
Chapter 4 - My Light, My Hope, My God.

"Who's disturbing my dreams!" Leo yelled loudly. And got out his bed stomping towards his door in anger.

"What?" He opened the door with a pout.

Kenji looked at Leo's cute pouting face and almost felt moved but he steeled his heart…

"Um. It's first sun, didn't you say you'd be ready? Are you sure you're fit to be my manager?" He said with a "what the hell are you doing" look on his face

Leo's eyes widened.

"Kenji! I was in dream land, it's a side effect of the tea! I'm sorry it won't happen again! I am fit to be your manager!" Leo said with a resolute face, nothing can stop him from beings Kenji's manager!

"Oh so that's why my dreams were so good? Hm, alright get dressed and such, also refer to me as Mr. Akamura in public from now on."

"Oh! Yes of course. Let me go get ready, please come in."

Kenji entered the house.

It was quite small it did not at all seem like the type of house a bigshot would have. When entering the house a living room greeted him, a blue couch against one side of the wall and a small tv across from it and a coffee table in between, the space between the tv and the couch was quite large, you must have good sight to see anything on that small tv.

Behind the front room was a kitchen, it was rectangular and open, you could see everything, it was as open as the living room. There was a fridge on one side of the rectangular wall with counters following behind until the other side of the wall with a stove in the middle.

On each side of the rectangular kitchen there were doors, you can only assume it's a bathroom and bedroom of some sorts..

'Is that it? Just one living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom? Where's the rich Space Crystal guy in my heart. Oh, nowhere to be found…' Also quite literally as when he looked around Leo was nowhere to be found.


'He was just here! Is this some death house??'

He was going to explore when Leo came out the bedroom he was about to enter scaring him half to death.

"Mr. Akamura are you alright!?"

"Yes, you just almost scared my soul out of me."

"Oh wow, that'd be very beneficial to me if I were a soul elemental!"

"Yea, no kidding." Kenji said absent minded as he peaked into the room behind him.

He seemed to have seen posters of himself, a closet, a desk with a laptop, mouse and speakers on it, with a couple of loose pencils and pens, but he also seen a huge pot with a huge growing light at the side of it and a container filled with….. Insects!?

Léo seemed to realize he was looking into his room and quickly closed the door.

"I am ready, Mr. Akamura are you ready to go?" Leo asked a bit aggressively.

"Um, sure." Kenji said as he started walking towards the door and opened it, but before he was about to exit he held the doorknob and turned his head to the side to look at Leo that was standing coldly behind him and even though knowing he shouldn't, he still asked.

"Your room?"

"Don't ask." Leo said quite coldly as he walked Kenji to the lavish car in front of them. Kenji must have got this car from the human realm, as it didn't look like elemental's creation.

It was a nice black long vehicle kind of like a bus but the roof was shorter, Leo stared at the car curiously.

"It's called a limousine." Kenji said and opened the car door and got in, Leo hurried and followed suit as he was excited to see what it looked like inside, isn't this his first taste of the world outside Uncommon?

He hopped in the car and it was even more heavenly on the inside. It was so spacious and there were even a few guards inside the car. There was snacks that metal elementals would like to eat, and that Kenji was already unwrapping.

"Would you like a snack?" Kenji asked.

"Huh? But I'm not a metal elemental.." Leo said a bit confused.

"Oh well I meant that I could open the window so you could bathe in the sunlight… Or are you not that kind of plant elemental?"

"I- didn't you read my information?" Leo was even more confused, he said clearly what kind of plant he was.

"Yes of course, the beginning, and then I sent it to a higher up of the company. Also there seems to be an error in your information." Kenji said as he took a bite of the mini gold sword snack in his hand.

"Mmmm, gold is my favourite to eat, especially when they shape and paint it to look like a sword, very delicious." Kenji said in delight.

"Uh… You eat your own race?"

"No you are mistaken, this is taken straight from the Metal Spirit Palace and process into snacks for us to get stronger." Kenji corrected him with a stern face, he would never eat his race or any others, no matter how tempting a Ginseng Plant Elemental is he won't eat it!

"Well it's ok to eat your own race, I ate a ginseng before, it was very beneficial for me, but it wasn't an elemental it was found in the Divine Realm." Leo said not bothered.

Kenji was scared! He was in a car with a cannibal.

Realizing Kenji was staring at him weirdly Leo was offended.

"It had no soul, spirit or anything, the spirits you take and process are living things! If anyone should look and anyone weirdly they swould be looking at you! Cannibal!" Leo Turned his head and refused to talk to him any longer. He didn't know why but his idol was very annoying today, sticking his head in business that doesn't belong to him and looking at me like a killer, Hmph!

Wait.. didn't he say something was wrong with the information I sent?

"What was wrong with the information I sent?" He asked coldly.

Kenji was so upset he wasn't going to answer him, but this was important and he wasn't going to stoop down to the kids level.

"Hmph. You had a typo error, it said you were born in crescent, when clearly you meant neworld. You should fix that! We have no records of you going to Zumu Continent for education and no parental information.

Léo listened at the side and was dumbfounded, what nonsense is this little boy on about?

"I was born Crescent Era! Nerga, 325/20, 12996 Cresent. Making me 304 years old! I didn't have to go to Zumu Continent for school! And my mother said it was not necessary for me to fill out the parental information and that her existence was enough!" Leo said with some anger.

AN: You can say he was born on November 20th in that year and then the era. The reason it says 325/20 is because 325 is how many days have passed by in the year, but some people like to use the day of the month instead of year so they do the slash to satisfy the elementals.

Kenji was dumbfounded… This little guy… No This old man is 304 years old, he's not that much younger than my own father just around 200 something years…

So I have a senior fan? Thinking that a senior has been idolising him makes him feel a little weird and though it's not unusual he is awesome after all, he usually doesn't bump into them, he's in an awkward position at the moment.

Leo seemed to realise that as well as he calmed down. How would you feel if an old man came up to you and said he's been your fan for 10-12 years and wanted to eat you up? And though Leo didn't say that he feels that way on the inside.

"You… I'm sorry, I have been very emotional these past days, I've been easily angered, you don't have to call me senior or anything just call me Leo. I work for you after all."

"Hm that's right you do work for me. And change your attitude, I too don't feel good most days but I don't show it, practice hard on that." He glared at Leo as he spoke.

"Yes, I'll make sure I will. And can we got to my tea shop? I need to tell the workers I'll be gone for sometime."

"Sure. You heard the man to the tea shop." Kenji yelled to the driver.

Two minutes later they arrived.

"I'll be back." Leo got out the car. As he did Kenji's eyes sharpened.

After a few minutes Leo came back.

"Alright, you have a fan meeting let's head to that right away."

"Yes. Here's my schedule." Kenji said as he handed a paper over.

Leo took it and looked over it and nodded his head.

"I understand." He said seriously.

Kenji smiled, as expected of an old man, he can adapt fast.

They went to the fan meet which was quite chaotic, many fans screaming and cheering for their idol. Usually he would be here as well, as every fan meet Kenji held in Uncommon he would go to no matter how long or far away it was, he is very devoted to his idol, he's just been restricted to this continent and couldn't go anywhere else, he didn't dare to either… Kenji is his light, his hope, his breakthrough, thus he must hang on tightly and never let it go.

He watched as Kenji interacted with his fans and signed things for them and soon near the first moon it was finally over.

What a tiring day, he had to run around get Kenji water, electrical fans to cool him down and make sure his supporters were in order, as a fan he never thought about anyone but Kenji, but now he feels quite grateful for staff and workers, they work so hard behind the scenes making sure everything is perfect for the idol and fans, yet no one gives them credit where it's due. This realisation made Leo see things in a new light, without the people behind him would Kenji be where he is today? He doesn't know, but in the future he'll be sure to appreciate everyone's hard work.

After the fan meet he had the car take them to Kenji's hotel and then after making sure he got to his room safely he flew home, he went to his bed and laid down, and put the cover over him, he couldn't stop think about Kenji's handsome face and how he went on a smiled to each fan even though he was so tired, he couldn't help but blush. His idol was so attractive.

Gosh! He must stop thinking about him and rest! He has to get up early and make sure Kenji is ready. Because they are heading to Unique Continent first sun. Thinking about his journey out of Uncommon Leo got excited once more, this is his dream! The chains that were restricting him were finally gone! And it was all thanks to his idol.

Unknowingly Leo had placed Kenji as a god in his heart…

I once again put the chapter out late! And I have no excuse this time! But I hope you enjoy nonetheless. Thanks for reading and your support.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, and most importantly! Virtual hugs for all!


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