent... Has a chance of survival. But students inside this academy can't receive constant protection, so anything. Anything you require for teaching a few of them how to survive, I will try to make up for it." A rather interesting request from Cynthia picked up my interest.

Teaching students how to 'survive'. Not how to get strong, nor how to defeat Alacryans. But how to survive...

"I don't have anything that I need from you, your request intrigues me. So we'll do it like this, while I won't be teaching them... But I will give them a path. The path so that they can improve on their own, in other words, I will be preparing them." I have already done such a thing and the result was more than successful.

"I can't express how thankful I am." Cynthia's previously tense face was now relieved and relaxed.

"But still, why did you accept?" Cynthia asked.

'Brings up good memories...' A smile appeared on my face subconsciously.

"Keep in mind I'm not going to teach. I'll open up their potential, while I will be doing my own things whenever I want." So technically that meant, I'm not exactly going to teach them.

"*Sigh* That would be enough. Do I have anything to do? Any preparations?" She asked.

"We need someplace for battles. Also, pick only capable mages, I don't want snorty nobles in the group." She nodded at my words then I continued.

"If students want to receive some improvement in my group, then they will have to fight for it. I will gladly accept them in a group if they can defeat someone tutored by me." She was surprised at this but nevertheless nodded.

"Also you might as well make the Student council and Disciplinary committee attend my tutors." I told her.

"How do you know about the Disciplinary Committee?" She was shocked is an understatement.

"Council made you create it didn't they? Do you think they would ask for such a thing without any intervention?" I asked. She just sighed and shook her head.

"I don't know what to be surprised at, from now on. Anyway, how are you going to... tutor them?" Another question which isn't exactly right. I'm not tutoring them either.

"Battles, fighting, and maybe some hints. But mainly they will progress on their own, while I'm going to be inspecting this from a distance." I explained and she seemed satisfied.

I already have an idea of how I'm going to 'improve' these students. I know a way to do this quickly, proficiently, and entertainingly.

Creating a school hierarchy of strength, in our case now 'Levels', should be done for the competition. Without constant challenge and obstacles someone can't improve, so students with a desire to reach my class will be fighting for it against my 'improved' students.

Certainly, they need to find benefits for this. Benefits they will receive for their hard work, even in this case I have a solution. also making those who are not in my class, to pursue getting a place there. Some kind of a gift that anyone would want to have...

The plan was already made, it just had to be set in motion.

"I'm going now, you meanwhile organize class itself. I shall prepare other things myself." After a nod, she began to speak up.

"I also have to inform you, your brother Arthur is going to be on the Disciplinary Committee if he agrees. do you have any problems with this?" I just shook my head and finally left the place.


(3'rd POV)

Right after the first day of the academy, educational processes started operating as was supposed.

"Have you heard dude? S-Class adventurer actually visited the academy! and they say HE is just a teen!"

Gendarmeries that were guarding schools actually leaked a lot of information... someone would think that was their doing, but no. This was done with a purpose, by the directress. To intrigue the whole school about the new 'Class' which will be led by the S-Class adventurer of the guild.

"Aren't you excited Theo? S-Class adventurer!" A certain red-haired girl was jumping from the excitement around a muscular guy named Theodore, Theo for short...

"I'm riled up, can't wait to see the strongest mage on Dicathen!" Theodore clenched his hand.

"Not only are we going to see him, but we will be taught by him too!" The girl said excitedly.

"Claire, your uncle knows about him doesn't he?" Now Claire was one asked by Theodore.

"Yea, he told me a lot of things. I think he is fanboying over him... But I can't say that I'm any different haha!" Claire laughed as they finally approached their new class.

"Hm... Player Improvement Project?" Theodore read the title on the door of the classroom.

"Well, sounds fun." Beamed up Claire and pushed doors, opening the view of the big hall.

"Looks like they are already here." Said Theodore as he noticed members of the Student Council.

"Let's just take a seat." Claire and Theodore just walked up on stands and found free seats.


Another bunch of students entered the classroom and without speaking, they all took seats. Except for a few second years and higher, everyone was mostly quiet. Just when Claire was about to gather the Disciplinary Committee, doors of the classroom opened.

"So this was my classroom all along..." The figure walked into class and looked at students.

"Well, anyway. I was asked by directress Goodsky to teach you how to survive. So I took the opportunity for my own enjoyment." Rather unconvincing speech from a person, you can't probably take him as someone who was asked by the director herself.

"I humbly ask you to stop this circus and leave the room immediately." Some member of the Student council spoke up rudely addressing

"Who you might be?" The person asked without any care.

"I'm the firstborn son of Graves family, Clive. Also, I'm Vice-president of the student council, I might report you to directress right now if you won't leave " Said Clive with a disgusted face.

"I never asked for your family status, but since you started it then... I'm Ashborn of the Leywin's family. Only S-Class of adventurer's guild and one who will right now kick you out from this school. Are you satisfied now?" Everyone was utterly shocked.

"E-Eh?! Ashy isn't this too much?!" The Student Council President Tessiam shouted across the room.

'Am I the only one who heard her calling him Ashy?' Some student thought.

"He is a mage, a battle mage at that. Going head-on towards your enemy without observing him first, will be your end. I don't need such people here, get out." Strong argument from Ashborn, but Clive still remained in class.

"Adventurer, you shall know your place. Didn't your family teach you how to talk with the nobles?" Clive asked raising his voice.

'Dude he is S-Class Advneturer!' Everyone screamed in their mind and prayed for Clive.

"Overestimating your abilities is another reason to kick you out. This time by force...





You see that window over there?" Ashborn asked and pointed at the window, Clive was still silent.

"You are leaving through it." As Ashborn said this Clive mysteriously floated from his place and flew right out of the window while screaming.

'Was that gravity magic?' Other students in the class wondered.

"That leaves me less hurdle. Well, as you heard I'm Ashborn Leywin." Ashborn introduced himself again.

"I got to disappoint you, I'm not going to teach you anything. The information leaked was just false. anyway, to explain everything easier... I'm just going to open up a path of your evolution. You will gain strength enough to go against Silver-Core mages, even despite having a lower mana-core stage. Does this intrigue you?" Every word told by Ashborn was absorbed by students quickly so they nodded after question right after.

"Blood, race, dedication, talent... Throw this out of your mind. Here you are going to get strong without any of this. Because here you are going to get stronger after every fight, after every practice. Here you are going to ... Level Up." There was something in Ashborn's speech that made students uproar the whole room.

"Your old badges are now confiscated. You will receive new ones that display your current strength in numbers, in simple terms your Level of overall power." Ashborn took out a big box from his shadow and opened it.

"This badge here, it counts all your battles and practices. After every practice, it absorbs 5% of your spent mana, after every battle, it does the same. Later when you reach a certain percentage of absorbed mana, it will insert it into your core with an additional amount to make you Level Up. You break through the not only core stage but increase your physicality same time. Faster you want to level up, harder battles you should go through." Everyone's jaws were laying on the ground.

Everything told by Ashborn didn't feel true.

"So do you accept the title of the Player to receive this opportunity of becoming strong as the Lance?"

(Ashborn's POV)

As I expected, everyone accepted. They took badges without any hesitations, maybe because they trusted S-Class adventurer.

The idea behind the badges came after I remembered how Lances truly received White Core. I upgraded it a little and made a replica of my own, I don't have high hopes for them reaching the limit of Level 100 anyway, so they probably won't reach the level of White Core mage any soon.

The problem about stealing badges is also fixed, someone steals it... Better for us. It will detonate thief...

"Mr. Ashborn! Please can I get your autograph?! Can I also shake your hand?!" I heard the voice of some girl approaching me, I turned and saw a red-haired girl running towards me.

"I'm your big fan!"

Nani tf...?


Hehe! What's going to happen in the next chapter I wonder. Wrote on phone btw and edited with Grammarly... (I wonder why am I such a big simp of Claire...)

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