
1 - Good morning, California

Good morning, people.

I open my eyes, lying on a nice bed. Standing up and setting the curtains open, welcome the morning sun. Yellow, sparking lights come through my room.

And, there you go, good morning, California.

In Garden Grove - July 2018.


As usual, I brush my teeth, wash my face and take a cool morning shower. Getting things done soon for my schedule. I am a model photographer, working with newspaper and magazine models. My day is great, wearing nice comfortable jeans, a plain shirt and a long coat outside. I am still single at age thirty - such a man with no attractiveness. Well, people say that pretty much all time. I get it behind my head. Haha.

As a day, one of the important things to go on my day is my lovely camera. Big or small, expensive or not, I bring all to get the best shooting day.

I arrived at my workplace at about seven. As usual, nobody here except the manager of the shooting today.

"Oh, hello, Jamin. It is such a surprise when you never arrive here late."

"Good morning, manager Kim. Well, I want to get everything done before our model arrives here."

Manager Kim is a kind person. She has worked here since 2000 when the company just began to ready hiring for people.

"I know you don't want people waiting for you. Better say the truth here, guy."

And she knows people well…

"Haha," I smile, "I can never lie to you."

"Yeah, you better not."

A little morning conversation made my day. I like that, for sure. Perhaps, it got me to feel comfortable in a new working condition. I take out my camera suitcase, set up all the lights, and palace my favorite camera in the middle. The backgrounds were all ready yesterday. This will be a smooth shooting time until lunch today, so I don't worry much about it.

After setting up all of my cameras, I go for breakfast. Well, there is a lucky thing that I can tell about my company workplace - there is a fine cafe that provides breakfast every morning located nearby just by walking a few steps to go there. A vintage brownie color and nature balcony cover with small green plants.

I ordered two cups of coffee and an egg sandwich. I guess because I am the one who comes here several times, the workers also know me.

"Two cups of coffee and an egg sandwich, right?" The worker here asks lively, moving fast to make my order.

"How did you know? I have never seen you here before." I smile politely.

"I just moved here today. I learned about it from my manager." The worker does my coffee while talking with me. "You work nearby and always be our first customer here for years."

"Oh yeah. Well, thank you so much for letting me know. Have a great day, lady." I pay for my meal and walk back to the company. Meanwhile, the city is waking to start a new day. Well, not eat breakfast and start my new day!

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