
C8: Years Of Time Skip |Part 3|

• (In Sabaody Archipelago) {Year: 13.5} •

A hooded figure walked through the busy street near slave market. People around him moved away from his path unconsciously, due to his aura. All they could see were his green eyes inside the hood, but that was all they needed to know who he was.

"It's Ryu!", "What's he doing here?", "A trouble's coming for sure..." There were mutterings around him that recognized him. The Marines had been searching for the green eyes child who helped three slaves of Celestial Dragons and easily beat a Vice Admiral at 9-years-old.


"What?!" The Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, shouted at the messenger in front of him, "are you sure it's him?!"

"Yes! He's been sighted at the Sabaody Archipelago, walking around. It doesn't look like he has a goal there." The marine messenger reported to his boss. "However, there's a World Noble and his guards near the area. It seems they will bump into each other soon!"

"Shit! They'll no doubt cause trouble for him if they meet!" Sengoku was in a panic, "Admiral Kizaru, take a fleet and protect the Noble quickly!"

"Ye~s, Fle~et Admi~ral." Admiral Kizaru in the room, acknowledged the order. Walking out, he muttered, "R~yu... I~'ll ge~t yo~u thi~s ti~me!"


A crowd kneeled around a group of 15, not daring to look up at them. The group were of Celestial Dragon and his guards. They didn't want to incur his anger in any way.

"Huh? The bastard with green eyes is near by?" The World Noble, Saint Chad, received information from one of his guards. "Is he the one who helped the escapees?"

"Y-yes! The Marines are requesting us to stay away from him, not wanting Saint Chad to be harmed in any way!" One of the guard reported to him.

"Hmm..." He pretended to be thinking in his large air-filtering bubble around his head. After a minute of false thinking, he ordered him, "no. Let's go get him! I want to torture him and get his rare green eyes!"

"W-what?!" The guard shout surprised.

"You're so slow." Bringing out his gun, he aimed it at him, "die."



"You," he then pointed towards another of his guards, "take over the command. Now finish my orders, take the brat with green eyes."


"Sabaody Archipelago looks amazing when you're actually there." Ryu had no idea a World Noble was near him. The people near him moved away to make path for him.

Later, he saw a sort of guard shouting something to the other guards, pointing at him. Then they ran towards him, encircling him.

"Hmm?" He simply stopped and stood. "What are you guys doing?"

"Little brat with the green eyes! You're Ryu, the one who helped the escapees back then, aren't you?!" One of the guards asked him rudely.

"No." Ryu lied without any shame.

Everyone else, "..." 'Bastard, how can you lie without any shame when you have the similar green eyes?!'

"So, I'll be on my way," he told them walking straight, not stopping.

The guards didn't move away from him, instead they brought their weapons upon him. Suddenly, as if the time moved very slow, Ryu turned his eyes toward them, making them look like they were the preys.

Widening his green eyes slightly, he brought out his Conqueror's Haki coated with king characteristic. The colors around them went colorless for a second, as if fearful of Ryu. A small wind burst out of him, focused on the ones who were attacking him without involving the innocent.


Then the time went back to normal as Ryu resumed walking away. As he walked away, the guards who were attacking started to fall down as if a sudden heavy gravity increased upon them.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

"W-what was that?!", "They just fell all of sudden?", "Wait! They look like a Celestial Dragon's guards!", "Crap, a World Noble's close by, and since the trouble started, the Marines are coming!" The crowd started to panic when they recognized who the guards were of. They quickly ran away to hide from the conflict, being fearful for their lives.


"Hm~m," A light flashed near the guards' position. "Se~ems I w~as la~te..."

Taking out a snail, he started to talk to it, "Fle~et Adm~iral, we wer~e too la~te."

"Damn! Just protect the Noble, make sure he doesn't get hurt!" Sengoku's voice came out as the snail mimicked him.



"Mmn, looks like I brought trouble upon myself this time," Ryu nonchalantly said as he looked at the World Noble in front of him. "So those guards were yours, huh?"

"Heh, that's right! You brought trouble on yourself again, the Marines are coming!" The World Noble boldly announced, "now I'll be having the fame of capturing you in the Celesital Dragons community!"

"...Insignificant bug, you think you would live if you try to capture me?!" The after-effects of using a king-coated Conqueror's Haki lingered within him. "You forced this upon yourself!"

Unconsciously bringing out a bit of pressure on Saint Chad, he walked towards him. Saint Chat, receiving the pressure, felt like he suddenly went from earth to hell. Then, Ryu brought out the durable sword out of nowhere. His cold green eyes were looking straight at the Noble's eyes, scaring him. Raising the sword slowly with his right arm, he coldly said, "Die, scum."

"Y-you can't do this!" The Noble suddenly went weak in his legs and fell down as he leaked a disgusting pungent smell. "I-I'm a Celestial Dragon, y-yo-you can't kill me!"

"Pathetic!" He made one quick slash, about to cut the Noble in half, but suddenly a light projectile flashed towards him. He quickly encased Armament Haki on his sword, causing it to have pitch black color with green glowing around it. He then repelled the light projectile with a trajectory and jumped backwards.


A explosion happened at the spot Ryu was at after he jumped back. Then in a very fast speed, a voice came out as another light flashed in front of the World Noble, "Ryu! We meet again! You'll die this tim-"

He never got to finished his sentence as he started to dodge Ryu's sudden attacks. Ryu was never one to let the enemy stall for time, with the powerless like Saint Chad being the exceptions.



"I see you made Admiral," he spoke as he kept attacking with his Armament Haki-coated sword, "even though you couldn't get me when I was younger, Light bastard!"

Bringing out a light sword, he used Soru to get Ryu, "I'll get you this time!"

As he soru'ed behind Ryu, he brought down his light sword in a light speed. Ryu however disappeared as it was about to get him, leaving behind only a cut hood cloth. Kizaru looked around quickly to find him, only to see him behind the World Noble that was running! He had used Soru, a skill of the Marines'!

"Don't think I'm letting you leave here without suffering!" Ryu yelled at the pathetic Noble. His eyes looked like a predator hunting down the prey. He quickly cut off the prey's legs.

The Noble started to squeal like a pig, "AHHHH! MY LEGS!"

"Damn." Kizaru was late saving the pi- Celestial Dragon, but the Marines finally arrived and surrounded Ryu heavily. The amount of the Marines were close to a thousand, with several Vice Admirals leading. Armed with heavy weapons, they began to charge towards him.

"Tch! I'll let you suffer being legless, pathetic bug!" Not wanting to harm the innocents in The Noble's dilemma, he decided to leave. Uncasing the sword of his Armament Haki, Ryu threw back the sword into his storage again, "I'm leaving!"

Widening his eyes wide, he took out 5% of his Conqueror's Haki, instead of king, he used the custom-made one with god's characteristic. The world stilled as if time stopped for a God, and went colorless for everyone to see. A huge circular burst of wind came with Ryu being the center, pressuring onto all of the Marines and around the world, with the closest taking the most.

*BOOM* Sudden burst of wind comes!

*WHOOSH* Pressure spreads out, pow pow the marines!

After that, the world returned to normal, colorful and time present. All of the Marines couldn't take the pressure of a God, so they quickly went unconscious, few foaming at the mouth. Ryu disappeared without a trace except a sword-like beam flashed towards the sky, moving quickly.

• (Far Away from Sabaody Archipelago, in a unknown island) {Year: 13.5} •

"KU-AHHH!" Ryu started to feel painful all over his body, as if his body was breaking and cracking everywhere.

[Warning! You will go unconscious for awhile, due to you being unable to take the after-effects of using the god-coated Conqueror's Haki. Your body and soul can't handle the power of Gods, even though it's false power. Length of being in Unconscious State: 6-8 months.]

"Shit. I only used a small portion of it and I already need to rest." Ryu tiredly said.

"Protect me, system...", he said as he started to fell unconscious.

[Yes.] Unlike any time before, the system replied with determination.

• <Aftermath> {Year 13.6} •

In Mariejois...

Five old men sat around the chairs. They looked serious. They had also experienced the pressure from a far, it was as if he was commanding attention.

"We need to increase his bounty," a white-gi wearing glasses samurai started.

"Yes." The baldie with birthmarks on forehead agreed.

"However, how high should we increase it?" the samurai asked the others for their opinions.

"He's helped three escapees of the Nobles, embarrassed the Nobles by cutting off the legs of the one Noble, and showed such power at a young age," the gray dreadlocks man with a walking cane listed out the deeds Ryu did.

"We gave him 100M bounty because the Celestial Dragons wouldn't let him go away with the three women who ate the devil fruits...", a tall, thin bearded man with long white hair told him.

"Also the Germa Kingdom has requested us to increase his bounty as well, for some reason." the samurai added.

"Wouldn't increasing his bounty only make the others fear him and not hunt him?" The youngest-looking blond man questioned.

"That's precisely why we're increasing it," the samurai explained, "but only to reasonable amount."

"Increase it to 500M and title him the 'Solitary Pirate'," a hollow voice came out of nowhere in the room. "Also change it to Dead only."

"...Yes, IM," all five of them replied.

• {Year: 13.8} •

News Coo spreaded out the news of Ryu's actions and new bounty paper.

[The Solitary Pirate, a Super Rookie, Ryu Attacks A Celestial Dragon!?]

{A Celestial Dragon gets his legs cut off by a infamous pirate, Ryu! It is said that he attacked the Celestial Dragon's guards first, before finding the Celestial Dragon! His bounty has increased from 100M to 500M. Originally, he had 100M for helping three escapees from the Celestial Dragons. Is it possible that he has a vendetta on the Celestial Dragons? It was said that he easily defeated a Vice Admiral, embarrassing the Marines at that time. However, he has embarrassed the Marines once again, they couldn't stop and arrest the Solitary Pirate, Ryu! He escaped from a thousand Marine soldiers led by several Vice Admirals and a Admiral. Admiral Kizaru fought valiantly against the Solitary Pirate, holding him off successfully while the other Marines encircled him into a pinch! Forced to escape, he ran away, but not before he showed his full power and caused every Marines there to fall unconscious, it is said he had used Conqueror's Haki. However, is that really it? His location is currently unknown.}


[*Picture of Ryu* (A young 14-years-old boy, shoulder-length unruly black hair, bright green eyes, chiseled handsome face, and lean muscular body. Wearing grey shirt and a black shorts, he was amidst fighting an Admiral with a sword.)]

[Solitary Pirate, Ryu]




In Marine Headquarters...

"Have we found him yet?!" Sengoku yelled at the Admirals and Vice Admirals around the table. "Those damned Celestial Dragons wants his head!"

"Justice will always prevail," Admiral Akainu simply stated.

"No~pe, hav~en't fou~nd him," Admiral Kizaru slowly reported.

Admiral Kuzan said nothing, as he was sleeping with his eyes mask covering them.

Vice Admiral Garp laughed boisterously, "Haha! That brat's got balls!"

The rest of Vice Admirals only sweatdropped.

Looking at this group of Admirals and Vices, Sengoku couldn't help and think, 'how did they become Admirals or Vice Admirals again?'


In Sabaody...

"*Sigh*... I still couldn't find him..." The former first-mate of Rogers Pirate said depressingly.

"He's alive, Ray," Shaku consolingly told him. "That's all it matters."

"Yeah... But that pressure was heavy and probably everyone felt it," Rayleigh said, "he didn't have that back then. He also left right away after using it as if he had overdid it."

"Well, if he needed help, he would've came to us," she replied quietly, "...right?"

"Probably not..." Ray wondered, "he's just that kind of person. He'd rather do it alone without any burdens."


In New World, on a island...

"Hmm..." A red-haired man looked at the newspaper that was telling about Ryu. "So it was him..."

The other crew-mates of the Red-Haired Pirates looked at each others as they didn't think it was serious. It was Ryu! So, we should be glad that he was strong, but their captain, Shanks, looked so serious.

"What's wrong with that?", one of them asked him.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I'm just worried..." Shanks replied back. "Just what are you hiding, Ryu...?"


In East Blue...

"Seems he's surpassed me already," a hawk-eyes man with a black goatee muttered. "But I still want to fight him with swords only..."

Slightly smiling, he said, "I hope he'll come to me sometime soon."


In Amazon Lily...

"Ryu..." A beautiful young woman said worriedly, "I hope you're safe..."

Her two sisters were at her side, also hoping that he would be okay or else Hancock wouldn't be able to take it.

A short old lady came in and sighed, "he's strong, so he'll be okay. *sigh* I used to be like that... *puts up an unfitting face of her*."

"Go away disgusting old hag!" Hancock threw objects at the disgusting old hag.

"What did you call me?! I'm the one who took care of you and brought you here!" Elder Nyon shouted back while flying out of the window.

"Ryu... I'm ready for you." Hancock said. Suddenly, she blushed furiously while imagining, "Ahhh~! Ryu and me in wedding suits, ki-kissing!"

Her sisters at the sides, 'Good luck, sis! We'll support you no matter what in your one-sided relationship!'

Next chapter