
2: Found

Theo opened his eyes to a man carrying him, trying his best to be careful. He was very handsome, from what he could see.

*. *. *.

Will decided to leave the house and take a walk. He stopped by his old school, and since school was out for the day, he walked around the perimeter.

He came across a small body, very beat up and bloody. 'Poor guy...' he thought. He picked him up as gently as he could and carried him to his house. Luckily nobody was outside since it was around midnight and it was dangerous in this part of town.

He looked down a little and saw his mostly closed, bright green eyes looking up at him.

He got to his house and set the kid on his bed since his couch was uncomfortable to lay on and he had no guest bedroom. He wiped off the kid's body with a wet towel so the blood was mostly off of him and covered him with a blanket. He went off to work as he had the night shift.

*. *. *.

Eight hours later, Will got home and immediately went to his bedroom to see the kid just barely waking up. He sat on the bed next to him and waited until he woke up.

The kid sat up and yawned, though he still looked sore from wherever happened yesterday. He looked up to Will and asked, panicking, "Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here?"

"Calm down buddy, I'm Will and I found you behind the high school last night. You were all bloody and beat up so I did my best to clean you up and let you sleep here."

"... Oh. Thank you," The kid said.

"May I ask your name?"

"O-oh, I'm Theodore."

"Will Asenburough. Nice to meet you."

*. *. *.

Theo has big, vibrantly green eyes and short, blond, almost gold hair. The tip of his tail has white on it, as well as his delicate ears. He is only around 4'11 and had a very feminine look to his entire body. He was 16 years old.

Will has dark brown eyes that match his hair, ears and tail. He is 6'1, much taller than Theo and he was 19 years old.

*. *. *.

"You can go shower and change if you want. I have some clothes that don't fit me if you don't have any." Will said to Theo.

"Thanks, I don't have any extra," Theo said as Will handed him some clothes that were almost a perfect fit. He guessed that they were from when he was younger.

Theo looked at his body in a large mirror, checking if any of his wounds were deep. Most of them were, so after he got done with showering he called Will.

"Will! Do you have any gause and tape?" Theo yelled out the door.

"Yeah, I'll be right there."

Will knocked on the door and since Theo was only wearing boxers, he was embarrassed when he came in.

Will was worried when he saw Theo's body, most of his wounds were still bleeding and he was obviously in pain.

"Which ones are the worst?" Will asked.

Theo pointed to the worst ones, Which were still bleeding and covered them with whatever medical supplies he had to make it work.

After about an hour, all of Theo's wounds were cleaned and covered so he let Theo get dressed.

Theo walked out and, Will had to admit, he looked cute in his kinda loose clothes.

Will made Bagel Bombs(My actual grampa's recipe) which is a toasted bagel with cream cheese, mayonnaise, crispy bacon, normal cheese and a fried egg(I personally do not like eggs on mine) along with a glass of orange juice.

Theo loved it and Will gave him a recipe which he gladly accepted.

"You look happy," Will said to Theo.

"Shis ish derishesh!(This is delicious!)" Theo said through a mouthful of food.

Will got a decent outfit on and stayed home with Theo, who decided to skip school.

Next chapter