
An Unfortunate Situation

The world.

One thing that describes all. Everything. It's specifications and those who lives there.

But may I asked you.

Is it really fine to rule over it?

Some people might say; 'Its ok. Filling over the world what you do whatever you want, right?'

Yeah, that's for you. But what will you do if this world is something full of nothing but just danger.

Danger lurking everywhere like the air you breath.

That's what I'm looking at right now.

A world full of nothing but danger.

Monsters lurks everywhere like ants. Animals in different species luckily survived. But because of a certain mistake, almost of the human population is in the brink of extinction. Only to be found in the villages of humanoid with big nose as they called Villagers .

Now, you might ask; 'Who are you?'

Welp? My name is Notch. Someone who ruled the world once. But because of the fight with me and a strong monster called Herobrine, the aftershocks caused many problems.

Now that I have defeated him,in exchanged I lost all of my powers. I am no more but just an invisible soul, lurking around.

But even so.

Even so I have lost my powers, I have dreamt, no, a prophecy had shown itself to me.

A prophecy of someone to be summoned here in this world. Someone who might save them. No. Someone who might save US from the dangers.

To end the legendary Ender Dragon once and for all.

"Oh, dear player of prophecy. Lend this shameful world your strength, and it shall give you something too."













[3rd person POV]

In a certain dark appartment, there sat a man infront of his computer screen. Everywhere is dark where as the light that shines is just the light of his computer screen.

This is Joir Bizronia. A 20 year old man who works at different part time jobs goes survival. He had a black hair and red eyes. He's not like those main characters with good looks. Just an average man with a terrible life. His friend Shibou had recently died from the cause of an heroic deed.

He saved a girl from a burning house. He could've survived that fire if it's not for the stupid firemens that were not doing anything but act heroic. But because of those bastards, he ended up throwing the girl from the 2nd floor's window before getting hit by a debris.

Joir tried to enter the burning building to save his best friend. But as luck played with him, the house collapsed before he can enter it, burrying his friend alive and got burned into nothing but just burned flesh.

After that, Joir despised the firemens. Hating them down to the core.

After his friend's burial, he just locked himself into his rented apartment and just played Minecraft all day all night.

"YES!!!" Hour screamed as he defeated the Ender Dragon with his Enchanted Bow.

"Finally!!! I finally defeated the Ender Dragon!!"

With his over joyed celebration, he began to dance around crazy.

He finally have reached his goal. He's not someone who can speedrun and knows everything about Minecraft. But if it comes to playing it, he copied everything he can on Reddit for life hacks at it.

For what it's his goal, well, after Shibou died, they two promised to beat the Ender Dragon both. But with him dying, Joir cursed himself to play it. With a controler on his hand, while his feet is playing Shibou's character.

As Joir keep dancing around, a certain spark on his computer.

After finishing his dance for a couple of hours, Joir finally stopped and looked at his computer screen up close.

"Is this real?!"

But as he touched the screen,







The console sparked before,


It exploded.

With his face up close to the screen, the shards went stabbing to his whole face. His eyes, skin, mouth. Everywhere in his face.

As that, his life is instantly killed. His own corpse collaped in the ground as a pool of blood spreads everywhere.










[Joir's POV]

After the Explosion, I felt pain, then nothing.

Even with the quick blackout, I can still feel the pain. It feels like I was suffering for years as I felt that. Like, WTF?! The last thing I felt was my eyes getting stabbed by shards and nothing!!

But now I can feel my bo-!!

Wait, how am I able to feel my body?!

"W-what the fuck?.." I cursed as I slowly opened my seemingly closed eyes.

But what greeted me is not what I'm fucking goddamn expecting...




I'm in an abandoned village...




Infront of me is a wolf while a fucking skeleton under a tree with bow aims it's weapon at me..




'Where the fuck am I?...'

"AND WHAT IN THE FUCKING NAME OF JESUS ARE YOU?!?!" I yelled as I pointed my finger at the skeleton with bow.

But it only worsen it as the skeleton pulled it's bow string with arrow at me more.









Aight folks, Imma stop it here. Did ya' enjoyed it? Well, it doesn't matter anyways. If you liked it, stay tuned!