5 LittlePrince is feeling Shocked!

Two pairs of eyes met.This time, Melvin was not half awake.

Melvin had a dream, in that dream, someone was caressing his body very gently, is felt oddly pleasant, but weird at the same time. When he felt a tug on his underwear, he jolted awake. When he woke up, he realized that his body didn't feel sticky, but he also felt a little cold. He soon noticed that he wasn't wearing anything.

He looked down and his eyes met with Karzen's poker face. At this moment, Melvin's head exploded.

What's going on? Why is he naked? Why is Karzen here? Eh? There's a damp towel in Karzen's hand? Eh? Is that a basin with water? Huh? Wait, was Karzen washing me? He took off my clothes? He took off my underwear too? Do friends go that far? I'm not mad though? I'm embarrassed!

Slowly, heat rushed to Melvin's face all the way to his ears. Karzen had kept a poker face, but in truth he was cursing inwardly.

He had been caught! He didn't do anything indecent though! Well, maybe a little-- but that's not the point! Did Melvin misunderstand? Oh, does he realize my feelings? Will he hate me?

Karzen took a silent breath he put down the towel in the basin and said casually, "Oh, you're awake now. If that's the case, do you want to go shower first?" Melvin, who was blushing could only blink before he nodded. "Ah! Ah! Ah! It seems he really was only trying to wash me! There's no way he did anything right!? Karzen is straight after all!" Melvin screamed in his mind.

"Oh, I hope I sound casual, please don't realize my intentions!" Karzen thought to himself as he picked up Melvin's dirty clothes. "I'll put these in the wash," He said and walked out casually, doing his best to keep his composure.

As soon as Karzen left, Melvin slowly stood up and grabbed his towel. He was still feeling a little embarrassed. His mind began to fantasize a little. Oh, Karzen was taking advantage of the sleeping me and used an excuse to wash me to stare at my body-- If only that was true QwQ.

Later, after Melvin washed up, he immediately went to his computer to open his previous post and posted an update.

LittlePrince: Shocked! My Best Friend willingly wiped my whole body while I was asleep! So embarrassed!

SoftKitty: ....

MissPotat: ....

SoupLife: ....

FujoChan: LittlePrince, are you sure you two aren't dating?

LittlePrince: ????????

FujoChan: Aiya, maybe you are too dense ah, stupid Prince.

LittlePrince: No one has called me stupid before QAQ

FujoChan: Congratulations on your first time.


MissPotat: LMAO


LittlePrince: Hey! Why are you all being so mean! QAQ

FujoChan: You're so pitiful ah, LittlePrince! You don't even know he has just taken advantage of you!

LittlePrince: Ah? What do you mean?

FujoChan: Unless you have fainted, most people would just force the other to wake up and bath or just ignore ba!

LittlePrince: B...but he...

MissPotat: "He..." what? Other than wanting to eat your tofu, I don't think there is another meaning ba!

SoftKitty: Such a dense and cute bottom! LittlePrince, if I were a man I would definitely take advantage of your innocence!

LittlePrince: OAO!!!

SoupLife: I say ah, LittlePrince, if he were to begin to hug you or give you a kiss, I bet you won't even struggle!

LittlePrince: That... that ah...

FujoChan: Aiya! At this point, you should wait a bit more ba LittlePrince! If he starts to be more touchy-feel with you, you can try to confess!

SoftKitty: LOL That's if he realizes the other is being more touchy-feel

MissPotat: LMAO I agree wwww

Seeing as he would only be teased further, Melvin turned off his computer. Right after, he heard Karzen calling him for lunch. He shouted back a reply before walking out of his room.

The things others had said to him had made the gears in his brain begin turning, although ever so slightly. He walked towards to the dining area and caught a glimpse of Karzen before he began to ponder again.

'If... If he will really become more... physical, then...' Melvin felt his face begin to heat up, his ears starting to turn red. 'If it's like that... then I will confess...!' Melvin felt that he had some sort of excitement building up.

But while he was excited, a sudden thought flashed through him. It made him freeze for a moment.

'...but what if I misunderstand?'

'What if... it's only some brotherly feelings?'

'Would he actually hate me?'

'No, he's too nice... he might say that I am confused by my own feelings. He might distance himself from me.'

'If it really came to that... we won't be able to be like how we are now.'

'I don't want that to happen...!'

Melvin glanced at Karzen. His heart felt painful, his gaze was burning.

'I love him.'
