
The System

Welcome to fourth cycle of hell, Mr. Amstel.

A mechanical voice?

I am the overseer of this cycle, you can call me Garrison.

This is hell right? But why do you sound like a artificial intelligence system?

That's because, I am!

A system?

Yes. You, the fourth person to enter this cycle will be given the chance to sign an agreement with me or die in here.

The fourth?

Yes! And they all rejected this offer thinking this was a scam. So what about you, would you agree or disagree?

First of all, why do I need to say yes to that? What would I gain?

Oh.. the first time I came upon with someone like this. Well, you are interesting, Mr. Amstel.

They didn't bother to ask this? Why the fuck did they do that?

That's because I didn't say that.

You're manipulating their brain into thinking that they would not gain anything if they agreed to this. You specially didn't said this, and they are in a state of confusion. Bet, you didn't gave them the chance to say yes,

Oho. You're interesting.

People keep telling me that in earth. They even worshipped me as their god.


Yes, so what would I gain in this?

There are two things you will gain: 1. You can reincarnate in a different body in the same world, but you can not change the destiny of your former body. If you are confuse, the soul residing in your body is a replica of your soul, so your real soul is in the new body as the old one is a replica that is moving the same way you do, the same choice you do. He will enter the cycle of the choice you made when you are alive. And you can't change that. The fate of the world may crumble. The protagonist needs to meet the protagonist for the fate to continue moving, if you change that, expect the world to deteriorate into pieces.

Crumble into pieces? Fate?

I will explain that later. To continue: 2. You can choose to rule this cycle or create a world of your own for fun. But, if the high lord took notice of your world, he may punish you. So I can only suggest you to rule this cycle. But, you can also enter the system space where 12 high level system reside.

12 high level system? High lord?

In this universe: there are 12 high level system created by the overseer. Four of them is currently in used by their host to transmigrate into a different world. A high level system can't meet another's high level system, that's why a parallel dimension was created. You can't meet the host who will reside someone body in your own parallel world, the plot of the said book will remain but you will change it the way you want. Remember: you will enter a parallel world of the main book. The main book is the original, the parallel is a world where you can do mission. There will be no other high level system in your own world as they can't co-exist. If it happen, both of you will be sent to the accordance of the mission. And also, you - a high level system host will be able to meet a lesser level system.

Can you please explain that?

High level system is created by the overseer. The overseer is created by the High lord the bitch. And I'am one of the high level system. Oh, I created myself. Well, you see I am a overseer who created my self to became a system. You see, a overseer can't make them self a system as it was against the rules, but you see I am bitch. My desire grew to the I was banished into this cycle a hundred years or so, and then once I opened my eyes, I became a system.

Continue, please.

Then, the other high level system is trying to find their own host. Four of them is currently busy. And the high lord bitch has still seven. They have their own mission to do in a world: And I am system specializing in greed! So, anyway, in your parallel world, you can meet lesser level system; a system created by a wandering soul in the universe with the highest deed or purest soul. Those bitches is a pain in the ass, the system they created is weak and always choose those assassins or cannon fodded type person who died and wish to be reborn and get revenge. I grew tired of them that I want to kill them all, and you would do it for me.


You — my host will be able to choose, 1. Disagree and die, 2. Agree and do mission.

The things I will gain is kinda tempting... so 2.

You choose the right answer! Please calm your brain and I will merged with you into one! 1..2..3... done! So let's enter the system space! You can see in this space the universe. After you finished mission, you will in this space for how many years you want to! You can also design this space! Since you are quite rich with your evil deed, I bought you things you needed. A jacuzzi, a soft long couch, a TV where you can watch porn everyday, a big room where you can fuck everyday, and a house that cost 15 million! All the deeds left will be mine! Duh, I also need deeds to maintain my own life.

Technically, you're the one who choose this. I feel like this is your home other than mine.

That's because, I saw your house in previous life and it's boring. No wonder, that bastard killed you.

Ah, that was my fault, I forgot that he was also a human with a brain.

Well, to much obsession isn't nice. Anyway, your question. I'll answer it. You ask why I said your world will crumble into pieces and fate.


Your world is a book. Well, it must have hurt you to know that you live in a world of fiction. Surprising, right?

Yes, but not.

Should I tell you your world story? It was kinda disgusting as it will be just your brother adventure to collect harem.

Harem? What's that? Like a house of bitches like what my father have?

Yes. Yes. If you want, you can have you own harem too.

No. I prefer to love one person.

Tss, you should really kill that disgusting bastard. You don't even know, he might have HIV.

Blah..blah... go to the exact point. So what can I do?

Right. Since you accepted my mission, I need to ask you one last question. Do you want to erase your memories?


Okay.. but I'm giving you a new life so expect to have a new name...

I don't want to.

But it is needed! You jerk!


You need to!




Fuck you!


Fine, I'll be sending you to our first world... oh a trial world.


Goodluck dog in heat.


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